Carcassonne Junior

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Carcassonne Junior este un joc de plasare a cartonașelor pentru 2 până la 4 jucători, cu vârste de 4 în sus.

It was first published by Hans im Glück in 2009 under the name Die Kinder von Carcassonne, and initially translated into English as The Kids of Carcassonne (RGG 2009). It was renamed My First Carcassonne for the first ZMG release in 2014. A second ZMG design, with revised artwork, was released in 2020 along with updated releases in most markets.

It is known as Carcassonne: Junior in most non-English versions.

Carcassonne Junior is based on Carcassonne, but is not compatible with Carcassonne or any of the other Carcassonne spin-off games. It introduces children to the fun of building the city of Carcassonne. It maintains the same core game design that makes the original Carcassonne a classic, while eliminating the need to count high scores. Place the tiles and as many of your pawns as you can. The streets will echo with laughter as animals are caught and returned home safely!

German and French First Edition by Hans im Glück

The initial release of the German and French versions (both Hans im Glück) contained an imbalance in the number of children, in each colour, printed on the tiles. There were 12 green, 12 yellow, 11 red and 10 blue children. In the second printing, this was corrected to 11 of each.

Additionally, a number of tiles featured roads passing through the inner courtyards of the buildings, which were replaced in the second version with roads which stopped at the buildings. All other printings from around this time contained the correct tile images. There were also some minor artwork changes as well - green children have pointed hats, and a house and stairs was removed from one tile.


Următoarele sunt bazate pe versiunea Z-Man Games a regulilor. Comentarii și clarificări adiționale provin de la diverse forumuri de discuție Carcassonne (BGG, CarcC și CarcF).


Fan Expansions

The only known fan expansion for Carcassonne Junior is Die Wälder (1st Edition) which is available from CarcassonneForum.


If you prefer to draw tiles from a bag, this custom design is available from Artscow:

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