La Porxada (Erste Edition)

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Allgemeine Informationen und Kommentare

La Porxada (The Columned Hall) wurde ursprünglich auf der Jugar X Jugar in 2010 veröffentlicht.

La Porxada ist eine historisches Bauwerk in Granollers. Es wurde Mitte 16. Jahrhundert im Auftrag der Stadtverwaltung gebaut. Es befindet sich in der Altstadt, gegenüber dem Rathaus. Zu seiner Zeit war es ein Agrarmarkt und ein Ort, an dem man mit Produkten aus dem Land handeln konnte. Im Bürgerkrieg wurde sie von der italienischen Luftwaffe zerstört und anschließend wieder aufgebaut.

La Porxada in Granollers. Source: Wikipedia

La Porxada ist eine selbsternannte Mini-Mini-Erweiterung, die nur eine einzige Karte enthält. Ihr Platz im Carcassonne-Universum wird diskutiert und ist umstritten - einige halten dies für eine völlig inoffizielle Erweiterung, da sie von Hans im Glück nie genehmigt wurde. Diejenigen, argumentieren, dass die Erweiterung ein einfacher Aufkleber war, der auf eine anderes Kärtchen geklebt wurde. Die Erweiterung wurde jedoch von Klaus-Jürgen Wrede selbst genehmigt (es gibt sogar ein Bild eines signierten Kachels auf, so dass dies mehr ist als nur eine Fan-Erweiterung. Letztendlich existiert La Porxada in einem halbamtlichen Limbus, und die einzelnen Spieler müssen ihr eigenes Urteil über die Art der Erweiterung abgeben.


  • 1 neue Karte welche La Porxada zeigt
La Porxada-Karte



The tile is mixed with all the other tiles being used for the game.

Placing a tile

The tile with La Porxada can be used in two different ways. The player who places this tile may choose one of the following:

  1. Swap followers in the current player's turn
  2. A scoring bonus at the end of the game

If the player chose to swap followers after placing this tile, the player may [1] exchange one of his own followers with a follower of another player. [2] Both followers must be currently in play. The chosen player can negate the exchange, but if so, he or she must eliminate one of his or her followers for the remainder of the game. If the player who places La Porxada does not have any followers in play, he or she cannot choose this option.


Final scoring

If the player chose the scoring bonus, at the end of the game, any player who had a knight in the city containing La Porxada [3] may score all unfinished cities containing his or her followers as if they were finished. [4] This scoring bonus will only occur if the city containing La Porxada is finished. [5]

House rules

For option #2 (scoring bonus), a player can only get the bonus if he or she has a follower in the city at the end of the game. If the city is completed during the game, it is not scored and is still considered “incomplete” – each player with followers in the city has the option to remove any or all of his or her followers at that time. Any followers left in the city remain until the end of the game unless removed by other game mechanics. Thus there is a sacrifice required to get the end-game bonus, as a follower must be invested until the end of the game. Because the city with La Porxada is always considered incomplete, though, mechanics including the dragon, tower, plague, crop circles, flier, and magic portal are all relevant, as the city could be entered as an incomplete (and potentially unoccupied) feature throughout the game.

Note #1: The city with La Porxada is scored using normal ownership rules at the end of the game after all other cities are scored.
Note #2: A completed city with La Porxada is considered complete for the purposes of scoring farms at the end.
Note #3: When playing with the City of Carcassonne, followers can be deployed from the City of Carcassonne to a feature when that feature scores. Because the La Porxada city does not score until the final bonus is counted at the end of the game, players may not move followers into the city with La Porxada from the City of Carcassonne until that time.
(Thanks to Carcking.)

Tile distribution

Total Tiles: 1

Porxada C1 Tile 01.jpg

External links


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Interpretation from the Community The use of the term “may” sets up an interesting situation – conceivably, the player could choose option 1 (as long as he has at least one follower in play), but then elect not to swap followers, effectively negating all effects of the tile.
  2. Interpretation from the Community The use of the term “follower” here suggests that non-follower figures (such as the pig and builder) cannot be traded. However, it would seem that any type of follower could be swapped with any other (e.g. the large follower with the mayor), which has notable strategic implications.
  3. Question without official clarification It is unknown if this includes knights that were in the city at any time (even those removed later, such as by the dragon), only knights that were in the city when it was completed, or knights that were in the city when it was scored (which would include those brought in from the City of Carcassonne). (2/2014)
  4. Interpretation from the Community This would take all of the stress out of having a late-game cathedral city.
  5. Interpretation from the Community Since the city with La Porxada must be completed for this effect to trigger at the end of the game, and thus players will no longer have followers actually in the city, it may be beneficial to distribute some sort of token to those players who had followers in the city when it was completed.