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 h Czech (cs){{SequenceRulescs
Hráč na tahu '''musí otočit 1 kartičku''' z libovolného sloupečku a '''přiložit ji k hernímu plánu'''. <ref>
Nově přiložená kartička krajiny '''musí''' zapadat do sousedního terénu na '''všech hranách'''! Při přikládání nestačí hledat jen stranu, která se hodí.
<br clear="all" />
Na právě přiloženou kartičku '''může''' hráč na tahu umístit '''jednoho''' družiníka ze své zásoby.
<br clear="all" />
Získal-li přiložením kartičky či umístěním družiníka někdo vítězné body, je třeba je '''hned''' zaznamenat.
<br clear="all" />
 h German (de)<div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> 
{{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Legen eines Pläätchens|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="130">Der Spieler '''muss''' draw exactly one land tile from a stack and place it faceup adjacent to any tile already on the board to continue the landscape. <ref>
A newly placed land tile '''must fit''' the adjacent terrain on '''all edges'''! During placement it is not enough to look for only one side that fits.
<td width="90" valign="top">
{{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Placing a meeple|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140">The player '''may''' place a meeple from their supply onto the tile just placed.</td>
<td width="80">
{{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Scoring a feature|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140" valign="top">The player '''must''' score any feature completed by tile placement.</td>
<td width="80" align="right">[[File:Base_Game_C2_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td>
 h English (en)<div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> 
{{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Placing a tile|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="130">The player '''must''' draw exactly one land tile from a stack and place it faceup adjacent to any tile already on the board to continue the landscape. <ref>
A newly placed land tile '''must fit''' the adjacent terrain on '''all edges'''! During placement it is not enough to look for only one side that fits.
<td width="90" valign="top">
{{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Placing a meeple|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140">The player '''may''' place a meeple from their supply onto the tile just placed.</td>
<td width="80">
{{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Scoring a feature|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140" valign="top">The player '''must''' score any feature completed by tile placement.</td>
<td width="80" align="right">[[File:Base_Game_C2_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td>
 h Spanish (es)<div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> 
{{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Colocar una loseta de terreno|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="130">El jugador siempre '''tiene que''' robar una nueva loseta de terreno del montón y colocarla de modo que toque al menos el lateral de otra loseta <ref>
La nueva loseta colocada '''debe encajar''' con el territorio adyacente en '''todos sus bordes'''! Durante la colocación de una loseta no es suficiente que solo encaje un borde.
<td width="90" valign="top">
{{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Colocar un seguidor|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140">
A continuación el jugador '''puede''' poner uno de los seguidores de su reserva sobre la loseta que acaba de colocar.
<td width="80">
{{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Puntuar una zona|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140" valign="top">
El jugador '''debe''' puntuar cualquier zona completada con la colocación de la loseta.</td>
<td width="80" align="right">[[File:Base_Game_C2_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td>
 h French (fr)<div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> 
{{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Placement d’une tuile|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="130">Le joueur '''doit''' piocher une tuile Terrain d’une pile et la placer face visible à côté de toute tuile déjà présente pour prolonger le paysage <ref>
Une tuile Terrain nouvellement placée '''doit s’adapter''' au terrain adjacent sur '''tous les bords''' ! Lors de la pose, il ne suffit pas de chercher un seul côté qui convienne.
<td width="90" valign="top">
{{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Pose d’un meeple|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140">Le joueur '''peut''' poser un meeple de sa réserve sur la tuile qui vient d’être placée.</td>
<td width="80">
{{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Évaluation des zones|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140" valign="top">Le joueur '''doit''' évaluer toute zone complétée par le placement de la tuile.</td>
<td width="80" align="right">[[File:Base_Game_C2_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td>
 h Dutch (nl)<div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> 
{{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Landtegel leggen|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="130">De speler '''moet''' 1 landtegel van één van de gedekte stapels trekken een met ten minste 1 zijde aan de reeds op het speelveld liggende tegels leggen. <ref>
De nieuw gelegde tegel '''moet''' bij aan '''alle zijden''' bij het aangrenzende terrein '''passen'''! Bij het aanleggen is het niet voldoenden om naar één passende zijde te kijken.
<td width="90" valign="top">
{{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Een meeple zetten|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140">De speler '''mag''' een meeple uit zijn voorraad op de zojuist gelegde tegel zetten.</td>
<td width="80">
{{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Puntentelling afhandelen|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140" valign="top">De speler '''moet''' de puntentellingen afhandelen die door het leggen van zijn tegel zijn ontstaan.</td>
<td width="80" align="right">[[File:Base_Game_C2_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td>
 h Romanian (ro)<div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> 
{{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Atașarea unui cartonaș|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:230px;">
<td width="130">Jucătorul '''trebuie''' să tragă exact 1 cartonaș de teren dintr-un teanc și să îl plaseze cu fața în sus adiacent cu oricare cartonaș deja situat pe tablă pentru a continua peisajul.<ref>
Un cartonaș tocmai plasat '''trebuie să se potrivească''' cu terenul adiacent la toate laturile! În timpul plasării nu este destul să te uiți la o singură latură care se potrivește.
<td width="90" valign="top">
{{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Plasarea unui meeple|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:230px;">
<td width="140">Jucătorul are '''posibilitatea''' de a plasa pe cartonașul tocmai plasat un meeple din rezerva sa.</td>
<td width="80">
{{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Declanșarea unei evaluări de puncte<ref>{{IconWorld}}
[[Lineart/ro|Lineart]] a tradus acest concept ca „Declanșarea unei evaluări” în regulile mai vechi și ca „Declanșarea unei evaluări de puncte” în regulile mai noi.
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:230px;">
<td width="140" valign="top">Jucătorul '''trebuie''' să evalueze toate teritoriile finalizate prin plasarea cartonașului.</td>
<td width="80" align="right">[[File:Base_Game_C2_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td>
 h Russian (ru)<div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> 
{{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Размещение квадрата|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="130">Вы '''должны''' взять один из квадратов и выложить к уже имеющимся продолжая игровое пространство. <ref>
Новый выложенный квадрат '''должен совпадать''' с уже имеющейся площадью '''всеми сторонами'''! Во время размещения не достаточно сопоставлять лишь одну сторону.
<td width="90" valign="top">
{{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Размещение подданного|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140">Игрок '''может''' выставить подданного из своего запаса на только что выложенный квадрат.</td>
<td width="80">
{{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Подсчёт очков|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140" valign="top">Игрок '''должен''' начислить очки за все завершённые после выкладки квадрата сооружения.</td>
<td width="80" align="right">[[File:Base_Game_C2_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td>
 h Slovak (sk)<div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> 
{{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Priloženie kartičky|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="130">Aktívny hráč '''musí otočiť 1 kartičku''' z ľubovoľnej kôpky a '''priložiť ju k hernému plánu'''.<ref>
{{IconBook}} Práve priložená kartička krajiny '''musí''' zapadať do herného plánu tak, že nadväzuje na '''všetkých jej hranách'''! Pri prikladaní nestačí len hľadať len jednu stranu, ktorá sa hodí.
<td width="90" valign="top">
{{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Umiestnenie figúrky|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140">Na '''práve priloženú''' kartičku '''môže''' aktívny hráč umiestniť '''jednu''' figúrku zo svojej zásoby.</td>
<td width="80">
{{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Započítanie bodov|rules=
<div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;">
<td width="140" valign="top">Ak získal priložením kartičky či umiestnením figúrky niektorý hráč víťazné body, je treba ich '''hneď''' zaznamenať.</td>
<td width="80" align="right">[[File:Base_Game_C2_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td>