Kopalnie złota (pierwsza edycja)

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Symbol dodatku "Kopalnie złota"

Kopalnie złota (Mini dodatek #4) został wypuszczony w nowej edycji przez Hans im Glück w 2012.

GOLD! The excitement is great and many are coming to claim the precious metal for themselves. All accounts will be settled at the end.

This expansion has been developed for the Carcassonne basic game. All the basic game rules still apply in addition to the expansion rules below.


  • 16 drewnianych żetonow złota
  • 8 nowych kafelków terenu z sztabkami złota
  • 1 nowy kafelek terenu z kręgiem w zbożu



Nowe kafelki terenu należy wymieszać z resztą kafalków. Żetony złota położyć w pobliżu planszy.

Układanie kafelka

Gdy gracz otrzyma kafelek z symbolem sztabki złota, należy go dołożyć do planszy wedle normalnych zasad. Następnie, gracz musi położyć sztabkę złota na dołożonyn kafelku oraz jednym przylegającym kafelku (może przylegać na skos). Także, 2 sztabki złota są umieszczone dla każdego kafelka z symbolem sztabki złota. Gracz może położyć sztabkę złota na kafelku, który posiada jedną lub więcej sztabek złota otrzymanych na skutek dołożenia poprzednich kafelków z symbolem sztabki złota. Żeton sztabki złota nigdy nie jest powiązany z konkretną struturą, ale jest powiązany z wszystkimi struturami na kafelku.

Umieszczanie poplecznika

Po umieszczeniu żetonów sztabek złota, gracz może umieścić poplecznika wedle normalnych zasad.

Podliczanie struktury

Gdy kafelek z symbolem sztabki złota kończy struturę, podliczanie przebiega zgodnie z normalnymi zasadami.

Additionally, when a feature is finished and there are one or more pieces of gold on the tiles of that structure, these gold pieces are awarded. The player with the majority of the completed structure receives all gold pieces from the corresponding tiles. A road and a city include all tiles on which road segments or city segments are located. A cloister includes the cloister tile itself and all 8 adjacent tiles. [1] [2] [3]

BLUE places a tile with a gold icon. He places a gold piece on that tile and one on a neighboring tile.
RED completes his city and takes the three gold pieces from the city tiles.

When placing a tile and distributing gold pieces, proceed in the following order:

  1. Place (gold) tile
  2. Place gold pieces
  3. Place follower
  4. Score
  5. Award gold pieces

When more than one player has the majority in a finished structure when gold is to be claimed, or when several structures with a claim to gold are completed at the same time, the gold pieces are distributed among those claiming players. Distribution proceeds clockwise, starting with the active player, until all of the corresponding gold pieces have been awarded. [4] [5]

RED placed the tile and completed the road. RED and BLUE have rights to the gold on the road tiles. As active player RED takes first gold, then BLUE, and finally RED last.

Each player places his gold pieces before him for the remainder of the game. The gold pieces will be scored during the final scoring.

Farmers receive no gold pieces.

Final scoring

When the game is over, all gold pieces which are still on landscape tiles are removed from the game.

The more gold pieces a player has collected, the more each individual piece of gold is worth, as per the following table

Pieces of gold Points per piece of gold
1-3 1
4-6 2
7-9 3
10+ 4

Final Scoring Example:[6]
RED earned 102 points and 7 pieces of gold in the game.
The gold is worth 7 x 3 = 21 points.
The final score for RED is 123 points.

The crop circles addition

In each mini, you will find a tile of the 7th mini expansion Crop Circles. This expansion is playable with only a single tile, but it is best to play with all 6 tiles. [7]

Tile Distribution

Total Tiles: 9 (8 + 1 crop circle)

Goldmines C1-01.png  x1
Goldmines C1-02.png  x1
Goldmines C1-03.png  x1
Goldmines C1-04.png  x1
Goldmines C1-05.png  x1
Goldmines C1-06.png  x1
Goldmines C1-07.png  x1
Goldmines C1-08.png  x1
GoldminesCC C1-09.png  x1


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1. Oficjalne wyjaśnienia od wydawcy When a castle is completed, the owner can lay claim to gold pieces in the 6-tile vicinity of the castle: the 2 tiles upon which the castle is built, the 2 tiles to its left, and the 2 tiles to its right. The owner of the castle does not necessarily have the rights to gold associated with the feature that caused completion of the castle (unless that gold is also within the castle's vicinity or the castle owner also has a majority in the primary feature). (6/2013)
  2. Interpretacja społeczności In general, any gold ingots on tiles of a completed feature will be distributed while the feature is being scored. Depending on the feature, the gold ingots involved may differ:
    • Features distributing gold ingots on their tiles only:
      • Roads
      • Cities
    • Features distributing gold ingots on the feature tile and its adjacent tiles:
      • Monastic buildings: cloisters, abbeys, shrines, German monasteries (with a monk), Dutch & Belgian monasteries (with a monk), Japanese buildings (with a monk), Darmstadt churches
      • Gardens
      • Baba Yaga's hut
      • German castles
    • Features distributing gold ingots on the feature tile and the road tiles connected to it:
      • German cathedrals
  3. Interpretacja społeczności As a consequence of the rules, gold ingots on the tiles of a completed unclaimed feature will not be distributed, since there is no player controlling the feature.
  4. Interpretacja społeczności In general, if one or more features are involved, the active player (if entitled to gold) chooses the first gold piece and can choose any one of the pieces to which he/she may be entitled. The next player (in clockwise order) that is entitled to a gold piece can then choose an appropriate piece. Note that, because a player can choose which piece to take first (if there is more than one to choose from), a different player who may have initially been entitled to a gold piece may miss out if that piece has been claimed before it is that player's turn to choose. (6/2013)
  5. Notoryczne różnice w zasadach między wydaniami lub wydawcami The RGG version of the rules states "players who score completed features with gold bars take one gold bar for each feature they score and that has gold bars." This seems different from the HiG rules, where the rule is to only take one gold piece at a time.
  6. Notoryczne różnice w zasadach między wydaniami lub wydawcami This additional rules clarification is from the Big Box 4 edition of the rules.
  7. Interpretacja społeczności Note that the Crop Circle tiles included in the mini expansions are different from the tiles released in the initial Crop Circles expansion (referred to as "Crop Circles I").