Mările Sudului: Vineri

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Vineri își descoperă insula. Îi răsplătește pe toți jucătorii cu bonusuri săptămânale speciale.

Informații generale și comentarii

Lansată original de Hans im Glück în 2013, extensia Vineri adaugă un pion neutru și un sistem de bonusuri.

Această extensie poate fi jucată numai în combinație cu Carcassonne: Mările Sudului, fie în întregime, fie numai parțial integrată. Toate regulile jocului de bază Carcassonne: Mările Sudului rămân neschimbate.

Componente și configurare

  • 1 pion Vineri de lemn
  • 6 cartonașe de teren cu simboluri bonus (și design de verso cu insulă)
Verso de cartonaș cu insulă

Cele 6 cartonașe ale extensiei sunt amestecate și plasate într-o stivă cu fața în jos (separate de cartonașele de teren din jocul de bază). Cartonașele de teren din jocul de bază sunt împărțite în 10 stive de 7 cărți. Stivele sunt plasate într-un rând, iar cele 2 cărți rămase sunt ultima (a unsprezecea) stivă.

Desfășurarea jocului

În tura unui jucător, cartonașele de teren trebuie întotdeauna să fie trase începând din prima stivă, astfel încât stivele să fie epuizate secvențial. Atunci când a fost epuizată o stivă, asta semnifică că a trecut o săptămână.

Friday now makes his appearance and discovers his island. He will reward all players with special weekly bonuses.

After a stack has been depleted, the following player first draws an expansion tile before he performs his normal turn. He places this tile on the table in a separate area from the base game tiles, and places the Friday figure on it. The expansion tiles, therefore, begin to create the small island of ”Friday” as he discovers it. Players should roughly build the map of this island as shown below. After the player has uncovered a part of Friday’s island, he draws a normal landscape tile from the first stack and takes his normal turn. The placement of the remaining expansion tiles continues after each stack of 7 is depleted, and the Friday figure is moved to each new tile as it is placed, until Friday has discovered his entire island (all 6 expansion tiles).

Insula lui Vineri

After all 6 parts of Friday’s island have been discovered, the player who depletes the next stack of 7 landscape tiles must move the Friday figure to a different part of the island of his choice. During the “week” that Friday resides on an expansion tile (until the next stack of 7 landscape tiles is depleted), all players can use the bonus depicted on that tile.

Example: The last card from stack 4 has been placed by a player. The next player draws and places one of the expansion tiles and moves the Friday figure to it. During this “week” (until stack 5 is depleted), each player receives one additional shell when scoring a completed bridge (as per the base game rules).

Special “weekly” bonuses of Friday’s island:

+1 Shell, +1 banana, +1 fish Whenever a player scores a feature and receives one or more of the Wares, he receives one additional Ware of that type.
1 less Ware for deliveries Whenever a player delivers Wares to a Ship, he may deliver one less than is required (the type of Ware not delivered is decided by the player).
Trade Wares Before placing a landscape tile on his turn, each player may trade Wares with other players. He announces to his teammates which Wares he would like to give and receive. The trade is voluntary; the other players may decide freely whether to accept the trade or not. Only Wares may be exchanged. The active player may trade with several players during his bonus turn. Trades may only be conducted with the active player; a trade between other players is prohibited.
Place AND retrieve an Islander During a player's turn, the player may place an Islander on the just placed tile and then they even may retrieve an Islander from the playing area and place it back in their supply. These actions must be executed in this order.