Assembled Game Reference
You can select what expansions you want to include in your game in the Expansion selector below. The Game reference, the Order of Play and the Scoring sections will adapt dynamically to your selection.
Expansion selector
Game reference
- This section serves as a high-level description of a Carcassonne game.
- Steps written in blue are features from other editions of Carcassonne adapted for the preferred version with a little creativity when required.
Game reference summary
Phase & Main Activities | ||||||
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- This section serves as a guide to the set up of the playing area and the elements to be used during the game.
- Steps written in blue are features from other editions of Carcassonne adapted for the preferred version with a little creativity when required.
Preparation summary
. Prepare start tile(s)
- Set aside start tile(s)
- Base starting tile
- River tiles from:
- River I/III (remove spring and lake tiles) (remove spring tile)
- River II (remove spring tile)
- GQ #11 (add spring tile and the other river tile)
- City of Carcassonne tiles and count figure
- Wheel Of Fortune tiles and big pig figure
- Orange wind rose tile
- School tiles and teacher figure
- Markets of Leipzig tiles
- Spiel Doch! 02/2018 Promo tiles (if used as starting tiles)
- Place start tile(s) faceup in the center of the playing area
- Place the base starting tile
- Discard the base starting tileMix base starting tile with the rest of normal land tiles, if using the tile bag; otherwise, discard it.
- Place the City of Carcassonne with the count figure on the castle quarter
- Place the Wheel Of Fortune with the big pig figure on the "Fortune" section
- Place the Markets of Leipzig tiles
- Place the orange wind rose tile
- Spiel Doch! 02/2018 Promo tiles (if used as starting tiles)
- Place the school with the teacher figure next to the starting tile
- Place the river spring tile and prepare the other river tiles
- Separate the fork tile
- Separate the lake tile (the one with the volcano)
- Shuffle all the other river tiles and place them in a stack facedown with the fork tile on top and the lake tile at the bottom
. Prepare the remaining tiles for the game
- Remove from game extra tiles:
- River tiles in CG#11
- The 6 monasteries in base game, if adding German monasteries or Dutch & Belgian monasteries or Japanese buildings to game
- Extra Bathhouses
- 2 players: use 4 bathhouses
- 3 players: use 5 bathhouses
- 4-6 players: use 6 bathhouses
- Shuffle normal land tiles (separate 17, if playing The Plague)
- Place them in stacks facedown
- Put them in the tile bag, as an option
- Place them in the tile tower, as an option
- Shuffle Halfling tiles and deal two (in total or per Halflings expansion) to each player
- Distribute abbey tiles: 1 to each player
- Distribute German Castle tiles, depending on the number of players
- 2-3 players: 1 or 2 tiles
- 4-6 players: 1 tile
. Set aside elements needed during the game
- Tiles and tokens:
- 50/100 point tiles
- Trade goods tokens
- King/Robber Baron tiles and tokens
- Sheep and wolf tokens: placed inside the flock bag
- Animal tokens: shuffled and placed in a stack facedown
- Message tiles: shuffled in a stack facedown
- Plague tokens: outbreak and flea tokens
- Fruit-bearing trees tokens: arranged by fruit type and placed facedown in 6 stacks by type.
