Carcassonne Scoring During Turn Sequence

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This is only source page for Scoring During Turn Sequence, Scoring During Turn Sequence (1st edition) and Winter Scoring During Turn Sequence


  1. Mage - actual TileIcon tile -> real count of tiles?
  2. Cities -> Tiny City and City Privilege -> somehow write that this is current score for city indepenend of size and count of soat of arms
  3. Add square space SquareIcon template - rewrite stuff for showOtherTilesC2 and showNotOtherTilesC2
  4. Everywhere where is / tile add / square space for C2 when othertiles
  5. Template:ScoringRowScoring lost trigger stuff
  6. Add description about adjacent / neighboring / square space, etc
  7. Fix Hans Statue feature->when
  • Gingerbread man action in cities - special rules for Wonder tiles, or double tiles with cities
  • Icons for protecting meeple/phantom agains peasant revolt
  • Add fan expansions
    • Courier scoring - new scoring, check Matisek
    • Castle Lords - final scoring as regular road
  • WoF Plague - remove 0 points, players is not scoring
  • Make a review and compare with original old revision before templates

Expansion selector


Scoring during the game
