Zlaté doly (původní edice)

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Goldmines C1-08.png Na této stránce najdete pravidla pro takto ilustrované kartičky.
Goldmines C3 Tile H.pngPokud se vaše kartičky podobají těmto, přejděte na jiná pravidla:
Zlaté doly Zlaté doly
Gold Mines C2 Tile H.jpg
Pokud grafika na vašich kartičkách vypadá úplně jinak, bude mít jinou spin-off hru Carcassonne.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Tato stránka má zatím
nedokončený překlad!

Box Mini4 C1 CZ.png


Expansion Symbol rozšíření

Pravidla pro 4. minirozšíření (mini 4) zlaté doly byly přeloženy vydavatelstvím Mindok do češtiny v roce 2012. Ve stejném roce byly pravidla znovu vydány jako součást Big Box 4. Na této stránce je uveden jejich přepis s drobnými korekcemi.

Více informací o samotném rozšíření naleznete v Carcapedii Carcassonne CZ fóra (pro zobrazení obsahu se prosím zaregistrujte).

GOLD! The excitement is great and many are coming to claim the precious metal for themselves. All accounts will be settled at the end.

Rozšíření je hratelné pouze se základní sadou CARCASSONNE nebo kterýmkoli jiným rozšířením. Všechna pravidla hry zůstávají stejná. Zde jsou popsána pouze dodatečná pravidla k tomuto rozšíření.

Herní materiál

  • 16 zlatých cihliček ze dřeva
Figure Gold.png
  • 8 kartiček krajiny se symbolem zlata
  • 1 kartička krajiny s obrazcem v obilí


Příprava hry  

Kartičky se symbolem zlata zamíchejte mezi ostatní kartičky krajiny. Zlaté cihličky mějte po ruce.

Přiložení kartičky  

Pokud hráč táhne kartičku se symbolem zlata, přiloží ji běžným způsobem do krajiny. Poté musí na tuto kartičku a také na jednu sousední kartičku (i diagonálně) umístit po jedné zlaté cihličce. Při každém přiložení kartičky se zlatem budou tedy umístěny právě dvě zlaté cihličky. Zlatou cihličku je možné umístit i na kartičku, na které již jedna nebo více zlatých cihliček z předcházejících tahů leží. Zlatá cihlička nepatří ke konkrétní části krajiny, ale ke všem částem krajiny na dané kartičce.

Umístění figurky  

Po umístění zlatých cihliček může hráč běžným způsobem umístit figurku.

3. Bodování uzavřených cest, měst a klášterů  

If the tile with the gold symbol completes a feature after placing the tile, the feature is scored as usual.

Additionally, when a feature is finished and there are one or more pieces of gold on the tiles of that structure, these gold pieces are awarded. The player with the majority of the completed structure receives all gold pieces from the corresponding tiles. A road and a city include all tiles on which road segments or city segments are located. A cloister includes the cloister tile itself and all 8 adjacent tiles. [1] [2] [3]

BLUE places a tile with a gold icon. He places a gold piece on that tile and one on a neighboring tile.
RED completes his city and takes the three gold pieces from the city tiles.

When placing a tile and distributing gold pieces, proceed in the following order:

  1. Place (gold) tile
  2. Place gold pieces
  3. Place follower
  4. Score
  5. Award gold pieces

When more than one player has the majority in a finished structure when gold is to be claimed, or when several structures with a claim to gold are completed at the same time, the gold pieces are distributed among those claiming players. Distribution proceeds clockwise, starting with the active player, until all of the corresponding gold pieces have been awarded. [4] [5]

RED placed the tile and completed the road. RED and BLUE have rights to the gold on the road tiles. As active player RED takes first gold, then BLUE, and finally RED last.

Each player places his gold pieces before him for the remainder of the game. The gold pieces will be scored during the final scoring.

Farmers receive no gold pieces.

Final scoring

When the game is over, all gold pieces which are still on landscape tiles are removed from the game.

The more gold pieces a player has collected, the more each individual piece of gold is worth, as per the following table

Pieces of gold Points per piece of gold
1-3 1
4-6 2
7-9 3
10+ 4

Final Scoring Example:[6]
RED earned 102 points and 7 pieces of gold in the game.
The gold is worth 7 x 3 = 21 points.
The final score for RED is 123 points.

Interaction with Other Expansions

The following notes clarify how Goldmines interact with a couple of major expansion.