- Wooden figures and other pieces:
- Fairy
- Dragon
- Wooden catapult and ruler
- Big Top
- Flier die
- Ferries
- Gold pieces and the scoring token
- Mage
- Witch
- Gingerbread Man
- Place the scoreboard off to the side of the game table
. Distribute figures and other elements to players
- Distribute figures to each player in one color
- Normal followermeeple: 8 (or 9 if available)
- Big followerLarge meeple: 1
- Pig: 1
- Builder: 1
- Tower piecesfloors, depending on the number of players
- 2 players: 10 tower piecesfloors
- 3 players: 9 tower piecesfloors
- 4 players: 7 tower piecesfloors
- 5 players: 6 tower piecesfloors
- 6 players: 5 tower piecesfloors
- Mayor: 1
- Wagon: 1
- Barn: 1
- Bridges, depending on the number of players
- 2-4 players: 3 bridges
- 5-6 players: 2 bridges
- Shepherd: 1
- Ringmaster: 1
- Messenger: 1
- Robber: 1
- Phantom: 1
- Abbot: 1
- Distribute tokens to each player
- Catapult tokens: 4, one per type
- Castle token, depending on the number of players
- 2-4 players: 3 castles
- 5-6 players: 2 castles
- Tunnel tokens, depending on the number of players
- 2 players: 6 tunnel tokens (3 sets)
- 3 players: 4 tunnel tokens (2 sets)
- 4-6 players: 2 tunnel tokens (1 set) with player's colour
- Little buildings, depending on the number of players and the rules applied
- Normal rules (no distinction between building types)
- 2 players: 9 buildings
- 3 players: 6 buildings
- 4 players: 4 buildings
- 5-6 players: 3 buildings
- Variant rules (distinction between building types)
- 2 players: 3 towers + 3 houses + 3 sheds
- 3 players: 2 towers + 2 houses + 2 sheds
- 4-6 players: 1 towers + 1 houses + 1 sheds
- Normal rules (no distinction between building types)
. Set scoring figures on scoreboard
- Place 1 normal followermeeple per player on space 0 of scoring board (it will serve as a scoring figure)
- Place messengers on space 0 of scoring board
Final scoring
- This section serves as a guide for the final scoring.
- Apply Scoring after the game
- Steps written in blue are features from other editions of Carcassonne adapted for the preferred version with a little creativity when required.
Final scoring summary
. Prepare for final scoring
- Score the circus and remove the big top MESSAGES ROBBERS
- Add messenger points to scoring followermeeple and remove the messengers from the scoring board
- Score 3 points per remaining robber and remove them from the scoreboard
- Remove gold pieces still on the game board
. Perform final scoring
- Score all uncompleted features taking into account the fairy taking into account the fairy and the ringmaster taking into account the ringmaster
- Roads
- Cities
- Apply La Porxada bonus if requested by a player and the city with La Porxada is completed
- CloistersMonasteries
- Shrines
- Abbeys
- Acrobat pyramids
- Darmstadt churches
- Baba Yaga's hut
- German castles
- German cathedrals
- German monasteries / Dutch & Belgian monasteries / Japanese buildings with monks
- Gardens
- Score all end-of-game features taking into account the fairy taking into account the fairy and the ringmaster taking into account the ringmaster
- Vodyanoy
- German monasteries / Dutch & Belgian monasteries / Japanese buildings with abbots
- Barns
- Farms
- Resolve final scoring
- Score fruit tokens (1 point per remaining token)
- Score golden pieces
- Score trade good tokens to majority by type
- Score King and Robber Baron tiles
Order of play
by Meepledrone, based on the foundation provided by SkullOne and obervet.
- The word “you" throughout this section refers to the active player.
- Steps written in yellow represent deviations from the official HiG rule set.
- Steps written in blue are features from other editions of Carcassonne adapted for the preferred version with a little creativity when required.
- If playing with the Messages (Dispatches) expansion, the player scoring points chooses which scoring figure to move each time points are awarded. When you see the word MESSAGES, if one of your counting followersmeeples has just landed on a dark space of the scoreboard, you may draw a Message tile if there were no other players' counting meeples on it (ZMG rules only.)if there were no other players' counting meeples on it. Note that resolving a Message tile could also trigger the drawing of another Message tile.
- If playing with the Robbers expansion, the robber must take points from the first allowable event. When you see the word ROBBERS, your robber must take points if possible (ignoring rogue points). When you see ROBBER CHOICE, the robber must take points unless there are multiple counting followersmeeples on the robber’s space at that time that will be scoring points during this round of scoring (Step 3B), in which case he may choose which followermeeple to take the first points from.
Any time during your turn:
- You may ask for advice.
- You may read the rules for the expansions you are playing with.
- You may buy back any one of your imprisoned followersmeeples by paying the captor 3 points. ROBBERS
- You may claim an unclaimed tunnel portal by placing a tunnel token on it.
- You may allow a followermeeple to take flight from the Plague (once an infestation is active).
- You must spread the plague by placing a flea token (once an infestation is active).
