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// ***** Updating tile counter *****

var EDITION_COUNTER = "#_Edition_Tile_Counter_";
var EDITION_SEPARATOR = "#_Tile_Separator_";
var SECTION_COUNTER = "#_Section_Tile_Counter_";
var EDGES_HEADER_COUNTER = "#_Edges_Header_Tile_Counter_";
var EDGES_TABLE_COUNTER = "#_Edges_Table_Tile_Counter_";
var EXPANSION_COUNTER = "#_Expansion_Tile_Counter_";
var TILE_COUNTER = "#_Tile_Counter_";
var TILE_DESCRIPTION = "#_Tile_Description_";
var TILE_DESCRIPTION_VISIBILITY = "#_Tile_Desc_Visible_";

var BaseGameFeaturesMap =
  garden: "acronFeatureG_Label",
  highwaymen: "acronFeatureH_Label",
  farmhouse: "acronFeatureF_Label",
  pigs: "acronFeatureP_Label",
  cows: "acronFeatureC_Label",
  donkeys: "acronFeatureD_Label",
  water_tower: "acronFeatureW_Label",

var FeatureMap =
  road: "showRoad",
  city: "showCity",
  monastery: "showMonastery",
  field: "showField",
  abbey: "showAbbey",
  shrine: "showShrine",
  cemetery: "showCemetery",
  haunted_castle: "showHauntedCastle",
  german_castle: "showGermanCastle",
  german_cathedral: "showGermanCathedral",
  german_monastery: "showGermanMonastery",
  dutch_belgian_monastery: "showDutchAndBelgianMonastery",
  japanese_building: "showJapaneseBuilding",
  darmstadt_church: "showDarmstadtChurch",
  baba_yagas_hut: "showBabaYagasHut",
  tent: "showFortuneTellerTent",

  garden: "showGarden",
  highwaymen: "showHighwaymen",
  farmhouse: "showFarmhouse",
  pigs: "showPigsty",
  cows: "showCowShed",
  donkeys: "showDonkeyStable",
  water_tower: "showWaterTower",

  river_source: "showRiverSource",
  river_lake: "showRiverLake",
  river_fork: "showRiverFork",
  river_segment: "showRiverSegment",

  magic_portal: "showMagicPortal",
  volcano: "showVolcano",
  tower: "showTowerFoundation",
  fair: "showFair",
  bazaar: "showBazaar",
  circus_area: "showCircusArea",
  acrobat_area: "showAcrobatArea",
  betting_office: "showBettingOffice",
  flying_machine: "showFlyingMachine",
  crop_circle: "showCropCicle",
  fruit_tree: "showFruitBearingTree",
  solovei: "showSoloveiRazboyniksTree",
  vodyanoy: "showVodyanoysLake",
  farm_cottage: "showFieldCottage",
  farm_cattle: "showFieldCattle",
  small_bridge: "showSmallBridge",
  large_bridge: "showLargeBridge",
  city_overpass: "showCityOverpass",
  road_village : "showCrossroadWithVillage",
  road_trees: "showCrossroadsWithTrees",
  road_cottage: "showRoadCottage",
  bogatyr: "showBogatyrsStone",
  roundabout: "showRoundabout",
  inn: "showInn",
  cathedral: "showCathedral",
  pig_herd: "showPigHerd",
  vineyard: "showVineyard",
  printed_sheep: "showPrintedSheep",
  misty_field: "showMistyField",
  haunted_castle_ruins: "showHauntedCastleRuins",
  porxada: "showPorxada",
  tunnel: "showTunnel",
  darmstadtium: "showDarmstadtium",
  labyrinth: "showLabyrinth",
  ferry_lake: "showFerryLake",
  siege: "showSiege",
  festival: "showFestival",
  watchtower: "showWatchtower",
  bathhouse: "showBathhouse",
  traveler_group: "showTravelerGroup",

  pennant: "showCoatOfArms",
  princess: "showPrincessSymbol",
  barrel: "showBarrelSymbol",
  cloth: "showClothSymbol",
  wheat: "showWheatSymbol",
  dragon: "showDragonSymbol",
  wheel_number: "showWheelWithNumber",
  gold: "showGoldSymbol",
  magic_symbol: "showMagicSymbol",
  robber_symbol: "showRobberSymbol",
  cathar: "showCatharSymbol",
  festival_symbol: "showFestivalSymbol",
  gingerbread_man: "showGingerbreadManSymbol",
  outbreak: "showOutbreakSymbol",
  wind_rose: "showWindRose",
  city_gate: "showCityGate",
  revolt: "showPeasantRevolt",
  symbol_add_meeple: "showAddMeepleSymbol",
  symbol_place_meeple: "showPlaceMeepleSymbol",
  symbol_extra_turn: "showExtraTurnSymbol",
  signposts: "showSignpostSymbol",

