Happy to see this, I hope all expansion will be here

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Good to see this, I wish to see the steps too what is the perfect order to follow.

Eg: phantom interactions with: - teleport (phantom teleport together to same tile as the meeple, or phantom stay on teleport tile?) - dragon (phantom has immune?dragon only eats flesh and blood) - artist (can I place 1 meeple + phantom as artist?) - tower tile If I place a tower, can I still place phantom on the same tile (or next to it if artist)? - builder (when builder turn,can I use phantom again?)

Dragon eats the whole circus, right? Etas flesh and blood, and ruins the tent I think...

Could Fairy move when Dragon appears or moves?

Captured meeple can be set free after I saw what is on my tile, or have to do before?

Circus points confusing to me.

If I have a circus, and 3 meeples around, and I place a circus next to it, and put 1 meeple on the road, 1 phantom on the other side road, than the circus score will be affected all 5 meeples, right? Or just the first 3? Freshly placed meeples around the circus get scored? (according to rules: place a tile, place follower, score tile. = I put meeples first, and score the circus after) Seems too much points to me.

3 artist stands already and a fairy protecting them. If all 3 different colour all get 1 extra point, and when scores 5 pt each they all get 3 extra points? What if 2 red 1 blue artist stands there and fairy? Just reds get 3 points when scoring blue no extra points?

When Circus scoring and fairy stand next to 1 meeple, get extra 3 points than too?

If Mage stand on german castle tile, scores +1 point/ tile, so that is 24 points?

Cult next to Cloister, but the last tile placed finish both, than who get points? Nobody or both? I think if red on cult, blue on cloister, and red places the last tile and finish both with it, than only red get points.

If the dragon eats the meeple from cult when the race is on with the monk, but after I telelport back another heretic, the race is on again, right?

What do you think?