1. Placing a tile
Step 1A: Begin Turn
- If the fairy is next to one of your followersmeeples, score 1 point. (If the fairy is next to an acrobat, each of your acrobats in the pyramid gets this bonus point.)MESSAGES ROBBERS
- if no fleas are left in the supply, eliminate the oldest Outbreak unless this would eliminate all Outbreaks.
There are no particular actions for this step.
1. Placing a tile
Step 1A: Begin Turn
- If the fairy is next to one of your followersmeeples, score 1 point. (If the fairy is next to an acrobat, each of your acrobats in the pyramid gets this bonus point.) MESSAGES ROBBERS
- if no fleas are left in the supply, eliminate the oldest Outbreak unless this would eliminate all Outbreaks.
There are no particular actions for this step.
Step 1B: Draw a Tile
- If you have a tile from a previous bazaar auction, you must use that tile.
- If you have an abbey tile and there is at least one valid space to place it, you may draw it in place of drawing a regular tile.
- If you have a Halfling tile and did not play an abbey tile, you may choose it in place of drawing a regular tile.
- If you have an German castle tile and there is at least one valid space to place it, you may draw it in place of drawing a regular tile.
- If you did not perform any previous action in Step 1B, randomly draw a tile.
- Randomly draw a tile. If a dragon is depicted on the tile and the dragon figure is not in play, put the tile aside (to be re-shuffled when the first volcano tile is drawn and placed) and draw randomly a new tile.
- Show the tile to all players.
- If a Wheel of Fortune icon is on the tile, resolve Wheel of Fortune. MESSAGES ROBBERS
- If a hill is depicted on the tile, immediately draw a second tile. Keep the second tile face-down underneath the tile with the hill.
Step 1C: Place the Tile
- Place the tile. You must build a bridge if doing so is required to make the tile placement legal. (Otherwise, a bridge can be placed at any time during the turn.) You may build a bridge on the tile just placed or a tile orthogonal to the tile just placed.
- Note: any feature that is finished is considered complete at this time.
- If a volcano symbol is on the tile, place the dragon on this tile.
- If a princess symbol is on the tile, and the tile is added to an existing city with a knight on it, you may remove a knight of your choice and skip Steps 2B-1 and 2B-2.
- If a plague source is on the tile, the lowest numbered Outbreak token not yet in play must be placed on it.
- If a gold symbol is on the tile, you must place a gold piece on that tile and an adjacent tile.
- If a mage and witch symbol is on the tile, or if the tile joins the features with the Mage and Witch, you must move the Mage or the Witchthe Magethe Witch.
- If a robber symbol is on the tile, your robber and next player’s robber still in his/her supplythe other players' robbers may be placed on the scoreboard. If you had already played your robber, you may move it.
- If there is a quarter-wind rose on the tile and you place the tile in the appropriate quadrant of the playing farmfield, you score 3 points. MESSAGES ROBBERS
- If a hill is on the tile, place the hill tile while keeping the face-down second tile underneath it.
- If placing the Solovei Razboynik tile on a road (or if connecting roads to it), all the thieveshighwaymen on the road must move onto the Solovei Razboynik tile.
- If placing the Vodyanoy tile, all the followersmeeples on adjacent tiles must move onto the Vodyanoy tile until the end of the game.
- If the tile placed shows La Porxada, the player may choose between two actions:
- Swapping followersmeeples in play: the player can exchange one followermeeple with one of another player. If the other player rejects, one of his/her followersmeeples will have to be removed from the game
- Final scoring bonus
- If placing a circus tile for the first time, place an animal token facedown on the circus area and then the big top on it.
- If there is a fruit-bearing tree on the tile, place a stack of 4 fruit tokens of the same type facedown on the tile (it doens't matter if it matches the type of tree.)
- If the tile placed is the last one to surround a bathhouse with a trapped followermeeple, the followermeeple can be taken back by its owner for free. If the owner forgets, the player will have to pay to get it back.
- If a dragon symbol was on the placed tile, move the dragon.
2. Placing a followermeeple
Step 2A: Move the Wood (Prologue)
- If you have a followermeeple on a bathhouse, you may buy the followermeeple back by losing as many points as the number on the bathhouse tile. You can place the followermeeple in the same turn.
