Expansion List Labels
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This tab describes the Columns that are displayed in the Results.
Column | Description |
Ref (and Status) |
The first character represents the type of expansion (Tiles only (T), Rules only/Variants (V), Tiles+Rules (R), Tiles+Rules+Figures/Tokens (A), Figures/Tokens+Rules (F), Official/Published (P)); the number is a sequence number within the category, which may change for individual entries over time. This will be useful for advising of corrections.
The cell is coloured according to the status of the expansion - pale green = "Completed", pale orange = "In Development", pale pink = "Lost", pale blue = "Musings", and white for "Commercially Available". |
Expansion (Title and Description) |
The published name given to the expansion, in English and German languages; the German version may be an automated translation if there is no existing German translation available; includes link to page on WICA for detailed information about the expansion, if it exists.
This field also contains a brief description of the expansion, initially Hidden, but visible by clicking on the Expand link - it can be hidden again by clicking on the resulting Collapse link. The Description is contained in a box coloured according to the status of the expansion - pale green = "Completed", pale orange = "In Development", pale pink = "Lost", pale blue = "Musings", and white for "Commercially Available". |
Edition | The edition of Carcassonne the expansion is designed for, typically based on the included landscape tiles (C1, C2, WD, WE) or version neutral (all four listed). Note: Any expansion that has been created using C3 city artwork will, initially, be listed as C2 as the general artwork style is consistent between the two. |
Author | The main person, or persons, who created the expansion. |
Tiles (Landscape) | The total number of landscape tiles or tile blocks included that are used to extend the landscape on the table; this does not include "tiles" that display characters (such as King, or Robber Baron) or are mixed with the landscape tiles but, when drawn, trigger some other action; may include start tiles. |
Start Tiles | The total number of landscape tiles, or tile blocks, within the expansion, that are (or can be) laid out on the table at the start of play; in the case of a typical river expansion, this would be the number of river source tiles (even though the expansion itself may only require one), but not standard river or lake tiles; if the expansion, for example, alters the way in which a feature is laid out (for example, by placing the Lake or a specific river tile first) then that should be noted instead of river sources. |
Special Tiles | Landscape tiles, or tile blocks, that are not of the standard size (45mm x 45mm); this could include half-sized tiles, double tiles, or a 2x2 block (such as a central lake); may be subset of the "Tiles"; almost a "Notes" field for tiles; some of the tile blocks may be a single component, or made up from individual tiles. |
Figures | Any additional figures (wood, or equivalent) required for the expansion; this typically will re-purpose meeples from existing expansions or spin-offs, or from third party suppliers such as Meeplesource or Spielmateriel; some expansions do not specify the exact figures required, other than that they be either of an unused shape (e.g. shepherd, robber, etc.), or player colour; may also include required dice (1-6 or Flier) or other components (wooden tokens, cubes, etc.) |
Tokens/Cards/etc. | Any additional tokens (card or wood) that are part of the expansion; typically these will be smaller than standard tiles, such as trade tokens, but may include standard tile-sized/shaped character tiles (think King, Robber Baron) or trigger tiles that are mixed with the landscape tiles and drawn as normal, but are not added to the landscape on the table, instead triggering some other action; may also include "playing" cards (additional actions, scores, quests, etc.) which are drawn before or during the game. |
Expansion Symbol | If the tiles have an expansion symbol, or common design feature, that could help to identify it. |
Download Link | This includes web links to the downloadable files or discussion threads on CarcC or CarcF, or to another site (such as BGG, or archived CarcC) where the expansion, or information about it, can be found; CarcC Downloads is listed separately from CarcC Forum (latter, generally, if no Download is available), but CarcF uses a common URL for both, so following the link may lead to a Downloads page or a discussion thread; additional info may be included if, for example, the expansion is split across multiple pieces (it might state "Part 1" and "Part 2", or "Rules" and "Tiles"), or that there is no (known) further information available. |
Features (or Categories) |
This is used for the Feature Selection option; these are broad features, such as road, city, forest, or river, which are a significant design element of the expansion; in time this feature could be expanded to include other aspects of the expansion to allow more detailed searches to be made. This field may, in future, be renamed as "Categories". |
Sample Tiles/Features | This is intended to include sample tile(s) showing the main design features. Only a few examples are included at this stage. |
This tab explains the different Expansion Type categories
Expansion Type | Description |
Official (P) | Any commercially published expansion (HiG, CundCo, SpielBox, HobbyWorld, etc.) |
Figures/Tokens and Rules (F) | Rules which includes additional tokens and/or figures, but no additional landscape tiles; includes tile shaped/sized pieces that are not placed into the landscape, such as trigger or character tiles |
Tiles, Rules and Figures/Tokens (A) | New tile designs with an accompanying set of rules, including tokens and/or additional figures; includes tile shaped/sized pieces that are not placed into the landscape, such as trigger or character tiles |
Tiles only (T) | New tile designs without any new rules; this can include tiles, or tile blocks, of different sizes; excludes tile shaped/sized pieces that are not placed into the landscape, such as trigger or character tiles; may include tiles that are used with other expansions which do have rules - for example, additional Tower or Flier tiles |
Tiles and Rules (R) | New tile designs with an accompanying set of rules; no additional figures required, and no additional tokens included; excludes tile shaped/sized pieces that are not placed into the landscape, such as trigger or character tiles |
Variants (V) | Alternative rules for existing published expansions; no new tiles or other components; so, no borrowing of a figure from another published expansion. |
Musings (M) | Often just a vague idea or suggestion for figures, tiles and rules, some are slightly better defined but without any major discussion about them; download links may no longer work. |
1. Introduction
This Expansion Selector allows you to navigate through the great deal of both official and fan-made expansions available for Carcassonne. According to your selection, the list below will be filtered. This way, you can narrow down the long list available.
2. Use Guide
The selector has two tabs and below there is an area that lists the current selection at all times, no matter the tab displayed.
You can click on any tab label to go to the desired tab. Additional clicks on a selected tab will collapse it and expand it back in order to access the selector when needed. Switching to another tab will expand the selector automatically.
The following sections describe the tabs and their funcionality.
2.1. The "Filter" tab
It will allow you to select the criteria to filter the list of expansions below: by edition, by publisher (if official), by type of expansion and/or author (if fan-made), or by features.
The tab shows a set of criteria categories where each label is preceded by a checkbox to allow its selection and deselection in full.
The criteria categories show a clickable "[+]" symbol after them when closed or "[–]" when open. In the latter case, all the components are displayed and can be selected and deselected individually.
The tab has a text label in accordance with the format "Filter (X/Y)" in order to identify the number of expansions selected (represented by X) and the total number available (represented by Y).
2.4. Help
This is the current tab displayed with help information about the Expansion Selector.