Expansion Selector Labels

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Revision as of 01:45, 16 March 2019 by Meepledrone (talk | contribs) (Updated)
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Exp. 1 - Inns And Cathedrals
Big Follower
Exp. 2 - Traders And Builders
Trade good tokens
Exp. 3 - The Princess And The Dragon
Magic portal
Exp. 4 - The Tower
Exp. 5 - Abbey & Mayor
Exp. 6 - Count, King & Robber
Count of Carcassonne
King & Robber Baron
The River II
Exp. 7 - The Catapult
Exp. 8 - Bridges, Castles & Bazaars
Exp. 9 - Hills & Sheep
Exp. 10 - Under The Big Top
The Wheel Of Fortune
Mini 1 - The Flier
Mini 2 - Dispatches (Messages)
Mini 3 - The Ferries
Mini 4 - Goldmines
Mini 5 - Mage & Witch
Mini 6 - Robbers
Mini 7 - Crop Circles & Crop Circles II / WE Corn Circles
The River
Cathars / Siege / Besiegers
Mini Expansion GQ#11
The Phantom
The Plague
The Tunnel
The Festival
The Wind Roses
Little Buildings
Darmstadt Promo
The School
Russian Promos
La Porxada
German Castles
German Cathedrals
Monasteries in Germany or Netherlands & Belgium / Japanese buildings
Spiel Promo Tiles
The Labyrinth
The Abbot
The Watchtowers
Markets Of Leipzig
The Fruit-Bearing Trees
The Barber-Surgeons
Spiel Doch! 02/2018
WE Gingerbread Man
Select All C1
Select All C2
Select All WE
Select All Neutral
Big Box 1
Big Box 2
Big Box 3
Big Box 4
Big Box 5
Big Box 6
Limited Edition 2003
LE Traders & Builders
LE Princess & Dragon
LE Edition Crop Circles
LE 10th Anniversary
LE Müller Exclusive
Major Expansions (0/0)
Minor Expansions (0/0)
Other Expansions (0/0)
Quick Selectors
Filters (-)
Show Editions:
Preferred Edition:
1st Edition (C1)
New Edition (C2)
Winter Edition (WE)
Mark rules adaptations
Selected expansions:
Quick Selection:
Select Expansions
Select One...
Clear All
Select All

1. Introduction

This Expansion Selector allows you to pick what expansions (or parts of them) to use in the reference pages of WICA. According to your selection, the Order of Play and Scoring sections will be adapted. This way, you can customize WICA to suit your game without any hinderance from the expansions left out.

As hinted above, the expansions combining multiple elements permit a fine-grain selection of its elements. For example, you can choose the abbey tiles and the wagon from "Abbey and Mayor" and to leave out the barn and the mayor.

2. Use Guide

The selector has several tabs and below there is an area that lists the current selection at all times, no matter the tab displayed.

You can click on any tab label to go to the desired tab. Additional clicks on a selected tab will collapse it and expand it back in order to access the selector when needed. Switching to another tab will expand the selector automatically.

The following sections describe the tabs and their funcionality.

2.1. "Expansions" tabs

The first three tabs from the left allow you to pick expansions in full or partially when possible.

  • Major expansions: lists all official major expansions by HiG.
  • Minor expansions: lists all official minor expansions by HiG and some of their licensed equivalents.
  • Other expansions: lists the rest of licensed expansions as well as some unofficial ones.

These tabs show a listing of expansions where each label is preceded by a checkbox to allow its selection and deselection if full.

Those expansions with various components show a clickable "[+]" symbol after them when closed or "[–]" when open. In the latter case, all the components are displayed and can be selected and deselected individually.

Each tab has a text label in accordance with the format "Group (X/Y)" in order to identify the set of expansions listed (indicated by Group), the number of expansions selected (represented by X) and the total number available (represented by Y).

2.2. "Quick Selectors" tab

This is the fourth tab from the left. It allows you to choose from a predefined list of available expansions sets. This tab contains the following elements:

  • A dropdown list and a "Select Expansions" button: They allow you select and load a predefined expansion bundle, such as a Big Box or all the expansions for the New Edition.
  • The "Clear All" button empties your current with one click.
  • The "Select All" button selects all the expansions available with one click.

2.3. "Filters" tab

This is the fifth tab from the left. It allows you to choose what Carcassonne editions are displayed and your preferred edition. The editions considered are the 1st Edition (C1), the New Edition (C2), and the Winter Edition (WE), which is included in a creative way if some of its expansions are of interest.

The tab displays two panels:

  • "Show Editions" panel: it contains a checkbox for each edition available (C1, C2 and WE.) The selector will show the expansions belonging to the checked editions only. For example, if the 1st edition (C1) checkbox is selected, expansions such as "The Wheel Of Fortune" or "Halflings" will be eligible in the Expansion Selector, otherwise they will not be available for selection. At least one of the main editions (C1 or C2) has to be selected, thus they cannot be deselected at the same time.
  • "Preferred Edition" panel: it contains a set of radio buttons for the 1st Edition (C1), the New Edition (C2) and the Winter Edition. The radio button selected will indicate the Expansion Selector which edition has precedence over the other when:
    • Describing the Order of Play and the Scoring rules: If there are diferences between editions, the preferred edition rules and wording will be displayed. For example, the movement of the dragon will be displayed in different steps in the Order of Play depending on whether C1 or C2 is selected.
    • Displaying graphics in the Scoring sections: For expansions available in both editions, the images shown will correspond to the selected edition. Images from an expansion only existing in one edition will not change.
    The radio button for an edition will be enabled only if such an edition is available, that is, it is selected in the "Show Editions" panel.

  • It also includes a checkbox with the label "Mark rules adaptations": If checked, all the rules displayed in the Game Reference and the Order of Play not corresponding to the preferred edition will be highlighted.

This tab shows a label similar to "Filters (C1/C2/WE) #" that lists all the editions selected in parentheses and one of them is underlined, indicating that it is the preferred one. The hash sign is present if rules adaptations are highlighted.

2.4. Help

This is the current tab displayed with help information about the Expansion Selector.