There are no particular actions for this step.
Step 2B-1: Move the Wood (Phase 1)
Skip this step if you removed a knight with a princess symbol.
Otherwise, you may do one and only one of the following:
You may do one and only one of the following:
- Deploy a followermeeple. The flier and magic portal can be used, if present on the tile.The magic portal can be used, if present on the tile.The flier can be used, if present on the tile. (forbidden if volcano or plague source was played) (forbidden if plague source was played) (forbidden if volcano was played)
- Normal followermeeple
- Big followerLarge meeple
- Mayor
- Wagon
- Abbot
- Ringmaster
- Perform an acrobat action if the tile was placed adjacent to an acrobat tile:
- Add a normal followermeeple to an uncompleted acrobat pyramid.
- Score a completed acrobat pyramid finished in a previous turn. MESSAGES ROBBERS
- Deploy one of your other figures (forbidden if volcano was played) (unknown if allowed after playing plague source)
- Pig to a farmfield containing one of your followersmeeples
- Builder to a city or road containing one of your followersmeeples
- Shepherd to a farmfield not already containing a shepherd. You must perform the following action:
- ExpandGrow the flock action (draw a token)
- Deploy the barn. The farmfield will be scored as a normal feature in Step 3B.
- Perform a special action
- Place a followermeeple on the Wheel of Fortune
- Remove a figure from anywhere in the playing area if the festival symbol was on the played tile
- Retrieve 1 followermeeple trapped in Solovei Razboynik.
- Remove your abbot and score its points MESSAGES ROBBERS
- Deploy / move a neutral figure
- Place a tower piecefloor on any tower base or available tower.
- You may capture a followermeeple if appropriate.
- If two players have captured one of each other’s followersmeeples, they must immediately be exchanged.
- Place a little building on the tile just played
- Move the fairy next to one of your followersmeeples (not allowed if on a castle)
- Place a tower piecefloor on any tower base or available tower.
Step 2B-2: Move the Wood (Phase 2)
Skip this step if you removed a knight with a princess symbol.
Otherwise, you may do the following:
You may do the following:
- You may place the phantom in the same way as a normal followermeeple. The flier and magic portal, if present on the tile, can be used as long as they were not used in Step 2B-1.The magic portal, if present on the tile, can be used as long as it was not used in Step 2B-1.The flier, if present on the tile, can be used as long as it was not used in Step 2B-1. This step is forbidden if a volcano or plague source tile was played.This step is forbidden if a volcano tile was played.This step is forbidden if a plague source tile was played.
There are no particular actions for this step.
Step 2C: Resolve Move the Wood
- If a ferry lake was on the placed tile, place a ferry.
- If placement of a tile extended a road with a ferry, the ferry may be moved. Each ferry may only be moved once per turn.
- If placement of the tile extended the farmfield with your shepherd, you must choose one of the following two actions:
- ExpandGrow the flock (draw a token)
- Herd the flock intoGuide the flock to the stable (score 1 point per sheep) MESSAGES ROBBERS
- Special case: If placement of the tile closed the farmfield completely (by roads and/or city walls for example) with one or more shepherds, the following action is triggered automatically for all the players involved:
- Herd the flock intoGuide the flock to the stable (score 1 point per sheep) MESSAGES ROBBERS
- If the tile placed has a followermeeple on any of its features, and it is adjacent to one or more fruit-bearing trees, choose one of them and perform one of the following actions:
- Harvesting: Take the top-most fruit token (if available) and score fruit points MESSAGES ROBBERS
- Selling: Sell from 1 to 4 fruit tokens and score accordingly MESSAGES ROBBERS
- HiG & ZMG rules: If a dragon symbol was on the placed tile, move the dragon.
There are no particular actions for this step.
