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 h Czech (cs)<ul>
<li>Tato část slouží jako vodítko pro závěrečné vyhodnocení.</li>
<li>Použijte '''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game (1st edition)/cs|Hodnocení na konci hry]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game/cs|Hodnocení na konci hry]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring After the Game/cs|Hodnocení na konci hry]]</span>'''<li>
<li class="showMark wica-highlight">'''Modře vyznačené kroky jsou prvky z jiných vydání hry Carcassonne, které byly v případě potřeby s trochou kreativity upraveny pro preferovanou verzi.'''</li>
 h English (en)<ul>
<li>This section serves as a guide for the final scoring.</li>
<li>Apply '''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game (1st edition)|Scoring After the Game]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game|Scoring After the Game]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring After the Game|Scoring After the Game]]</span>'''<li>
<li class="showMark wica-highlight">'''Steps written in blue are features from other editions of Carcassonne adapted for the preferred version with a little creativity when required.'''</li>
 h French (fr)<ul>
<li>Cette section sert de guide pour l’évaluation finale.</li>
<li>Appliquer l’'''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game (1st edition)/fr|évaluation finale]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game/fr|évaluation finale]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring After the Game/fr|évaluation finale]]</span>'''<li>
<li class="showMark wica-highlight">'''Les étapes écrites en bleu sont des éléments d'autres éditions de Carcassonne adaptés à l’édition préférée avec un peu de créativité quand cela est requis.'''</li>
 h Dutch (nl)<ul>
<li>Dit deel dient als gids voor de eindtelling.</li>
<li>Pas de '''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game (1st edition)/nl|Puntentelling aan het einde van het spel]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game/nl|Puntentelling aan het einde van het spel]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring After the Game/nl|Puntentelling aan het einde van het spel]]</span> toe'''<li>
<li class="showMark wica-highlight">'''Stappen in het blauw komen uit andere edities van Carcassonne en zijn, waar nodig met enige creativiteit, aangepast voor gekozen versie.'''</li>
 h Romanian (ro)<ul>
<li>Această secțiune servește ca un ghid pentru evaluarea finală.</li>
<li>Aplică '''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game (1st edition)/ro|Evaluarea după joc]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game/ro|Evaluarea după joc]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring After the Game/ro|Evaluarea după joc]]</span>'''.<li>
<li class="showMark wica-highlight">'''Pașii scriși în albastru sunt caracteristici din alte ediții Carcassonne adaptate pentru versiunea preferată când puțină creativitate când este necesar.'''</li>
 h Russian (ru)<ul>
<li>Этот раздел служит руководством для финального подсчёта очков.</li>
<li>Примените '''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game (1st edition)|Scoring After the Game]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring After the Game/ru|Начисление Очков в Конце Игры]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring After the Game|Scoring After the Game]]</span>'''<li>
<li class="showMark wica-highlight">'''Steps written in blue are features from other editions of Carcassonne adapted for the preferred version with a little creativity when required.'''</li>