  city_Carcassonne: "showCityOfCarcassonne",
  wheel_of_Fortune: "showWheelOfFortune",
  school: "showSchool",
  city_of_Leipzig: "showCityOfLeipzig",

  points_tile: "showPT50",
  message: "showMMMM",
  king_tile: "showKKRR",
  robber_tile: "showKKRR",
  goldmine_tile: "showPPPP",
  rules_tile: "showRULE",
  blank_tile: "showBLNK",

// *** Not features anymore ***
  points_tile: "showPointsTile",
  goldmine_tile: "showGoldminesPointsTile",
  king_tile: "showKingTile",
  robber_tile: "showRobberBaronTile",
  message: "showMessageTile",

function getTileDescription( oPresentFeatures )
  var nCount = Object.keys( oPresentFeatures ).length;
  var bShortFormat = ( nCount > 3 );
  var iItems = 0;
  var strRes = ""; 

  for ( var strFeature in BaseGameFeaturesMap )
    var iFeatureCount = oPresentFeatures[ strFeature ];

    // If no entry exits, skip feature
    if ( !iFeatureCount ) continue;

    var strLabelId = BaseGameFeaturesMap[ strFeature ];
    var strLabel = getLabel( strLabelId );

    if ( bShortFormat )
      strRes += ( iItems > 0  ? ";" : "" ) + ( iFeatureCount > 1 ? iFeatureCount + "x" : "" ) + strLabel;
      for ( var i = 0; i < iFeatureCount; i++ )
        strRes += ( iItems > 0  ? ";" : "" ) + strLabel;
  return strRes;

function getTileInfoOR( oTile )
  var iTileCount = 0; // oTile.totalCount;
  var oPresentFeatures = {};
  var oRes = { tileCount: 0, tileDescription: "" };

  var bFullyVisible = false;
  var arrFeatures = oTile.features;
  for ( var strFeature in arrFeatures )
    var strFeatureClassId = FeatureMap[ strFeature ];
    if ( !strFeatureClassId ) continue;

    var bVisible = doEval( strFeatureClassId );
    bFullyVisible = bFullyVisible || bVisible;

    oPresentFeatures[ strFeature ] = arrFeatures[ strFeature ];
  var arrOtherFeatures = {};

  var bPartiallyVisible = false;
  var arrSpecialCases = oTile.specialCases;
  for ( var i in arrSpecialCases )
    var oSpecialCase = arrSpecialCases[ i ];
    var bRes = true;
    var iCount = oSpecialCase.totalCount;
    var arrFeatures = oSpecialCase.features;

    var bCaseVisible = false;
    for ( var strFeature in arrFeatures )
      var strFeatureClassId = FeatureMap[ strFeature ];
      if ( !strFeatureClassId ) continue;

      var bVisible = doEval( strFeatureClassId );
      bCaseVisible = bCaseVisible || bVisible;

      if ( bVisible || bFullyVisible ){
        arrOtherFeatures[ strFeature ] = iCount; // tweak to get right count // arrFeatures[ strFeature ];
    bPartiallyVisible = bPartiallyVisible || bCaseVisible;
    if ( bCaseVisible )
      iTileCount += iCount;
  if ( bPartiallyVisible || bFullyVisible )
    // Accumulate full (possibly empty) + partial features (possible empty)
    // Append special features
    for ( var strFeature in arrOtherFeatures )
      oPresentFeatures[ strFeature ] = arrOtherFeatures[ strFeature ];
  if ( bFullyVisible )
    // Total Count
    iTileCount = oTile.totalCount;

  if ( iTileCount > 0 )
    var strRes = getTileDescription( oPresentFeatures );

    if ( strRes.length > 0 )
      oRes.tileDescription = "(" + strRes + ")";

  oRes.tileCount = iTileCount;

  return oRes;

function getTileInfoAND( oTile )
  var iTileCount = oTile.totalCount;
  var oPresentFeatures = {};
  var oRes = { tileCount: 0, tileDescription: "" };

  var arrFeatures = oTile.features;
  for ( var strFeature in arrFeatures )
    var strFeatureClassId = FeatureMap[ strFeature ];
    if ( !strFeatureClassId ) continue;

    var bVisible = doEval( strFeatureClassId );