Bridges, Castles & Bazaars

A castle lord can collect gold pieces placed in its vicinity. It does not matter if the gold pieces are not located on tiles occupied by the feature triggering the castle scoring.

 Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství Otázka: Can a castle receive collect gold pieces placed in its vicinity the same as cloister collects gold pieces placed on the cloister tile or any adjacent tile?

Odpověď: A castle can also take gold pieces, those located on its vicinity. The castle vicinity has 6 tiles: the two on which the castle was built, the two to the right and the two to the left of it. The castle lord can take gold pieces from them.

Pokud má na zlaté cihličky nárok více hráčů, rozdělují se postupem popsaným v pravidlech. (6/2013)

Následující příklady ukazují, jak se zlaté cihličky rozdělují v některých situacích s hrady: [7]

  • Při hodnocení hradu může jeho majitel brát zlaté cihličky umístěné pouze v jeho okolí. Jakékoli zlaté cihličky mimo tento prostor se nepočítají i když třeba patří k území, které spustilo vyhodnocení hradu.
Hráči se při rozebírání zlatých cihliček umístěných na kartičkách hodnoceného území, střídají. V závislosti na dodržení pořadí mohou někteří hráči s vhodnými zlatými cihličkami nebrat nakonec žádné.

Příklad 1: Postup v různých situacích
Příklad 1A: Modrý dokončí své město a spustí vyhodnocení hradu červeného hráče. První si vezme cihličku modrý, po něm červený (modrý měl také nárok na cihličku, kterou si vzal červený). V tomto případě je to pro červeného jediná možnost, protože modrý vzal zlatou cihličku ve spodní části města.
Example 1B-1: BLUE completes their city, which triggers the scoring of the castle occupied by RED. As the active player, BLUE takes a gold piece first and then RED. BLUE was also entitled to the gold piece taken by RED (placed in the castle vicinity and also on one tile of the city controlled by BLUE), and it was RED's only choice in this case, since BLUE took the gold piece at the bottom of the city.
Example 1B-2: BLUE completes their city, which triggers the scoring of the castle occupied by RED. As the active player, BLUE manages to take both gold pieces. BLUE takes the gold piece in the castle vicinity first (both RED and BLUE were entitled to take it), so RED cannot take any gold pieces. Finally, BLUE takes the gold piece at the bottom of the city.

Example 2: Exploring best outcome
Example 2A: BLUE completes their city, which triggers the scoring of the castle occupied by RED. There are two gold pieces in the castle vicinity, one of them placed on a tile of the city controlled by BLUE). As the active player, BLUE decides to take the gold piece in the castle vicinity which RED is also entitled to, so RED is forced to take the other gold piece in the vicinity. Finally, BLUE takes the gold piece at the bottom of the city.
BLUE gets 2 gold pieces and RED gets one gold piece.
Example 2B: RED completes the city occupied by BLUE, which triggers the scoring of the castle occupied by RED. There are two gold pieces in the castle vicinity, one of them placed on a tile of the city controlled by BLUE). As the active player, RED decides to take the gold piece in the castle vicinity which BLUE is also entitled to, so BLUE is forced to take the gold piece at the bottom of the city. Finally, RED takes the other gold piece in the vicinity.
Modrý dostane 1 zlatou cihličku a červený 2.

Example 3: Triggering the gold piece distribution but collecting none
Example 3: RED completes the city occupied by BLUE, which triggers the scoring of the castle occupied by RED. However, RED is not entitled to any gold pieces, since they are not in the castle vicinity. Therefore, RED does not receive any gold pieces and BLUE receives 2 gold pieces.

  • When scoring a castle, its owner is only entitled to those gold pieces placed in the castle vicinity, even if they are not on tiles belonging to the feature triggering the castle scoring.

Example 4: Features triggering the scoring are irrelevant
Example 4: RED completes an unoccupied city, which triggers the scoring of the castle occupied by RED. RED will take the gold piece in the castle vicinity, no matter it is not on a tile of the city triggering the scoring.

Example 5: Sequence involving the building of a castle
Example 5.1: YELLOW places a cloister with monk, and two gold pieces.
Example 5.2: RED places a tile completing a small city.
Example 5.3: RED decides to build a castle instead of scoring the small city. Since no scoring takes place, no gold pieces are distributed at this point.
Example 5.4: BLUE completes their city, triggering the scoring of the castle occupied by RED. BLUE and Red will take gold pieces in turns. BLUE will take the two pieces at the bottom of the city and RED will take the two gold pieces in the castle vicinity, no matter the gold pieces are not on the feature triggering the castle scoring.