3. Scoring a feature
Step 3A: Identify Completed Features
- Identify all completed features:
- Roads, cities, and cloistersmonasteries completed by tile placement or by abbey placement or by halfling placement or by German castle placement
- Roads completed by placement a bridge
- Roads completed by placement of a tunnel token
- Roads completed by placement or movement of a ferry
- FarmsFields to be scored due to barn placement or joining of a farmfield with a farmer to one with a barn
- Castles completed by the completion of a nearby feature (not on the same turn that the castle itself was built)
- Gardens completed by tile placement or by abbey placement or by halfling placement or by German castle placement
- Abbeys completed by tile placement or by halfling placement or by German castle placement
- Shrines completed by tile placement or by halfling placement or by German castle placement
- Darmstadt Promo churches completed by tile placement or by abbey placement or by halfling placement or by German castle placement
- German castles completed by tile placement or by abbey placement or by halfling placement
- German cathedrals completed by tile placement or by abbey placement or by halfling placement or by German castle placement
- German monasteries / Dutch & Belgian monasteries / Japanese buildings with a monk completed by tile placement or by abbey placement or by halfling placement or by German castle placement
- Baba Yaga's hut completed by tile placement or by abbey placement or by halfling placement or by German castle placement
- Each player receiving points chooses the order in which his or her features resolve
- Exception: A castle must be resolved immediately after any feature which triggers its completion.
- Perform Step 3B for each completed feature in the order chosen.
Step 3B: Resolve Completed Features
- If a town was created by the tile placement, the town may be converted into a castle by the occupying player. If converted, this feature’s completion is considered to be resolved. Go to the next feature.
- If the Gingerbread Man is in a completed city, all players with knights in the city receive points. You then place the Gingerbread Man in an unfinished city of your choice. (How this would interact with a newly-formed castle is unknown. As a castle is no longer a city, the Gingerbread Man should likely be removed with no scoring.) ROBBERS
- If a fairy is next to a followermeeple in the completed feature, that followermeeple’s owner receives 3 points. (If the fairy is next to an acrobat when the pyramid is scored, each acrobat in the pyramid gets these bonus points.) ROBBER CHOICE
- Rewards for completing the feature
- Collect any trade good tokens
- If the completed feature is a city or road, check to see if it is the new largest one and, if so, receive the King or Robber Baron. Place the king token or robber baron token on the new largest feature accordingly
- The player to your left may move one or more followersmeeples from the City of Carcassonne to the current feature. Everyone has this opportunity in turn, ending with you.
- Resolve control of the completed feature
- Normal followermeeple (1 vote)
- Big followerLarge meeple (2 votes)
- Wagon (1 vote)
- Mayor (1 vote per pennantcoat of arms)
- Phantom (1 vote)
- Abbot (1 vote)
- Ringmaster (1 vote)
- Hill (If there is a tie, tied players with at least one followermeeple on a hill are considered to have control)
- If there is at least one gold piece on a tile with the completed structure, gold pieces are distributed to the controlling player(s)
- Perform watchtower scoring for completed roads or cities for you and any other players with followersmeeples on a watchtower (no majority applied.) ROBBER CHOICE
- Players with majority on a completed road leading (directly or indirectly) to Leipzig may send one followermeeple to a quarter where they have no presence yet. If a player has majority with only one followermeeple, he or she does not score the feature as a result (although he or she may get bonus points from the Markets of Leipzig.)
- Tally points and award points to the controlling player(s) ROBBER CHOICE
- Base score
- Inns
- Cathedrals
- Abbey
- Barn
- Shrines
- Vineyards
- Cathars / Siege / Besiegers
- Mage
- Witch
- Little buildings
- Darmstadtium
- Darmstadt churches
- Baba Yaga's hut
- Gardens
- German castles
- German cathedrals
- German monasteries (with monk)
- Dutch & Belgian monasteries (with monk)
- Japanese buildings (with monk)
- Labyrinths
- Markets of Leipzig bonus
- Bathhouses
- Each player scores his or her ringmaster, if placed on a completed feature (no majority is considered.) ROBBER CHOICE
- If there are free bathhouses, any followermeeple that takes part in a scoring on its own has to be moved to an unoccupied bathhouse, if possible. You choose the order of these actions if several followersmeeples are involved, and also the bathhouse(s) you want to keep, if affected.
- If a player has the teacher, that player scores the same number of points that were awarded. (If more than one player is receiving points simultaneously, the holder of the teacher can choose which points to receive.) The teacher is then returned to the school. ROBBER CHOICE
- Remove the mage or witch if they were involved in the scoring of this feature.
