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Symbol list photo

Major C1


Major C2


Symbol list

This list is meant to be as reference to search up the expansions by their symbol. Below are first the major expansions, then the smaller ones and then the spin-offs. C1 stands for the first edition and C2 is the second edition.

Major expansions

Symbol Expansion

C1: Inns and Cathedrals

C2: Inns and Cathedrals


C1: Traders and Builders

C2: Traders and Builders


C1: The Princess and the Dragon

C2: The Princess and the Dragon


C1: The Tower

C2: The Tower


C1: Abbey and the Mayor

C2: Abbey & Mayor


C1: Count, King and Robber

C2: Count, King and Robber


C1: The Catapult

C2: Not released.


C1: Bridges, Castles and Bazaars

C2: Bridges, Castles and Bazaars


C1: Hills & Sheep

C2: Hills & Sheep


C1: The Wheel of Fortune

C2: Not released.


C1: Not released.

C2: Under the Big Top

Important links

Changing tab title name

All pages in the wiki: Pagetitle

The main page: Pagetitle-view-mainpage

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