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<div style="font-size: 120%; margin: 25px 0px 20px 0px;">'''Bienvenue sur WikiCarpedia, la Wikipédia des règles complètes annotées de Carcassonne !'''</div>
<div style="font-size: 120%; margin: 25px 0px 20px 0px;">'''Welcome to WikiCarpedia, the Carcassonne Complete Annotated Rules Wikipedia!'''</div>

== Introduction ==
== Introduction ==

[[File:Burg_von_Carcassonne.jpg|right|250px|frame|Vue du château de Carcassonne. Source : [https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Burg_von_Carcassonne.jpg Wikimedia Commons] ]]
[[File:Burg_von_Carcassonne.jpg|right|250px|frame|Carcassonne castle view. Source:[https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Burg_von_Carcassonne.jpg Wikimedia Commons] ]]
Le projet WikiCarpedia (ou WICA en abrégé) a débuté en juillet 2018 et sera mis en ligne le 1er septembre 2018. Les pères fondateurs de WikiCarpedia sont [[User:Decar|Decar]], [[User:MajFrost|MajFrost]], [[User:Meepledrone|Meepledrone]], [[User:Sinscerly|Sinscerly]] et [[User:Wolnic|Wolnic]].
The WikiCarpedia project (or WICA for short) started in July 2018, going live on 1st of September 2018. The founding fathers of the WikiCarpedia are [[User:Decar|Decar]], [[User:MajFrost|MajFrost]], [[User:Meepledrone|Meepledrone]], [[User:Sinscerly|Sinscerly]] and [[User:Wolnic|Wolnic]].

Le principal stimulus et la source de sa création (en plus, évidemment, de l’amour pour le jeu) a été l’impressionnant document '''Carcassonne Complete Annotated Rules (CAR)''', cœur de la communauté '''CarcassonneCentral'''. Le CAR consiste en la traduction anglaise des règles allemandes, avec des annotations pour souligner les différences et des clarifications officielles de Hans-im-Glück (HiG) en cas de confusion. Le développement de ce document a commencé en 2006, et la version la plus récente (v7.4) a été publiée par Christopher Ober et beaucoup d’autres en mai 2015. Pour honorer le travail considérable qu’il a accompli, ainsi que d’autres personnes, pour la communauté, vous trouverez ci-dessous l’introduction et les crédits de la version originale du CAR Standard (S-CAR ou Carcassonne Standard CAR ver. 7.4).
The main stimulus and source for its creation (besides, obviously love for the game) was the impressive '''Carcassonne Complete Annotated Rules (CAR) document''', heart of the '''CarcassonneCentral''' community. The CAR consists in the English translations of the German rules, with annotations to highlight differences and official clarifications from Hans-im-Glueck where confusion exists. The development of this document began in 2006, and the most recent version (v7.4) was released by Christopher Ober and many others in May 2015. To honour the tremendous work by him and other people for the community you can find below the introduction and credits from the original Standard CAR (S-CAR or Carcassonne Standard CAR ver. 7.4).

Beaucoup de choses se sont passées depuis la mise à jour du CAR en mai 2015. Le CAR était centré sur la première édition de Carcassonne (Carcassonne I ou CI en abrégé) mais il comprenait des informations préliminaires sur la nouvelle édition (Carcassonne II ou CII en abrégé) sortie en 2014.  
A lot has happened since the CAR was last updated back in May 2015. The CAR was focused in the 1st Edition of Carcassonne (Carcassonne I or CI for short) but it included some preliminary information on the new edition (Carcassonne II or CII for short) released in 2014.  

Plusieurs années ont passé et nous avons assisté a :
Several years have passed and we have witnessed:
* La sortie de quelques extensions pour CI non couvertes par le CAR v7.4
* The release of a few expansions for CI not covered in the CAR v7.4
* La publication de nouvelles clarifications par HiG entre octobre 2015 et avril 2016 disponibles sur le forum CarcassonneCentral (merci à Kettlefish)
* The release of new clarifications by HiG between October 2015 and April 2016 available on the CarcassonneCentral forum (thanks to Kettlefish)
* La réédition de plusieurs extensions majeures et mineures pour CII avec quelques changements de règles
* The re-release of several major and minor expansions for CII with some rules changes
* La publication de nouvelles extensions majeures et mineures pour CII
* The release of new major and minor CII expansions
* La sortie de nouveaux jeux dérivés et variantes
* The release of new spin-offs and variants

Tout cela nécessitait un pas en avant pour suivre les derniers développements de Carcassonne. Les forums CarcassonneCentral ont longtemps débattu de nombreux aspects, de la manière de gérer deux éditions du jeu de base de Carcassonne, et de ce qui serait le support idéal pour une CAR du 21<sup>e</sup> siècle.  
All this required a step forward in keeping up with the latest developments in the Carcassonne. The CarcassonneCentral forums have long debated many aspects of how to cope with two editions of the Carcassonne basic game and what would be the ideal support for a 21st century CAR.  

