Talk:Cathedrals in Germany (1st edition)

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Revision as of 13:25, 21 August 2019 by Meepledrone (talk | contribs) (Updated to reflect the scoring is made per road segment and not per tile)
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Second Scoring Example

I've changed some of the wording for some of the scoring, but shouldn't the second example be 4+3 for the Archbishop? On one hand it states "per tile" and counts "once", but the 5 points would imply the ends are counted separately. I've swung back and forth with this, so lots of edits. --Wolnic (talk) 00:36, 15 September 2018 (UTC)

I cannot overemphasize how I dislike such game designers approach. This little "count one tile twice" rule adds almost nothing to the final score (just point or two) but at the same is totally inconsistent with the rules of base game and every other expansion, in the end adding only confusion. It think it is worded one on the page is fine and examples are ok.--Msasinski (talk) 12:43, 15 September 2018 (UTC)

I updated the page after confirming with the German rules that the scoring is based on road segments and not tiles. This means that in a 4-tile road looping back to a German Cathedral there are 5 road segments an and you'll get 5 road segments x 1 points = 5 points for the finished cathedral.

--Meepledrone (talk) 11:25, 21 August 2019 (UTC)

Two German Cathedrals on the same road

Q: If a road starts at one German Cathedral and ends at a different German Cathedral is the scoring of the road still 2 points per tile? A: Yes

I have created annotation. --Msasinski (talk) 12:43, 15 September 2018 (UTC)

Similarly, I added a reminder in the footnote re Inns and Cathedrals that inns do not stack for scoring if more than one road are on the same road. --Meepledrone (talk) 21:15, 14 October 2018 (UTC)

I updated the page after confirming with the German rules that the scoring is based on road segments and not tiles. The wording for this Q&A has also been updated on the page.

--Meepledrone (talk) 11:25, 21 August 2019 (UTC)

German Cathedrals and Cult Places

Q: If you play with German Cathedrals and Cult Places, do the German Cathedrals act as a kind of monastery? A: No, there is no interaction as there is between monasteries/cloisters and cult places (general consensus to this question on CarcC in 2017)

I have created annotation. I wonder if in appropriate place or maybe it should in something like "other expansions" section. --Msasinski (talk) 12:43, 15 September 2018 (UTC)

Final scoring

The rules state: "At the end of the game all unfinished roads leading to cathedrals and all unfinished cathedrals give you points. Each highwayman and each archbishop gives you one point for each road tile leading to the cathedral."

After reading the underlined text, is it correct to interpret that, for each road you have the majority, you will get the scoring for the road times the number of (your) meeples on it?

I haven't come across any example of final scoring with more than one meeple (belonging to one and/or several players) on a road to confirm it or deny it. The manual is quite ambiguous and can lead to various interpretations: some people on CarcF even read it as your thief gets the points for all the tiles in all the roads leading to the German Cathedral, but Kettlefish's examples always score points for a meeple separately per road.

If you could check the German rules to check the nuances, I'd appreciate it. Google Translator gives you a bland translation.

--Meepledrone (talk) 19:59, 14 October 2018 (UTC)


--Meepledrone (talk) 14:29, 16 October 2018 (UTC)

The open question is clarified by HiG in 4/2016 (Clarification on CarcF):

  • Roads leading to cathedrals are scored according to the usual rules but also taking into account the special case of the road segments on the German Cathedral tile.
  • After the game, archbishops placed on unfinished German Cathedrals score get points from all finished and unfinished roads.

The next table summarizes the various scoring cases:

Feature Completed normal road Completed road with Inn(s) Uncompleted normal road Uncompleted road with Inn(s)
Scoring during the game
Road leading to Cathedral 2 points / tile 3 points / tile
Archbishop on G. Cathedral 1 point / tile 2 points / tile
Scoring after the game
Road leading to Cathedral 1 point / tile 0 points / tile
Archbishop on G. Cathedral 1 point / tile 2 points / tile 1 point / tile 0 points / tile

--Meepledrone (talk) 23:22, 26 March 2019 (UTC)

I updated the page after confirming with the German rules that the scoring is based on road segments and not tiles. Any occurrences of points per tile has changed to points per road segment, including the table above as follows.

The next table summarizes the various scoring cases:

Feature Completed normal road Completed road with Inn(s) Uncompleted normal road Uncompleted road with Inn(s)
Scoring during the game
Road leading to Cathedral 2 points / road segment 3 points / road segment
Archbishop on G. Cathedral 1 point / road segment 2 points / road segment
Scoring after the game
Road leading to Cathedral 1 point / road segment 0 points / road segment
Archbishop on G. Cathedral 1 point / road segment 2 points / road segment 1 point / road segment 0 points / road segment

--Meepledrone (talk) 11:25, 21 August 2019 (UTC)