The Markets of Leipzig

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General info and comments

File:Leipzig watermark.png
Markets of Leipzig watermark

Originally released by CundCo in 2017 on occasion of Leipzig's fair "model-hobby-spiel" 2017.

During the Middle Ages the town of Leipzig (lat. Lipsia) was the crossing point of the trading roads Via Regia and Via Imperii, which caused the emergence of numerous markets in this region. In the year of 1507 Leipzig became a staple town. Thus, all merchants passing through the town had to place their goods on the staple place and offer them for sale.

The Leipzig trade fair, which provides its logo as the symbol for this expansion, has its origins in the Middle Ages.


  • 4 double Land tiles with the city of Leipzig, to be used as an alternative Start Tile



Place the Land tiles in a way that the four quarters lie next to each other and form the town of Leipzig (lat. Lipsia). Rightly, the signpost for Francofortum points to the west, the one for Stettinum to the north, Vratislavia to the east and Roma to the south. For the game, however, it is insignificant in which order the tiles are placed. This setup replaces the start tile.

If possible give an extra meeple to each player as meeples might run low easily in this variant.

Markets of Leipzig starting placement

Because this expansion was developed for the Carcassonne basic game the rules stay the same. You can play "The Markets of Leipzig" along with other expansions as well, however, there will be no official rules for these combinations.

Placing a tile

The rules stay the same.

Placing a meeple

The rules stay the same.

Scoring a feature

Each of Leipzig's quarters has one road which starts at its gate. All roads which are connected to these roads offer the possibility of sending one of your meeples to Leipzig. This counts as well for roads which are not directly connected to Leipzig, but are connected through a village.

If you complete a road which leads to Leipzig, and you have the majority, you can choose to:

  • Score the road and you get the points


  • Send your meeple from the road to Leipzig and score 0 points for the road

Take note:

  • If you have more than one meeple on the road you are allowed to send one of them to Leipzig. With the other(s) you can, however, score the points for the road. If you send a meeple into the Wainwrights Quarter you will get the bonus points (see below) immediately.
  • If more than one player has the majority, each one can decide on his own whether he wants to send the meeple to Leipzig or if he takes the points.
  • The road on the double Land tiles counts merely as one road in a road scoring.

You place the meeple on any one of Leipzig's quarters (it does not have to be the one where the road ends) and the meeple will remain there until the game ends. You may only have one of your meeples in each quarter of Leipzig. In each quarter meeples of more than one player are allowed - the meeples are simply stacked.

When you have a meeple in a quarter of Leipzig it will score you bonus points in specific scoring phases - either during the game, or at the end.

Scoring during the game

Wainwrights quarter: Each road that is scored with your majority, you get 1 bonus point for each tile.

Coiners quarter: Each city that is scored, in which you have a knight (even if you do not have the majority), you get 3 points for each coat of arms.

Bookbinders quarter: Each monastery that is completed (which may be scored by you, other players, or nobody) you get 4 bonus points.

The bonus points for these 3 scorings count only for completed roads, cities and monasteries. In the final scoring at the end of the game you get no bonus points in these cases.

Final scoring

Tanners' quarter: When scoring fields at the end of the game, in addition to the usual points for cities, you get 2 points for each shed and each farm in the field if you have the majority of farmers there.

Note: The town of Leipzig counts as a completed city when scoring the fields.

Tile distribution

Leipzig01.pngx1 Leipzig02.pngx1

Leipzig03.pngx1 Leipzig04.pngx1


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