'''WikiCarpedia (WICA)''' est notre réponse à ce défi pour vous apporter un CAR en ligne qui couvrira toutes les éditions de Carcassonne et leurs extensions (et les jeux dérivés en temps voulu). Il couvre toutes les règles et clarifications disponibles et vous fournit des sections de référence avancées au-delà de tout ce que vous trouviez dans le CAR. Tout cela dans un format Wiki que vous pouvez parcourir et rechercher en ligne.  
'''WikiCarpedia (WICA)''' is our response to this challenge to bring you an online CAR that will cover all Carcassonne editions and their expansions (and spin-offs in due time). It covers all the rules and clarifications available and provides you with advanced reference sections beyond anything you found in the CAR. All this in a Wiki format you can browse and search online.  

Dans le cadre de l’initiative, nous avons adapté toutes les notes de bas de page du CAR de CI vers CII et avons élargi les interactions entre les extensions de CII pour inclure tout ce que nous considérions comme intéressant et qui avait été omis dans les manuels imprimés. Nous avons également inclus certaines règles communautaires pour combler les lacunes des règles des Halflings, qui sont controversées.
As part of the initiative, we adapted all the footnotes on the CAR from CI to CII and expanded the interactions between expansions in CII to include everything we considered interesting that was omitted on the printed manuals. We also included some community rules to deal with the gaps in the rules of the controversial Halflings.

Les pages de référence sont maintenant votre ami. Elles sont devenues un ensemble de pages dynamiques qui peuvent être personnalisées grâce à un sélecteur d’extension. Le sélecteur d’extension permet aux utilisateurs de WICA de sélectionner des extensions entièrement ou partiellement et de définir une édition préférée dont les règles ont la priorité. Les pages qui bénéficient de cette personnalisation sont les suivantes :
The reference pages are now your friend. They have become a set of dynamic pages that can be customized through a Expansion Selector. The Expansion Selector allows WICA users to select expansions fully or partially and define a preferred edition whose rules have precedence. The pages that benefit form this customization are next:
* '''Référence du jeu :''' un déroulement du jeu de haut niveau qui couvre la préparation du jeu, la partie et le pointage après la partie. Ceci est complètement nouveau.
* '''Game Reference:''' a high level Order of Play that covers the game preparation, the game and the scoring after the game. This is completely new.
* '''Déroulement du jeu''' : une version mise à jour du CAR, revue et mise à jour pour couvrir toutes les extensions disponibles à ce jour.
* '''Order of Play:''' an updated version of the one in the CAR reviewed and updated to cover all expansions available up to date.
* '''Évaluation pendant le jeu''' : une version mise à jour du CAR, revue et mise à jour pour couvrir toutes les extensions disponibles à ce jour.
* '''Scoring During the Game:''' an updated version of the one in the CAR reviewed and updated to cover all expansions available up to date.
* '''Évaluation finale''' : une version mise à jour du CAR, revue et mise à jour pour couvrir toutes les extensions disponibles à ce jour.
* '''Scoring After the Game:''' an updated version of the one in the CAR reviewed and updated to cover all expansions available up to date.
* '''Pions du jeu''' : une version mise à jour du CAR, revue et complétée avec beaucoup plus de cas pour couvrir toutes les extensions disponibles à ce jour.
* '''Game Figures:''' an updated version of the one in the CAR, reviewed and extended with a lot more cases to cover all expansions available up to date.

Nous espérons que vous l’utiliserez avec autant de plaisir que nous l’avons fait pour vous, cher fan de Carcassonne !
We hope you enjoy using it the same as we enjoyed building it up for you, fellow Carcassonne fan!

