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Found 6 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Czech (cs)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showWondersOfHumanity markC1 markWE">Umístěte '''1  <span class="showC1">normální figurku</span><span class="showC2">normálního družiníka</span>''' a '''značku divu''' hráče (obojí z jeho zásoby) vedle '''políčka 10''' na počitadle bodů.</li>
<li class="showAll">Umístěte '''1 <span class="showC1">normální figurku</span><span class="showC2">normálního družiníka</span>''' od každého hráče (převzato z jejich zásob) na políčko 0 počítadla bodů (slouží jako údaj o '''počtu bodů''').</li>
<li class="showMessages markWE">Umístěte '''dámy''' na políčko 0 počítadla bodů.</li>
 h English (en)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showWondersOfHumanity markC1 markWE">Place '''1 normal <span class="showC1">follower</span><span class="showC2">meeple</span>''' and the '''wonder marker''' per player (both taken from their supply) next to the '''10 space''' of the scoreboard.</li>
<li class="showAll">Place '''1 normal <span class="showC1">follower</span><span class="showC2">meeple</span>''' per player (taken from their supply) on the '''0 space''' of the scoreboard (it will serve as a '''scoring figure''').</li>
<li class="showMessages markWE">Place '''messengers''' on the 0 space of the scoreboard.</li>
 h French (fr)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showAll">Poser 1 <span class="showC1">partisan</span><span class="showC2">meeple</span> normal par joueur sur la case 0 du plateau de score (il servira de '''pion de score''')</li>
<li class="showMessages markWE">Poser <span class="showC1">le '''messager'''</span><span class="showC2">la '''meeplette'''</span> sur la case 0 du plateau de score</li>
 h Dutch (nl)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showWondersOfHumanity markC1 markWE">Plaats '''1 gewone <span class="showC1">horige</span><span class="showC2">meeple</span>''' en de '''wondermarkering''' per speler (beide worden uit hun voorraad genomen) naast '''veld 10''' van het scoretableau.</li>
<li class="showAll">Plaats '''1 gewone <span class="showC1">horige</span><span class="showC2">meeple</span>''' per speler (uit diens voorraad) op '''veld 0''' van het scoretableau (deze dient als '''scorepion''').</li>
<li class="showMessages markWE">Plaats de '''boodschappers''' op veld 0 van het scoretableau.</li>
 h Romanian (ro)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showWondersOfHumanity markC1 markWE">Plasează câte '''1 <span class="showC1">supus</span><span class="showC2">meeple</span> normal''' și '''marcatorul de minune''' pentru fiecare jucător (ambele luate din rezerva sa) lângă '''spațiul 10''' al tablei de scor.</li>
<li class="showAll">Plasează câte '''1 <span class="showC1">supus</span><span class="showC2">meeple</span> normal''' pentru fiecare jucător (luat din rezerva sa) pe '''spațiul 0''' al tablei de scor (va servi drept '''pion de scor''').</li>
<li class="showMessages markWE">Plasează '''meepleșițe''' pe spațiul 0 al tablei de scor.</li>
 h Russian (ru)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showAll">Поставьте 1 обычного подданного каждого игрока на деление "0" дорожки подсчёта очков (он будет служить в качестве счётной фишки)</li>
<li class="showMessages markWE">Place messengers on space 0 of scoring board</li>
<li class="showAll">Определите случайным образом первого игрока (например, самого молодого).</li>