    // As soon as one feature in the tile is not active, returns notifying no tile is visible
    if( !bVisible ) return oRes;

    oPresentFeatures[ strFeature ] = arrFeatures[ strFeature ];

  var arrSpecialCases = oTile.specialCases;
  for ( var i in arrSpecialCases )
    var oSpecialCase = arrSpecialCases[ i ];
    var bRes = true;
    var iCount = oSpecialCase.totalCount;
    var arrFeatures = oSpecialCase.features;

    var arrOtherFeatures = {};

    for ( var strFeature in arrFeatures )
      var strFeatureClassId = FeatureMap[ strFeature ];
      if ( !strFeatureClassId ) continue;

      var bVisible = doEval( strFeatureClassId );

      bRes = bRes && bVisible;

      if ( !bRes ) break;

      arrOtherFeatures[ strFeature ] = iCount; // tweak to get right count // arrFeatures[ strFeature ];

    if ( !bRes )
      iTileCount -= iCount;
      // Append special features
      for ( var strFeature in arrOtherFeatures )
        oPresentFeatures[ strFeature ] = arrOtherFeatures[ strFeature ];

  if ( iTileCount > 0 )
    var strRes = getTileDescription( oPresentFeatures );

    if ( strRes.length > 0 )
      oRes.tileDescription = "(" + strRes + ")";

  oRes.tileCount = iTileCount;

  return oRes;

function doUpdateTile( oTile, strParentRef )
  // Switch between AND and OR filters for features
  var FnGetFileInfo = ( PreferencesMap.requireAllFeatures ? getTileInfoAND : getTileInfoOR );
  var bShowAllTiles = PreferencesMap.showAllTiles;

  var oTileInfo = FnGetFileInfo( oTile );
  var iTotalCount = oTileInfo.tileCount;

  var iPreviousCount = oTile.currentCount;
//  if ( iPreviousCount != iTotalCount )
    oTile.currentCount = iTotalCount;

    var strRef = strParentRef + " #" +;

    if ( bShowAllTiles )
      $( strRef ).show(); 
      if ( iTotalCount == 0 )
        $( strRef ).css( "opacity", 0.2 );    
        $( strRef ).css( "opacity", 1.0 );    
      if ( iTotalCount == 0 )
        $( strRef ).hide();
        $( strRef ).show();    
        $( strRef ).css( "opacity", 1.0 );    

    var strTileCountId = strRef + " " + TILE_COUNTER;
    var strTileCount = "" + ( oTile.displayedCount || iTotalCount );
    $( strTileCountId ).html( strTileCount );

    var strTileDescriptionId = strRef + " " + TILE_DESCRIPTION;
    var strDescription = oTileInfo.tileDescription;
    $( strTileDescriptionId ).html( strDescription );

    var strTileDescriptionVisibilityId = strRef + " " + TILE_DESCRIPTION_VISIBILITY;
    var bDescriptionVisible = (strDescription.length > 0 );
    if ( bDescriptionVisible )
      $( strTileDescriptionVisibilityId ).show();    
      $( strTileDescriptionVisibilityId ).hide();    

  return iTotalCount;

function doUpdateExpansion( oExpansion, strParentRef )
  var iTotalCount = 0;
  var iReferenceCount = 0;
  var strRef = strParentRef + " #" +;

  var strClassId = "show" +;
  var bVisible = doEval( strClassId );

  if ( bVisible )
    var arrTiles = oExpansion.tiles;
    for ( var i in arrTiles )
      var oTile = arrTiles[ i ];
      iTotalCount += doUpdateTile( oTile, strRef );
    iReferenceCount = oExpansion.totalCount;

  var iPreviousCount = oExpansion.currentCount;
//  if ( iPreviousCount != iTotalCount )
    oExpansion.currentCount = iTotalCount;

    var strCounterText = iTotalCount + "&nbsp;/&nbsp;" + iReferenceCount; // oExpansion.totalCount;

    var strCounterId = strRef + " " + EXPANSION_COUNTER;
    $( strCounterId ).html( strCounterText );

  var bShowAllTiles = PreferencesMap.showAllTiles;
  if ( iReferenceCount == 0 || ( iTotalCount == 0 && !bShowAllTiles ) ) 
    $( strRef ).hide();
    $( strRef ).show();

  var oCounterRes = { tileCount: iTotalCount, referenceCount: iReferenceCount };

  return oCounterRes; // iTotalCount;

function doUpdateEdges( oEdges, strParentRef )
  var iTotalCount = 0;
  var iReferenceCount = 0;
  var strRef = strParentRef + " #" +;

  var strClassId = "show" +;
  var bVisible = doEval( strClassId );