- Remove the mage if it was involved in the scoring of this feature.
- Remove the witch if it was involved in the scoring of this feature.
- If a heretic or monk completes its feature, determine if a “race to completion" has been won. If so, return the losing followermeeple to its owner.
- Move any wagons on the completed feature to any adjoining unoccupied uncompleted featureany unoccupied uncompleted feature on the same tile or around it, if any. If more than one wagon can move, you move first, and then order of movement proceeds clockwise.
- Return all remaining followersmeeples on the completed feature to their owners.
- If one or more of the school’s roads were completed, you receive the teacher from the school tiles.
Step 3C: Resolve the Tile Scoring
- Consider the total movement of your counting followermeeple after all completed features are scored
- Consider the total movement of your counting figures after all completed features are scored: MESSAGES ROBBERS
- If a new circus tile was placed, score the animal token under the big top. Then place new animal token facedown on the new circus tile and place the big top on it. MESSAGES ROBBERS
- If you played a Gingerbread Man tile on this turn, move the Gingerbread Man to a different uncompleted city. All players receive points for any knights they have in the city that the Gingerbread Man just left. [1] MESSAGES ROBBERS
- If you did not score any points from placement of the tile this turn, but one or more opponents did, you may place a followermeeple in the City of Carcassonne. Then you may move the Count to a quarter of your choice.
- RGG rules only: If a dragon symbol was on the placed tile, move the dragon.
4. Additional actions
Step 4A: Resolve the Tile Actions
- If a fair symbol was on the placed tile, use the catapult. MESSAGES ROBBERS
- If a crop circle was on the placed tile, you decide whether all players now A) maymust deploy a followermeeple next to one already in play or B) must remove a followermeeple. The type of followermeeple is determined by the type of crop circle.
- You may remove one knight from a besieged city if a cloistermonastery / shrine / abbey / German or Dutch & Belgian monastery / Japanese building / Darmstadt church directly borders:
- Any tile of that city (Siege)
- A Cathar tile (Cathars) or Besiegers tile (Besiegers)
- If a bazaar symbol was on the placed tile (and the tile was not purchased during an auction), and there are enough tiles left:
- Perform an auction. ROBBERS
- Perform special bazaar round to allow all players to place their purchased tiles, starting clockwise from the player to your left and ending with you (players follow the Order of Play placing the purchased tiles instead of drawing new ones.)
- If a bazaar symbol was on the placed tile (and the tile was not purchased during an auction), and there are enough tiles left, repeat actions 1 and 2 until no player has a pending delayed auction:
- Perform an auction. ROBBERS
- Perform special bazaar round to allow all players to place their purchased tiles, starting clockwise from the player to your left and ending with you (players follow the Order of Play placing the purchased tiles instead of drawing new ones.) During this special bazaar round, the following special cases may happen:
- A player triggers a double turns: Carry out the two parts of the double turn normally before the next player's bazaar turn.
- A player draws and places a new bazaar tile in the second part of his/her double turn: Proceed as usual but delay the associated auction until the current bazaar round is finished (A new bazaar round will be carried out.)
There are no particular actions for this step.
Step 4B: Resolve the Turn
There are no particular actions for this step.
4. Additional actions
Step 4B: Resolve the Turn
- If you had a builder on a road or city that was extended by the placement of the tile, repeat Steps 1B through 4A once more and only once more.
Scoring during the game
Legend: | ||||||
Points from feature tiles | Points from figures | Points from additional features |
Scoring features during the game | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Scoring figures during the game | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Other scoring during the game | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Scoring after the game
Legend: | ||||||
Points from feature tiles | Points from figures | Points from additional features |
Scoring features after the game | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Scoring figures after the game | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Other scoring after the game | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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This action it is placed before the opportunity to place a followermeeple in the City of Carcassonne because the placement of the tile could earn the player gingerbread points, and thus prevent placement of a followermeeple in the City of Carcassonne. Of course, since the Gingerbread Man would have to be creatively added to a game of standard-version Carcassonne anyway, this is unlikely to come up very often.
"Shuffle Halfling tiles and deal two (in total or per Halflings expansion) to each player"?