  • When cloister in a castle vicinity is scored, its owner can take any gold pieces placed on its neighborhood. The neighboring castle, can only consider those gold pieces in its castle vicinity.

Example 6: Exploring the scoring of a cloister overlapping a castle vicinity
Example 6-1: RED completes the cloister occupied by YELLOW, triggering the scoring of the castle occupied by RED. RED and YELLOW will take one gold piece each, no matter the order they are chosen, since the two gold pieces are both in the castle vicinity and in the vicinity of the cloister (i.e. on the cloister tile or any adjacent tile).
Example 6-2: YELLOW completes their cloister, triggering the scoring of the castle occupied by RED. Yellow and RED will take one gold piece each, no matter the order they are chosen, since the two gold pieces are both in the castle vicinity and in the vicinity of the cloister (i.e. on the cloister tile or any adjacent tile).

Kartička s obrazcem v obilí

V každém z šesti samostatných minirozšíření najdete 1 kartičku krajiny z dalšího minirozšíření „Kruhy v obilí“. Toto rozšíření je možné přidat do hry i po jedné kartičce, nejlépe se však hraje se všemi šesti kartičkami dohromady. [8]

Seznam kartiček

Celkem kartiček: 9 (8 + 1 s obrazcem v obilí)
Goldmines C1-01.png  1x
Goldmines C1-02.png  1x
Goldmines C1-03.png  1x
Goldmines C1-04.png  1x
Goldmines C1-05.png  1x
Goldmines C1-06.png  1x
Goldmines C1-07.png  1x
Goldmines C1-08.png  1x
GoldminesCC C1-09.png  1x

Poznámky pod čarou

Vysvětlení ikonek najdete na této stránce.

  1. Oficiální vysvětlení pravidel od vydavatelství When a castle is completed, the owner can lay claim to gold pieces in the 6-tile vicinity of the castle: the 2 tiles upon which the castle is built, the 2 tiles to its left, and the 2 tiles to its right. The owner of the castle does not necessarily have the rights to gold associated with the feature that caused completion of the castle (unless that gold is also within the castle's vicinity or the castle owner also has a majority in the primary feature). (6/2013)
  2. Výklad pravidel komunitou In general, any gold pieces on tiles of a completed feature will be distributed while the feature is being scored. Depending on the feature, the gold pieces involved may differ:
    • Features distributing gold pieces on their tiles only:
      • Roads
      • Cities
    • Features distributing gold pieces on the feature tile and its adjacent tiles:
      • Monastic buildings: cloisters, abbeys, shrines, German monasteries (with a monk), Dutch & Belgian monasteries (with a monk), Japanese buildings (with a monk), Darmstadt churches
      • Gardens
      • Baba Yaga's hut
      • German castles
    • Features distributing gold pieces on the feature tile and the road tiles connected to it:
      • German cathedrals
    • Features distributing gold pieces on the tiles adjacent to the feature:
      • Castles
  3. Výklad pravidel komunitou As a consequence of the rules, gold ingots on the tiles of a completed unclaimed feature will not be distributed, since there is no player controlling the feature.
  4. Výklad pravidel komunitou In general, if one or more features are involved, the active player (if entitled to gold) chooses the first gold piece and can choose any one of the pieces to which he/she may be entitled. The next player (in clockwise order) that is entitled to a gold piece can then choose an appropriate piece. Note that, because a player can choose which piece to take first (if there is more than one to choose from), a different player who may have initially been entitled to a gold piece may miss out if that piece has been claimed before it is that player's turn to choose. (6/2013)
  5. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími The RGG version of the rules states "players who score completed features with gold bars take one gold bar for each feature they score and that has gold bars." This seems different from the HiG rules, where the rule is to only take one gold piece at a time.
  6. Rozdílná pravidla mezi jednotlivými edicemi nebo vydavatelstvími This additional rules clarification is from the Big Box 4 edition of the rules.
  7. Výklad pravidel komunitou Tyto příklady jsou odvozeny od vysvětlení, které poskytl Kettlefish, na základě vysvětlení která poskytl Christof Tisch. Vysvětlení naleznete na následujících stránkách: (6/2013)
  8. Výklad pravidel komunitou Všimněte si, že kartičky s obrazcem v obilí obsažené v Mini 1-6 se liší od kartiček které byly vydány samostatně (tato verze je nazývána „Kruhy v obilí I“).