  if ( bVisible )
    var arrExpansions = oEdges.expansions;
    for ( var i in arrExpansions )
      var oExpansion = arrExpansions[ i ];
      var oCounterRes = doUpdateExpansion( oExpansion, strRef );
      iTotalCount += oCounterRes.tileCount;
      iReferenceCount += oCounterRes.referenceCount;

  var iPreviousCount = oEdges.currentCount;
//  if ( iPreviousCount != iTotalCount )
    oEdges.currentCount = iTotalCount;

    var strRawCounterText = iTotalCount + "&nbsp;/&nbsp;" + iReferenceCount; // oEdges.totalCount;
    //var strHeaderCounterText = "(" + strRawCounterText + ")";
    var strHeaderCounterText = strRawCounterText;
    var strTableCounterText = strRawCounterText;

    var strHeaderCounterId = strRef + " " + EDGES_HEADER_COUNTER;
    $( strHeaderCounterId ).html( strHeaderCounterText );

    var strTableCounterId = strRef + " " + EDGES_TABLE_COUNTER;
    $( strTableCounterId ).html( strTableCounterText );

  var bShowAllTiles = PreferencesMap.showAllTiles;
  if ( iReferenceCount == 0 || ( iTotalCount == 0 && !bShowAllTiles ) ) 
    $( strRef ).hide();
    $( strRef ).show();

  var oCounterRes = { tileCount: iTotalCount, referenceCount: iReferenceCount };

  return oCounterRes; // iTotalCount;

function doUpdateSection( oSection, strParentRef )
  var iTotalCount = 0;
  var iReferenceCount = 0;
  var strRef = strParentRef + " #" +;

  var arrEdges = oSection.edges;
  for ( var i in arrEdges )
    var oEdges = arrEdges[ i ];
    var oResCount = doUpdateEdges( oEdges, strRef );
    iTotalCount += oResCount.tileCount;
    iReferenceCount += oResCount.referenceCount;

  var iPreviousCount = oSection.currentCount;
//  if ( iPreviousCount != iTotalCount )
    oSection.currentCount = iTotalCount;

    //var strCounterText = "(" + iTotalCount + "/" + oSection.totalCount + ")";
    var strCounterText = iTotalCount + "&nbsp;/&nbsp;" + iReferenceCount; // oSection.totalCount;

    var strCounterId = strRef + " " + SECTION_COUNTER;
    $( strCounterId ).html( strCounterText );

  var bShowAllTiles = PreferencesMap.showAllTiles;
  if ( iReferenceCount == 0 || ( iTotalCount == 0 && !bShowAllTiles ) ) 
    $( strRef ).hide();
    $( strRef ).show();
  var oCounterRes = { tileCount: iTotalCount, referenceCount: iReferenceCount };

  return oCounterRes; // iTotalCount;

function doUpdateEdition( oEdition )
  var iTotalCount = 0;
  var iReferenceCount = 0;

  var strRef = "#" +;

  var arrSections = oEdition.sections;
  for ( var i in arrSections )
    var oSection = arrSections[ i ];
    var oResCount = doUpdateSection( oSection, strRef );
    iTotalCount += oResCount.tileCount;
    iReferenceCount += oResCount.referenceCount;

  var iPreviousCount = oEdition.currentCount;
//  if ( iPreviousCount != iTotalCount )
    oEdition.currentCount = iTotalCount;

//    var strCounterText = "(" + iTotalCount + "/" + oEdition.totalCount + ")";
    var strCounterText = iTotalCount + "&nbsp;/&nbsp;" + iReferenceCount; // oEdition.totalCount;

    var strCounterId = strRef + " " + EDITION_COUNTER;
    $( strCounterId ).html( strCounterText );

  var strSeparator = strRef + " " + EDITION_SEPARATOR;
  if ( iTotalCount == 0 )
    $( strSeparator ).hide();
    //$( strRef ).hide();
    $( strSeparator ).show();
    //$( strRef ).show();

  var oCounterRes = { tileCount: iTotalCount, referenceCount: iReferenceCount };

  return oCounterRes; // iTotalCount;

function doUpdateTileCounters()
  var iTotalCount = 0;
  var iReferenceCount = 0;

  var arrEdition = PageInfoMap.editions;
  for ( var strEditionKey in arrEdition )
    var oEdition = arrEdition[ strEditionKey ];
    var oResCount = doUpdateEdition( oEdition );
    iTotalCount += oResCount.tileCount;
    iReferenceCount += oResCount.referenceCount;
  PageInfoMap.totalCount = iTotalCount;
  PageInfoMap.referenceCount = iReferenceCount;