König (und Raubritter) (Erster Edition)

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Verpackung König (und Späher)

Der König wurde ursprünglich von Hans im Glück in Template:Year de veröffentlicht (als Teil von König und Späher, das auch 5 Karten für Jäger und Sammler enthielt).

In Template:Year de wurde es als Teil von Graf, König und Konsorten veröffentlicht.


  • 5 neue Karten
  • 1 Königs-Karte
  • 1 Raubritter-Karte



Die 5 neuen Karten werdeb mit dem Rest der Karten gemischt werden. Diese Erweiterung wurde für das Carcassonne-Grundspiel entwickelt und kann mit einer oder allen anderen Erweiterungen verwendet werden.

Die Karten Der König und Der Raubritter werden an der Seite der Spielfläche abgelegt, da sie erst später verwendet werden.

Legen der Karten

Wenn du eine Karte dieser Erweiterung ziehst, wird diese nach den normalen Regeln angelegt.

Count King C1-01.png Hinweis: Diese Karte hat zwei getrennte Stadtteile.
Im Laufe des Spiels können sie dennoch verbunden werden.

Setzen eines Gefolgsmanns

Wenn du eine Karte dieser Erweiterung ziehst, kannst du diese Karte nach den normalen Regeln anlegen.


Wird durch das Anlegen einer Karte dieser Erweiterung eine Zwischenwertung (z.B. Kloster, Strasse, Stadt usw.) ausgelöst werden diese nach den üblichen Regeln gewertet.

Fertiggestellte Stadt

Der König

Sobald ein Spieler die erste Stadt (im Spiel) fertig stellt, bekommt er die Königs-Karte.

If, during the course of play, another player completes a larger city [1] — which means he or she places the final tile of this city — then he or she receives the King. [2]

Fertiggestellte Strasse

Der Raubritte

Der Raubritter funktioniert genauso wie der König.

As soon as a player completes the first road, he or she should take the Robber Baron tile. If, during the course of play, another player completes a longer road he or she receives the Robber Baron tile.


At the end of the game, the player in possession of the King scores 1 point for every completed city. [3] [4]

At the end of the game, the player in possession of the Robber Baron scores 1 point for every completed road. [5]


  • At game end, use a lot of dice, place them on the board as completed features are found. Then collect them in, counting as you go. (Thanks to viberunner)
  • Place unused pieces (or other objects) on the scoreboard to represent the size of the biggest city and the longest road. (Thanks to RationalLemming)
  • The player holding the King or Robber Baron at the end of the game receives a straight 10 points for each card. This matches the points awarded for trade goods, and avoids having to count the number of completed roads and cities. (Thanks to Joff)
  • The player holding the King or Robber Baron at the end of the game receives a straight 15 points for each card, or 40 points if both cards are held by one player. (Thanks to PreGy)
  • The player who completes the first road receives the Robber Baron and keeps it until another player completes a longer road. Until that time, the player receives 1 bonus point every time a road is completed. The same applies for the King and cities. (Thanks to dustyu)

Karten Verteilung

Anzahl Karten: 5+2

Count King C1-01.png x1
Count King C1-02.png x1
Count King C1-03.png x1
Count King C1-04.png x1
Count King C1-05.png x1
Count King C1.png x1
Count Robber C1.png x1


Für Lizenzen und Erklärungen besuche Icons page.

  1. Official clarification from the publisher The player who completes the biggest city during the game, that is, the city which consists of the most land tiles, receives the King. Thus, the highest scoring city may not always win the king, such as a smaller city earning more points through pennants or the cathedral. The same is true of roads and the Robber Baron.
  2. Common house rule or variant It is often difficult during the course of play to keep in mind the size of the city or road which is currently the largest. To avoid having to constantly recount, you could mark the size of the largest city and road on the scoring track using a neutral figure for the King and a different one for the Robber Baron.
  3. Official clarification from the publisher Castles (from Bridges, Castles and Bazaars) do not count as cities for the purposes of scoring for the King.
  4. Official clarification from the publisher The City of Carcassonne (from The Count of Carcassonne) does count as a city when scoring points for the King tile. (11/2013)
  5. Official clarification from the publisher With the three-way tile in Abbey and the Mayor, the length of the road is the total number of tiles in the road, not simply the longest distance between two ends. The road has three ends which have to be closed, but the result is that it’s likely to be bigger.