== Introduction du S-CAR ==
== S-CAR introduction ==

[[FIle:SCAR_cover.jpg|right|250px|frame|Page de couverture originale du CAR]]
[[FIle:SCAR_cover.jpg|right|250px|frame|Original CAR cover page]]

Nous sommes à mi-chemin de l’année 2015, il semble donc qu’il soit temps de passer à une autre version des règles complètes annotées ! Il y a moins de changements majeurs au contenu cette fois-ci, avec une nouvelle mini-expansion officielle (Châteaux d’Allemagne) et une semi-officielle (Promos russes). Cependant, il y a toujours de nouvelles clarifications à apporter, et vous les trouverez ici.
We are approaching the midway point of 2015, so it seems like it’s time for another version of the Complete Annotated Rules! There are fewer major changes to the content this time, with one new official mini-expansion (Castles in Germany) and a semi-official one (Russian Promos). However, there are always new clarifications to go through, and you’ll find those here.

En outre, j’ai essayé d’améliorer un peu l’organisation de ce document. Auparavant, les extensions étaient classées par ordre chronologique. Cependant, cela rendait la tâche plus difficile aux nouveaux venus dans le jeu pour trouver ce qu’ils cherchaient. Maintenant, les règles sont divisées en trois sections : (1) le jeu de base, (2) les extensions majeures, classées par ordre de numéro d’extension, et (3) les plus petites extensions, classées par ordre alphabétique. Bien sûr, si vous lisez le pdf et que vous savez quelle extension vous voulez, il vous suffit de cliquer sur le lien vers cette extension dans la table des matières.
Additionally, I have tried to improve the organization of this document a little bit. Previously, the expansions were ordered chronologically. However, that made it tougher for newcomers to the game to find what they were looking for. Now the rules are divided into three sections: (1) the base game, (2) the major expansions, listed in order of expansion number, and (3) the smaller expansions, listed alphabetically. Of course, if you’re reading the pdf and you know what expansion you want, you should just click the hotlink for that expansion in the table of contents.

En outre, j’ai consolidé les listes de plusieurs mini-expansions qui étaient auparavant répertoriées séparément (Les Agroglyphes I et II et les différentes extensions avec une mécanique de siège). Et enfin, les mini-extensions composant Comte, Roi & Brigand sont désormais répertoriées sous cette grande extension plutôt que séparément.
Further, I have consolidated the listings for several mini-expansions which were previously listed separately (Crop Circles I and II, the various expansions with the siege mechanic). And finally, the mini-expansions making up Count, King, and Robber are now listed under that large expansion rather than separately.

Comme indiqué précédemment, un changement potentiellement spectaculaire pour Carcassonne est la sortie du nouveau Carcassonne, ou Carcassonne II (CII). Il s’agit essentiellement d’une nouvelle version du jeu de base avec de nouvelles illustrations et un nouveau type de partisan. Mécaniquement, CII est compatible avec le Carcassonne original, car les versos des tuiles sont identiques, mais il n’y a aucun doute que l’esthétique du recto des tuiles est différente. À ce stade, on ne sait toujours pas ce que l’existence de CII signifiera pour les futures sorties d’extensions. J’ai inclus CII dans ce document de manière limitée car il peut servir d’extension pour le jeu original si vous êtes prêt à ignorer les différences graphiques. Cependant, je n’inclus pas les tuiles dans le guide des tuiles, car il y a des différences minimes entre le jeu de base original et CII (et je souligne ces différences dans les sections respectives).
As noted before, a potentially dramatic change for Carcassonne is the release of New Carcassonne, or Carcassonne II (C II). This is essentially a new release of the base game with all new artwork and one new type of follower. Mechanically C II is compatible with the original Carcassonne, as the backs of the tiles are identical, but there is no questioning that the aesthetics of the tile fronts are different. At this point it is still unknown what the existence of C II will mean for future expansion releases. I have included C II in this document in a limited fashion because it can serve as an expansion for the original game if you are willing to overlook the graphical differences. However, I am not including the tiles in the tile guide, as there are minimal differences between the original base game and C II (and I highlight those differences in the respective sections).

