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Baobab completion

So, no scoring at all when a baobab is completed? Just two tokens when it's started,and two when finished. I can see consistency with paths and bush in not scoring the number of tiles, as is done for cloisters in standard game, but I'd expected to see scoring table as for paths and bush, with possible addition, as hinted at in ref, to the use of additional animal tokens --Wolnic (talk) 22:07, 26 October 2018 (UTC)

Other features

From Slack Channel ...

XtraQ1: Are the 2 end tokens awarded to the player *on the baobab tile*, or the player that *completes the feature* by placing the last tile?

XtraQ2 clarify: Final Scoring for animal tokens - is that "in the player's supply"?

XtraQ3: Scoring waterhole - is it tokens or different species? Both words are used

XtraQ4 clarify: When placing a tile where Ranger is, the rule says can move the Ranger, but I think it should be must. Otherwise, what do you do with the Ranger?

XtraQ5 clarify: That a player can't place a waterhole unless they have a meeple available in their supply. As this comes before scoring a completed feature, the player can't score, get a meeple back, and then place it on the waterhole.