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Dragon C2 cover.png

General info and comments

The Princess & The Dragon was released for the New Edition by Hans im Glück in 2016. It was originally released for the 1st Edition in 2005.

Enter a realm of chivalry and sorcery with this Carcassonne expansion. The Princess sends knights out to perform acts of chivalry; meanwhile, a fearsome dragon threatens followers unprotected by the magic of the fairies! The Princess & The Dragon expansion introduces princesses, dragons, fairies, and other storybook elements that add surprising wrinkles to your Carcassonne game. You can use thirty new tiles to unleash a dragon that devours anyone in its path, summon a fairy to protect your followers, or remove rival knights from a city. No matter what tile you draw, you’ll have plenty of options to disrupt your opponents’ plans and claim more points for yourself.

All in all, this expansion introduces you to the world of fantasy, the land of fairy tales and where knights fight big dragons with the following new features:

  • The dragon
  • The fairy
  • The princess
  • A magic portal


  • 30 landscape tiles (identified with a fairy symbol)
Tiles showing different features of this expansion
  • 1 Dragon
  • 1 Fairy

New land tiles

The new Land tiles are played like those in the base game.

Princess And Dragon C2 Tile O.jpg

Monastery in a city: If you choose to place a meeple on this tile, you must choose whether to place it in the city, on the monastery, or in the field. If you wish, you may lay the meeple down on the monastery to differentiate a monk from a knight within the city. The monastery is complete when it is surrounded by tiles, even if the city is still under construction. You may place a monk on this monastery when knights are already present in the city. Likewise, a monk placed on this monastery does not prevent a player from placing a knight in the same city.

Princess And Dragon C2 Tile Q.jpg

Tunnel: The two road segments that proceed through the tunnel are part of a single connected road. The fields, however, are separate.

The Land tiles depict 4 new symbols (explained in further sections):

File:Dragon C2 volcano.png
Volcano (The dragon appears.)
File:Dragon C2 dragon.png
Dragon (The dragon moves.)
File:Dragon C2 princess.png
Princess (A knight leaves the city.)
File:Dragon C2 portal.png
Magic portal (A meeple appears.)



Shuffle the new landscape tiles in with those from the basic game and stack them normally. Place the dragon and fairy to the side for now – they do not belong to any player.

The Dragon: Volcano and dragon symbols


1. Placing a tile

Dragon C2 dragon place.png

The Volcano (6 tiles): Volcano tiles are placed exactly like those in the base game, except you may not place a meeple on a Volcano tile. You may, however, move the fairy after placing a Volcano tile (see below). Place the dragon on the newly placed Volcano tile. Then it is the next player's turn.

File:Dragon C2 dragon.png

The Dragon (12 tiles): Dragon tiles are placed exactly like those in the base game. Unlike Volcano tiles, you are allowed to place a meeple on a Dragon tile. Then the dragon moves.

1b. The dragon moves

Starting with the active player and proceeding clockwise, players take turns moving the dragon one space at a time (vertically or horizontally) until the dragon has moved 6 spaces or is unable to move.

The dragon may not move to a tile that it has already visited this turn. It also may not move to the tile the fairy occupies (see below). Whenever the dragon moves to a tile occupied by one or more meeples (or other figures), it eats those meeples (or figures), which are returned to their respective players. After the dragon has finished moving, the game continues as normal. A list of figures the dragon does and does not eat can be found below.

Dead end: If the dragon is unable to move (it is only adjacent to tiles it has already visited), its movement ends prematurely.

Example with 4 players:
The dragon begins at the bottom right.
1. Player A moves the dragon up,
2. Player B moves the dragon left,
3. Player C moves the dragon down,
4. Player D must move the dragon left. The dragon already visited the other tiles.
5. Player A must move the dragon up.
6. Player B must move the dragon up.
The blue and red meeples are returned to their respective players.

Important: The dragon is not added to the game until the first Volcano tile has been drawn and placed. If you draw a Dragon tile before such time, set it aside and draw a new tile. As soon as the first Volcano tile is placed and the dragon is added to the game, reshuffle the previously drawn Dragon tiles with the supply before continuing.

The following list illustrates what the dragon does or does not eat. You are welcome to skip them for now and refer to them as necessary.

1b. The dragon's menu (what the dragon eats)

Rule of thumb: The dragon eats all that is flesh and blood!

Base gameMeeple
Base game -
The Abbot
Expansion 1Large meeple
Expansion 2Builder
Expansion 2Pig
Expansion 4Meeple on a tower
Expansion 5Mayor
Expansion 5Wagon (A tasty meeple is pulling the wagon.)
Expansion 9Shepherd (incl. the sheep next to the shepherd)
The PhantomPhantom

1b. The dragon's diet plan (what the dragon does not eat)

The dragon is afraid of the fairy (see below). Meeples in castles (expansion 8) and in the Count's city (expansion 6) are protected.