Comme indiqué précédemment, la poursuite de l’activité d’un nouvel éditeur et l’existence d’une version entièrement "nouvelle" signifient que la traduction et la compilation des règles continuent à se détériorer avec le temps. Différents mots anglais sont utilisés par différentes sociétés (et même dans différents ensembles de règles de la même société), de sorte que la terminologie utilisée dans ce document peut être légèrement différente de celle que vous avez dans vos paquets de règles. Nous, au Carcassonne Complete Annotated Rules (CAR), avons essayé de maintenir une cohérence dans l’ensemble du document, et pour l’instant ce document s’en tient à certaines des traductions les plus anciennes et les plus établies. Si vous avez des questions sur des termes, n’oubliez pas de consulter la section du dictionnaire allemand/anglais pour voir les nombreuses différences de traduction que vous pouvez constater dans différentes versions des règles.
As noted before, the continued activity of a new publisher and the existence of an entirely “new” version mean that translation and compilation of rules continues to become messier over time. Different English words are used by different companies (and even in different sets of rules from the same company), so the terminology used in this document may be slightly different than what you have in your rules packets. We at the Carcassonne Complete Annotated Rules (CAR) have tried to maintain consistency throughout the document, and for now this document is sticking to some of the older and more established translations – if you have any questions about terms, be sure to check out the German/English Dictionary section to see the various translation differences that you may see in different versions of the rules.

En outre, certains éditeurs ont effectivement modifié le contenu des règles à certains endroits, créant des maux de tête pour les personnes qui ont différentes éditions du jeu. Le CAR représente le dernier mot de Hans im Glück (HiG), l’éditeur allemand d’origine, et nous encourageons l’utilisation des règles qui y figurent pour assurer la cohérence du jeu dans le monde entier. Lorsque nous les avons trouvées, les divergences sont signalées dans les notes de bas de page, les modifications importantes étant mises en évidence en rose.
Additionally, some of the publishers have actually made changes to the contents of the rules in some places, creating headaches for people who have different editions of the game. The CAR represents the final word of Hans im Glück (HiG), the original German publisher, and we encourage use of the rules found here for consistency worldwide. Where we have found them, discrepancies are noted in footnotes, with significant alterations in highlighted in pink.

Comme toujours, allez-y et plongez dans le CAR. Je ne vous garantis pas une maîtrise instantanée des règles de Carcassonne, mais vous trouverez peut-être des réponses à des questions que vous ne pensiez même pas avoir.
As always, go ahead and dive into the CAR. I won’t guarantee you instant mastery of the rules of Carcassonne, but you may find answers to questions that you didn’t even know you had.

Christopher Ober (obervet) - 22 Mai 2015
Christopher Ober (obervet) - 22 May 2015

== Remerciements du S-CAR ==  
== S-CAR Acknowledgements ==  

* [[Klaus-Jürgen Wrede/fr|Klaus-Jürgen Wrede]], pour avoir créé un si grand jeu.
* [[Klaus-Jürgen Wrede]], for creating such a great game.
* [[Hans im Glück/fr|Hans im Glück]] et [[Z-Man Games/fr|Z-Man Games]], pour l’avoir publié.
* [[Hans im Glück]] and [[Z-Man Games]], for publishing it.

* kettlefish, pour avoir obtenu de nombreuses clarifications de la part de HiG et pour avoir créé le dictionnaire allemand-anglais.
* kettlefish, for getting numerous clarifications from HiG and for creating the German-English Dictionary.
* Georg Wild de HiG, pour avoir répondu à toutes nos questions.
* Georg Wild at HiG, for answering all our questions.
* [[User:Decar|Decar]] et wamboyil pour les traductions en anglais de l’extension [[Castles in Germany (1st edition)/fr|Châteaux d’Allemagne]].
* [[User:Decar|Decar]] and wamboyil for the English translations of the [[Castles in Germany (1st edition)|Castles in Germany]] expansion
* [[User:Decar|Decar]], MrNumbers, et aenima pour les traductions et les tuiles pour les Promos russes.
* [[User:Decar|Decar]], MrNumbers, and aenima for translations and tiles for the Russian Promos
* wamboyil pour les traductions en anglais de presque tout ce qui concerne les années 2013 et 2014.
* wamboyil for English translations of pretty much everything from 2013 and 2014.
* Daniel Brie, pour une autre nouvelle couverture.
* Daniel Brie, for another new cover.
* Christof Tisch, concepteur des règles chez HiG, pour son aide avec [[The School (1st edition)/fr|L’école]], les Minis 1-6 (7) et [[Wind Roses (1st edition)/fr|La Rose des Vents]].
* Christof Tisch, rules designer at HiG, for helping with [[The School (1st edition)|School, The]], the Minis 1-6(7), and [[Wind Roses (1st edition)|Wind Roses]].
* tdriling pour les graphiques vectoriels de tous les pions du jeu.
* tdriling for vector graphics of all of the figures in the game
* quevy pour les scans des tuiles de [[Hills & Sheep (1st edition)/fr|Moutons & Collines]].
* quevy for scans of the tiles from [[Hills & Sheep (1st edition)|Hills & Sheep]]
* Matthew Harper, pour avoir porté le CAR pendant des années.
* Matthew Harper, for carrying the CAR for years.
* Christian Hermann, pour avoir fourni un certain nombre de clarifications allemande (et des traductions).
* Christian Hermann, for providing a number of German clarifications (and translations)
* peterjpromnitz pour les scans de tuiles des mini extensions de 2012.
* peterjpromnitz for tile scans from the 2012 Mini expansions
* Gantry Rogue, pour avoir eu l’idée de CarcassonneCentral.
* Gantry Rogue, for coming up with the CarcassonneCentral idea in the first place.

