User talk:Wolnic

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General info and comments

The Abbot expansion is included as part of the Base Game of Carcassone II.

It introduces Gardens, which are included on a number of tiles, and abbots. The Abbot may be found working in the garden, or in a monastery.


  • 5 abbot meeples are supplied in the Base Game in the standard colours.



Each player gets The Abbot meeple in their colour.

This expansion has been developed for the Carcassonne basic game. All of the rules remain the same, with any variations noted below.

Placing a tile

When a tile with a Garden is placed, it must be placed according to the normal rules.

Placing The Abbot

When placing a tile with a monastery or Garden you may place your abbot onto the monastery or onto the garden. You may, of course, place a regular meeple onto the monastery, or other features, such as roads, etc. You may not place a regular meeple onto the garden.

Scoring The Abbot

If the monastery or garden occupied by your abbot is surrounded by eight tiles, you score 9 points, just as for regular monastery scoring. As you can see, gardens are scored exactly like monasteries, with the exception that only The Abbot can be placed on them.

The Abbot : Special Scoring

The abbot also has a special ability. On your turn, during action 2 (Placing a Meeple), if you decide not to place a meeple you are allowed to take back your abbot. If you do so, you score as many points as the abbot is worth at that time, exactly like end-game monastery final scoring.

Final scoring

During final scoring, abbots are scored in the same manner as final scoring for monasteries.

Tile distribution

Expansion Number of Garden Tiles
Base game 8
Base Game: River 1
Inns and Cathedrals
Traders and Builders
The Princess and the Dragon
The Tower
Abbey & Mayor
Count, King and Robber
Bridges, Castles and Bazaars
Hills & Sheep
Under the Big Top