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Uitbreiding watermerk voor de Template:Year nl versie

De Rivier is oorspronkelijk uitgegeven door Hans im Glück in Template:Year nl.
De Rivier II is oorspronkelijk uitgegeven door Hans im Glück in Template:Year nl als onderdeel van de Graaf, Koning en Consorten.

The River II was released for the New Edition by Hans im Glück in 2017 as part of Count, King and Robber. The River II was originally released for the 1st. Edition in 2005, and later bundled in the major expansion Count, King and Robber in 2008.

The River III refers to the River I version released for the New Edition by Hans im Glück in 2017 bundled in Big Box 6. The only difference is that it includes a symbol.

De Rivier past het begin van het spel aan door de spelers een aantal specifieke riviertegels voor de normale tegels te laten plaatsen.


  • 12 rivier tegels, elke met een donkere achterkant, deze vervangen de start tegel



The River I / III and The River II replace the start tile. Select the river expansion you want and discard the other. Set aside the source and lake tiles. Shuffle the remaining river tiles and stack them facedown. Add the lake tile to the bottom of the stack, and place the source tile faceup as the starting tile.

The setup of The River I / III requires to set aside the source (1), and the lake (2).

Voorbereiding van Rivier II

De Rivier uitbreiding toegevoegd aan Graaf, Koning en Consorten bevat een tegel die de rivier splitst in twee rivieren. Deze moet samen met de bron en meer tegels opzij worden gelegd. De splitsing moet als eerste(na de brontegel) door de eerste speler worden geplaatst.

The setup of The River II requires to set aside the source (1), the fork (2), and the lake (3).

Combining The River I / III and The River II

You can combine The River I / III with The River II from base game to make a very long river. Keep only one source and one lake.

Do not use both The River II and The Count of Carcassonne. Combining the two can lead to situations where the river cannot be completed.


1. Placing a tile

You must draw tiles from the River stack before drawing normal tiles. Place your river tile at the end of the river. As always, tiles must be placed so that their edges match the edges of tiles already in play. You cannot make a river turn twice in a row in the same direction (a U-turn), as this risks that the following tile will be impossible to place. Players must draw and place all river tiles before they can draw normal tiles.

When playing with The River II, you may have up to two river branches to choose from when creating the river. You cannot connect both river branches together.

Verboden plaatsing

   Vraag: With the U-turn rule when making rivers, does that mean no U-turn ever, or just no immediate U-turns because it will complicate the placement of subsequent river tiles?

Antwoord: Only immediate U-turns are explicitly forbidden. Naturally, there can also be problems if a straight river tile lies between. Turning river the same way three times should also be considered prohibited.


2. Placing a meeple

Like any other tile, you may place a meeple on other features of a river tile you just placed. [1] Meeples cannot be placed on the river itself.

When playing with The River II, if you place the last river tile (the lake with the volcano), you cannot place a meeple on that tile. Immediately after placing it, take another turn by drawing a normal tile.[2]

Lake with volcano from The River II


De Rivier zelf kan niet gescoord worden. Steden, wegen en weilanden op de rivier tegels worden gescoord zoals gewoonlijk.

Voorbeeld van een voltooide rivier.

Example: Completed rivers from expansions The River I / III (A) and The River II (B)

The River II special features

Pigsty (or pig-herd)

The inn and the volcano on the river follow the rules from their expansions (Inns and Cathedrals and The Princess and the Dragon, respectively). The pigsty (or pig-herd) has the same effect as a pig in a field (from Traders and Builders). If you are playing without these expansions, simply ignore these features.

Verduidelijking van de nieuwe landschaps tegels

De volgende tegels zorgen er niet voor dat de weilanden gescheiden worden - er is maar één weiland op elke tegel

Weilanden gaan niet onder kleine bruggen door - er zijn 4 gescheiden weilanden hier

en drie weilanden hier, één ter noorden en twee in het zuiden.

Deze grote brug scheid de weilanden niet. Er zijn twee weilanden hier - één in het oosten en één in het westen.

The houses by the bridge do not end the road.

River I / III

Other expansions

For the River II there are some clarifications when using it with other expansions:

  • Exp. 2 - Traders and Builders: The pigsty increases the value of its field by 1 point per completed city. This bonus is in addition to the points given by the pig.
  • Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor: The pigsty only affects field scoring for farmers. Barns do not score additional points from the pigsty.

House rules

House rules for The River I / III

  • You are not permitted to lay down any meeples until the entire river is down. (Thanks to metoth)
  • Once the river is complete, it may be moved to the center of the playing area. (Thanks to Joff)
  • Instead of starting with the spring and setting aside the lake, put all of the river pieces into the bag. In this way the river can be any size and there is usually more then one option for placing a river tile. (Thanks to DavidP)
  • Mix the original starting tile (without a river) in with the river tiles. If it is drawn then it acts like a 'bonus' tile that can be placed anywhere. (Thanks to RationalLemming)
  • Lay the river in reverse order, from lake to spring. No real advantage, but might be more desirable, when playing the Count of Carcassonne expansion, to have the lake near the City of Carcassonne for purely aesthetic reasons. (Thanks to Scott)

House rules for The River II

  • Play the fork of the river first, and lay the spring last. The lakes are mixed in with the other river tiles. (Thanks to Joff)
  • Pigsty (or pig-herd) tiles do not score a bonus. (Thanks to Joff)
  • Play both rivers backwards starting with the city/lake. This is more realistic because you then get two springs producing rivers that join and flow ‘down’ to a lake. Discard two lakes—the plain one from River I / III and the volcano. To set up, place the lake tile, put one spring tile aside as a final ending tile, and then split the balance of the river tiles into two stacks. The junction tile is shuffled into stack 1 and the other spring into stack 2. Then the stack 1 is placed on stack 2—so that the junction will be drawn sometime before the spring. If playing with the Count of Carcassonne, place the city/lake so that it completes one of the small cities around Carcassonne. (Thanks to dwhitworth)
  • Select only one lake tile and use two spring tiles. Lay the river in reverse order. The fork can be placed randomly, or at some predetermined point. The end result is two rivers flowing into one which then flows into a lake. (Thanks to Scott)
  • Start from the fork, playing tiles on all three branches. Play the spring and lake tiles at the end, or mix two of the three with the rest of the river before play to have two of the three branches end randomly. (Thanks to Scott)

Tegel distributie

De Rivier

Totale aantal tegels: 12


Some of the tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:

G | Garden
F | Farmhouse
W | Water Tower
H | Highwayman
D | Donkeys

Additionally, some tiles present additional features indicated in bold (source, and lake.)

De Rivier II

Totale aantal tegels: 12


Some of the tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:

G | Garden
F | Farmhouse
H | Highwayman

Moreover, some tiles present additional features indicated in bold, some proper of River II (source, fork, and lake), some others serving as tie-in with other expansions (inn, pigsty, and volcano.)

The River III

Total tiles: 12


Some of the tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:

G | Garden
F | Farmhouse
W | Water Tower
H | Highwayman
D | Donkeys

Additionally, some tiles present additional features indicated in bold (source, and lake.)


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  1.   Note that river segments separate farms. (08/2014)
  2.   That means you cannot execute any other action that turn.