* Robin Sussillo, pour la mise en route.
* Robin Sussillo, for the getting the ball rolling.
* Roy Levien (Aldaron), pour avoir été un avocat des règles.
* Roy Levien (Aldaron), for being a rules lawyer.
* Skull One, pour le résumé de son tour.
* Skull One, for his turn summary.
* Whaleyland, pour la couverture originale mise à jour, les encouragements et la relecture.
* Whaleyland, for the original updated cover, encouragement, and proofreading.
* Caryntjen, également pour son travail sur la couverture
* Caryntjen, also for work on the cover
* CKorfmann, pour des rappels et des encouragements répétés.
* CKorfmann, for repeated reminders and encouragement.
* David Whitworth, pour son résumé des caractéristiques des pions
* David Whitworth, for his summary of figure characteristics
* John Sweeney, pour avoir hébergé un site formidable et pour les informations sur le GQ11.
* John Sweeney, for hosting a great site and for information about the GQ11.
* Scott, Olon Callaway, André Santos, Patrik Wikström (wicke), Cesar Moreno (NoMasOvejas), Jeff Hoffman (Gamemaster), Gilbert Cerise (chiefouray), Brandon Clarke (bwtcf), Brett Myers (disclaimer), et The Broox pour la relecture.
* Scott, Olon Callaway, André Santos, Patrik Wikström (wicke), Cesar Moreno (NoMasOvejas), Jeff Hoffman (Gamemaster), Gilbert Cerise (chiefouray), Brandon Clarke (bwtcf), Brett Myers (disclaimer), and The Broox for proof-reading.
* Eric Weingarten (Little My), Mike LeDuc (ducker), Andy Tinkham (tinkha), Randy Szabadics (ironmule), et The Broox pour les informations sur les éditions de [[Rio Grande Games/fr|Rio Grande Games]].
* Eric Weingarten (Little My), Mike LeDuc (ducker), Andy Tinkham (tinkha), Randy Szabadics (ironmule), and The Broox for information about [[Rio Grande Games]] editions.
* Kevin Wood (kvn299), Ken Shin (dvader123), Brian Mola (ColtsFan76), hester, Vladimír Sýkora, et eddebaby pour l’aide apporté dans les versions antérieures du CAR.
* Kevin Wood (kvn299), Ken Shin (dvader123), Brian Mola (ColtsFan76), hester, Vladimír Sýkora, and eddebaby for help in earlier versions of the CAR.

Nous remercions tout particulièrement les communautés en général de [http://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/ CarcassonneCentral], [https://www.carcassonne-forum.de/ Carcassonne-Forum] et [https://boardgamegeek.com/ BoardGameGeek].
Special thanks to the [http://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/ CarcassonneCentral], [https://www.carcassonne-forum.de/ Carcassonne-Forum], and [https://boardgamegeek.com/ BoardGameGeek] communities in general.

