Talk:Halflings (1st edition)

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Rules clarifications

The page has to be updated to include the clarifications by HiG from 10/2015. These clarifications can be found on this CarcC entry started by Kettlefish.

Additionally, it would be necessary to review CarcC forum entries with open questions:

Let me know if there is some other thread to be considered.

--Meepledrone (talk) 23:53, 14 October 2018 (UTC)


--Meepledrone (talk) 00:07, 15 October 2018 (UTC)

Updated the rules to reflect the latest scoring rules after the 10/2015 clarifications. Included a note on the change in the rules though. Added some footnotes with examples of feature scoring for cities, roads and cloisters.

Included a note an the open issues with several expansions. If anyone considers it would be interesting to illustrate these cases, please let me know and I can work on it and add some explanatory images.

--Meepledrone (talk) 21:58, 18 October 2018 (UTC)

Cloisters Completion

I assume it would also be regarded as complete when the central cloisters tile is surrounded by 7 halflings each in their own whole tile space and an 8th halfling is placed in the last remaining whole tile space - in this case it would score 9 points as normal?


That is correct. The triangular gaps surrounding a cloister are ignored. So if you have 9 tiles (counting the cloister), you get 9 points.

--Meepledrone (talk) 23:30, 28 December 2018 (UTC)

Interaction with Abbey and Mayor Part 3 Barn

I feel the second House Rule needs revision, as the first half of the sentence is not grammatically correct. I assume the implication is that if the barn can be placed at an intersection of whole and Halfling tiles, the farm must be considered as joined through that point.

Your interpretation is correct: any triangular gaps under a barn can only be filled with farm-only triangular tips, so the the farms would be fully connected eventually. The other alternative would have been assuming a barn can be placed on several farms at the same time, kind of awkward when thinking of regular Carcassonne, right? This is why I discarded this alternative.

I revised the wording. I hope it is clear now.

--Meepledrone (talk) 23:51, 28 December 2018 (UTC)

New Edition Monasteries in Germany and Japanese Buildings

The page refers to the 1st. Edition equivalent would need to be updated for the sake of completeness.

--Meepledrone (talk) 00:18, 29 December 2018 (UTC)