

Generate box with expansion description in colors specific for expansion. It read text between tags <section begin="description" /> and <section begin="description" />, which has to be defined on page, where template is called. Check Bards of Carcassonne Bards of Carcassonne.


  • text (required) Text of description
  • image (required) Name of image, mainly expansion symbol, in the future in color of text, now just transpa
  • color (optional) Color of text inside the box
  • backgroundcolor (optional) Background color inside the box
  • bordercolor (optional) Border bolor of the box


Examples are used for show usage of colors. Text is read from description section on page, from which is template called. So here in template it creates loop and error message.


Symbol BardsOfCarcassonne.png

Template loop detected: Template:ExpansionDescription


Symbol BardsOfCarcassonne.png

Template loop detected: Template:ExpansionDescription