== Liens externes ==
== External links ==

* [http://www.carcassonnecentral.com/ CarcassonneCentral], le forum anglophone pour les fans de Carcassonne à la base du CAR
* [http://www.carcassonnecentral.com/ CarcassonneCentral], the English-speaking forum for Carcassonne fans home to the CAR
* [http://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=60.0 Carcassonne : Règles complètes annotées (Standard Edition) v7.4] (en anglais)
* [http://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=60.0 Carcassonne: The Complete Annotated Rules (Standard Edition) v7.4]
* [http://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=2125.msg29571#msg29571 Clarifications officielles (10/2015-04/2016)] de [[Hans im Glück/fr|HiG]] pour CarccassonneCentral (en anglais)
* [http://www.carcassonnecentral.com/community/index.php?topic=2125.msg29571#msg29571 Official clarifications (10/2015-04/2016)], by [[Hans im Glück|HiG]] on CarcassonneCentral


Revision as of 16:04, 12 October 2021

Welcome to WikiCarpedia, the Carcassonne Complete Annotated Rules Wikipedia!


Carcassonne castle view. Source:Wikimedia Commons

The WikiCarpedia project (or WICA for short) started in July 2018, going live on 1st of September 2018. The founding fathers of the WikiCarpedia are Decar, MajFrost, Meepledrone, Sinscerly and Wolnic.

The main stimulus and source for its creation (besides, obviously love for the game) was the impressive Carcassonne Complete Annotated Rules (CAR) document, heart of the CarcassonneCentral community. The CAR consists in the English translations of the German rules, with annotations to highlight differences and official clarifications from Hans-im-Glueck where confusion exists. The development of this document began in 2006, and the most recent version (v7.4) was released by Christopher Ober and many others in May 2015. To honour the tremendous work by him and other people for the community you can find below the introduction and credits from the original Standard CAR (S-CAR or Carcassonne Standard CAR ver. 7.4).

A lot has happened since the CAR was last updated back in May 2015. The CAR was focused in the 1st Edition of Carcassonne (Carcassonne I or CI for short) but it included some preliminary information on the new edition (Carcassonne II or CII for short) released in 2014.

Several years have passed and we have witnessed:

  • The release of a few expansions for CI not covered in the CAR v7.4
  • The release of new clarifications by HiG between October 2015 and April 2016 available on the CarcassonneCentral forum (thanks to Kettlefish)
  • The re-release of several major and minor expansions for CII with some rules changes
  • The release of new major and minor CII expansions
  • The release of new spin-offs and variants

All this required a step forward in keeping up with the latest developments in the Carcassonne. The CarcassonneCentral forums have long debated many aspects of how to cope with two editions of the Carcassonne basic game and what would be the ideal support for a 21st century CAR.

WikiCarpedia (WICA) is our response to this challenge to bring you an online CAR that will cover all Carcassonne editions and their expansions (and spin-offs in due time). It covers all the rules and clarifications available and provides you with advanced reference sections beyond anything you found in the CAR. All this in a Wiki format you can browse and search online.

As part of the initiative, we adapted all the footnotes on the CAR from CI to CII and expanded the interactions between expansions in CII to include everything we considered interesting that was omitted on the printed manuals. We also included some community rules to deal with the gaps in the rules of the controversial Halflings.

The reference pages are now your friend. They have become a set of dynamic pages that can be customized through a Expansion Selector. The Expansion Selector allows WICA users to select expansions fully or partially and define a preferred edition whose rules have precedence. The pages that benefit form this customization are next:

  • Game Reference: a high level Order of Play that covers the game preparation, the game and the scoring after the game. This is completely new.
  • Order of Play: an updated version of the one in the CAR reviewed and updated to cover all expansions available up to date.
  • Scoring During the Game: an updated version of the one in the CAR reviewed and updated to cover all expansions available up to date.
  • Scoring After the Game: an updated version of the one in the CAR reviewed and updated to cover all expansions available up to date.
  • Game Figures: an updated version of the one in the CAR, reviewed and extended with a lot more cases to cover all expansions available up to date.

We hope you enjoy using it the same as we enjoyed building it up for you, fellow Carcassonne fan!

S-CAR introduction

Original CAR cover page

We are approaching the midway point of 2015, so it seems like it’s time for another version of the Complete Annotated Rules! There are fewer major changes to the content this time, with one new official mini-expansion (Castles in Germany) and a semi-official one (Russian Promos). However, there are always new clarifications to go through, and you’ll find those here.

Additionally, I have tried to improve the organization of this document a little bit. Previously, the expansions were ordered chronologically. However, that made it tougher for newcomers to the game to find what they were looking for. Now the rules are divided into three sections: (1) the base game, (2) the major expansions, listed in order of expansion number, and (3) the smaller expansions, listed alphabetically. Of course, if you’re reading the pdf and you know what expansion you want, you should just click the hotlink for that expansion in the table of contents.