Base gameLand tile (This is true of all varieties of Land tiles)
Expansion 3Fairy
Expansion 4Tower piece
Expansion 5Barn
Expansion 8Bridge
Expansion 8Castle

2. Placing a meeple

Player does not place a meeple in case of Volcane tile. Player can place a meeple on dragon tile.

The Princess

1. Placing a tile

There are 6 princess tiles. Princess tiles are placed exactly like those in the base game. If a Princess tile continues a city occupied by one or more knights, you may remove one knight of your choice (even your own) from the continued city and return it to its player's supply.

2. Placing a meeple

If you chose to remove a meeple during step 1, you may not place a meeple this turn (not even on a different segment of the tile). If you did not remove a meeple during step 1, you may place a meeple as normal.

Example: You place a Princess tile and remove the blue knight from the city. You may not place a meeple this turn.

3. Scoring a Feature

The princess does no affect scoring.

The magic portal

1. Placing a tile

There are 6 tiles with magic portal symbols. Place tile with magic portal in the usual manner.

2. Placing a meeple

After placing a Magic Portal tile, you may place a meeple on that tile or on any other previous placed tile. When doing so, you must follow all other placement rules. For example, you may not place a meeple in an already occupied or completed feature.

Example: You place a Magic Portal tile on the left, but place a meeple in the unoccupied city on the right.

All figures that are used like meeples (abbot, large meeple, mayor, wagon, ringmaster, and phantom) may be placed via the magic portal.

3. Scoring a Feature with a Large Meeple

Portal does no affect scoring.

The fairy


The fairy is a special figure that belongs to no player. It begins the game in the supply.

2. Placing a meeple

The fairy moves

On any turn in which you do not place (or move) a meeple, you may assign the fairy to one of your meeples by placing the fairy directly next to it.

When the fairy is standing next to one of your meeples, it can help that meeple in 3 different ways:

1. Placing a tile

  • 1 point at the beginning of your turn
If the fairy is still assigned to your meeple at the start of your turn, you immediately score 1 point.

1b. The dragon moves

  • Protection from the dragon

The dragon may not move to a tile occupied by the fairy. All figures on the fairy's tile are protected from the dragon's hunger.

Example 1: The dragon moves. Because the fairy occupies the tile to the left, the dragon may not move there and moves up instead.

3. Scoring a feature

  • Additional points when scoring

When scoring a feature (city, road, monastery, farm, etc.) where the fairy is assigned to one of your meeples, you score 3 additional points, regardless of whether or not you score points for the scored feature. Your meeple returns to your supply, as normal, but the fairy remains on its tile.

Example 2: Blue places a tile and completes the city. Blue scores 8 points. You also score 8 points, plus 3 additional points for the fairy, for a total of 11 points.

Other expansions

This section contains additional information about the interactions with other Carcassonne expansions.


  • Exp. 5 - Abbey and Mayor: A volcano does not prevent the normal placement of a barn.


  • Exp. 2 - Traders and Builders: If the dragon eats a player's last knight [1] in a city where the player's builder is present, the builder is automatically returned to the player's supply. The same is true for a player's last highwayman [2] on a road. A player's pig is also returned if the dragon eats that player's last farmer in the pig's field.


  • Exp. 2 - Traders and Builders: If the princess removes a player's last knight in a city where the player's builder is present, the builder is automatically returned to the player's supply.

Magic portal


  • Exp. 2 - Traders and Builders: If a player scored the fairy's 1 point bonus at the beginning of their turn, they may not score it again at the beginning of a double turn via the builder.
  • Exp. 4 - The Tower: The fairy does not protect a meeple from capture by a tower.

House Rules

  • Replace dragon tiles into the bag and redraw right away if there is no dragon in play yet. (Thanks to dwhitworth)
  • Players are allowed to claim a fairy point until the bag is handed to the next player, but then it’s tough if they forget! (Thanks to dwhitworth)
  • Abandon the 1-point bonus for the fairy altogether, instead awarding 5 points for a protected follower completing a feature. (Thanks to viberunner)
  • The fairy does not prevent the dragon from moving to a tile, but it still prevents the dragon from eating any figures on that tile. (Thanks to jrizos)

Tile distribution

Total Land Tiles: 30 Tiles

Princess And Dragon C2 Tile A.jpg  x1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile B.jpg  x1
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Princess And Dragon C2 Tile 1.jpg  x1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile 2.jpg  x1
Princess And Dragon C2 Tile 3.jpg  x1

Many of the tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:

Base Game C2 Feature Garden.jpg
G | Garden
Base Game C2 Feature Farmhouse.jpg
F | Farmhouse
Base Game C2 Feature Water Tower.jpg
W | Water Tower
Base Game C2 Feature Highwayman.jpg
H | Highwayman
Base Game C2 Feature Pigs.jpg
P | Pigs
Base Game C2 Feature Donkeys.jpg
D | Donkeys


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Official clarification from the publisher A knight is any meeple placed in a city.
  2. Official clarification from the publisher A highwayman is any meeple placed on a road.