
Revision as of 23:56, 19 May 2024 by Bumsakalaka (talk | contribs)

Interpretation from the Community


Include icon for CarcassonneCentral, WiCa or CAR authors rule interpretation and clarification with title (for mouse over).


  • text - (optional) Text following icon in block like rule text, always in separated line.
  • description=true - (optional) Show description about icon included in Icons page, always in separated line.
  • selectorid - (optional) Expansion selector id like showFairy
  • dynamicselector - (optional) Dynamic expansion selector like ['OR','showFairy','showDragon']

Translation note

For old translations of icon description check history of translation of page on Icons/en


Code Output
{{IconWorld}} Interpretation from the Community
{{IconWorld|description=true}} Interpretation from the Community  – CarcassonneCentral, WiCa or CAR authors rule interpretation and clarification with title
{{IconWorld|text=This is extra rule}} Interpretation from the Community This is extra rule
{{IconWorld|text=Text 1st line}}{{IconWorld|text=Text 2nd line}} Interpretation from the Community Text 1st line
Interpretation from the Community Text 2nd line