Further, I have consolidated the listings for several mini-expansions which were previously listed separately (Crop Circles I and II, the various expansions with the siege mechanic). And finally, the mini-expansions making up Count, King, and Robber are now listed under that large expansion rather than separately.

As noted before, a potentially dramatic change for Carcassonne is the release of New Carcassonne, or Carcassonne II (C II). This is essentially a new release of the base game with all new artwork and one new type of follower. Mechanically C II is compatible with the original Carcassonne, as the backs of the tiles are identical, but there is no questioning that the aesthetics of the tile fronts are different. At this point it is still unknown what the existence of C II will mean for future expansion releases. I have included C II in this document in a limited fashion because it can serve as an expansion for the original game if you are willing to overlook the graphical differences. However, I am not including the tiles in the tile guide, as there are minimal differences between the original base game and C II (and I highlight those differences in the respective sections).

As noted before, the continued activity of a new publisher and the existence of an entirely “new” version mean that translation and compilation of rules continues to become messier over time. Different English words are used by different companies (and even in different sets of rules from the same company), so the terminology used in this document may be slightly different than what you have in your rules packets. We at the Carcassonne Complete Annotated Rules (CAR) have tried to maintain consistency throughout the document, and for now this document is sticking to some of the older and more established translations – if you have any questions about terms, be sure to check out the German/English Dictionary section to see the various translation differences that you may see in different versions of the rules.

Additionally, some of the publishers have actually made changes to the contents of the rules in some places, creating headaches for people who have different editions of the game. The CAR represents the final word of Hans im Glück (HiG), the original German publisher, and we encourage use of the rules found here for consistency worldwide. Where we have found them, discrepancies are noted in footnotes, with significant alterations in highlighted in pink.

As always, go ahead and dive into the CAR. I won’t guarantee you instant mastery of the rules of Carcassonne, but you may find answers to questions that you didn’t even know you had.

Christopher Ober (obervet) - 22 May 2015

S-CAR Acknowledgements

  • kettlefish, for getting numerous clarifications from HiG and for creating the German-English Dictionary.
  • Georg Wild at HiG, for answering all our questions.
  • Decar and wamboyil for the English translations of the Castles in Germany expansion
  • Decar, MrNumbers, and aenima for translations and tiles for the Russian Promos
  • wamboyil for English translations of pretty much everything from 2013 and 2014.
  • Daniel Brie, for another new cover.
  • Christof Tisch, rules designer at HiG, for helping with School, The, the Minis 1-6(7), and Wind Roses.
  • tdriling for vector graphics of all of the figures in the game
  • quevy for scans of the tiles from Hills & Sheep
  • Matthew Harper, for carrying the CAR for years.
  • Christian Hermann, for providing a number of German clarifications (and translations)
  • peterjpromnitz for tile scans from the 2012 Mini expansions
  • Gantry Rogue, for coming up with the CarcassonneCentral idea in the first place.
  • Robin Sussillo, for the getting the ball rolling.
  • Roy Levien (Aldaron), for being a rules lawyer.
  • Skull One, for his turn summary.
  • Whaleyland, for the original updated cover, encouragement, and proofreading.
  • Caryntjen, also for work on the cover
  • CKorfmann, for repeated reminders and encouragement.
  • David Whitworth, for his summary of figure characteristics
  • John Sweeney, for hosting a great site and for information about the GQ11.
  • Scott, Olon Callaway, André Santos, Patrik Wikström (wicke), Cesar Moreno (NoMasOvejas), Jeff Hoffman (Gamemaster), Gilbert Cerise (chiefouray), Brandon Clarke (bwtcf), Brett Myers (disclaimer), and The Broox for proof-reading.
  • Eric Weingarten (Little My), Mike LeDuc (ducker), Andy Tinkham (tinkha), Randy Szabadics (ironmule), and The Broox for information about Rio Grande Games editions.
  • Kevin Wood (kvn299), Ken Shin (dvader123), Brian Mola (ColtsFan76), hester, Vladimír Sýkora, and eddebaby for help in earlier versions of the CAR.

Special thanks to the CarcassonneCentral, Carcassonne-Forum, and BoardGameGeek communities in general.

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