Olomoucké syrečky (Fanúšikovské rozšírenie)

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This page is a translated version of the page Olomouc Curd Cheese (Fan Expansion) and the translation is 8% complete.

Olomouc Curd Cheese has such a strong stench, that you can remove any opponent's meeple from the city when you enlarge it. But don't be sad. When your meeple is removed by the Curd Cheese, you get it and you can reuse it. Unused Curd Cheeses bring extra scoring points to the player during final scoring.

Other languages:
Piece Olomouc Curd Cheese.png Toto rozšírenie je nezávislé na grafike kartičiek a je ho možné hrať s ľubovoľným vydaním hry Carcassonne, ako aj s ľubovoľnou hrou z rodiny Carcassonne (tzv. Spin-off hry) s prípadnými malými úpravami pravidiel.
Majú vaše kartičky úplne iný dizajn? Potom si vyberte z hier rodiny Carcassonne.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png
Symbol Olomouc Curd Cheese.png

Olomouc Curd Cheese has such a strong stench, that you can remove any opponent's meeple from the city when you enlarge it. But don't be sad. When your meeple is removed by the Curd Cheese, you get it and you can reuse it. Unused Curd Cheeses bring extra scoring points to the player during final scoring.

Základné informácie

Olomouc Curd Cheese fan-expansion for Carcassonne Základná hra Carcassonne Základná hra was released by Carcassonne CZ members šmoula (CarcCZ, CarcC) as a fan-made expansion for the 13rd meet-up of Carcassonne CZ forum.


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Upozorňujeme, že WikiCarpedia nenesie zodpovednosť za obsah uvedených odkazov. Uvedené rozšírenia sa riadia predpismi príslušných webových stránok.
Komerčné použitie fanúšikovských rozšírení je zakázané. Tieto rozšírenia sú určené výhradne pre osobné použitie a nesmú byť za žiadnych okolností predávané, a to ani za obstarávaciu resp. výrobnú cenu.

Herný materiál


Príprava hry

Every player gets 1 Curd Cheese.

Priebeh hry

Piece Olomouc Curd Cheese.png
1. Priloženie kartičky

Kartičky krajiny sa prikladajú podľa obvyklých pravidiel.

2. Umiestnenie spoločníka

When you expand a city but don't close it, instead of placing a meeple you may place a Curd Cheese in this city. The Curd Cheese with its stink drives one chosen arbitrary meeple out of the city (the meeple is returned to its owner's supply).

The player whose meeple has been removed by the Curd Cheese gains the Curd Cheese for subsequent use in the same way, or keeps it for final scoring. The Curd Cheese may circulate between players in this way.

Example 1: Red places a Curd Cheese in an expanded city and chooses to remove the blue meeple from the city. The blue meeple and curd cheese will be returned to the Blue player's supply.
Example 2: The Curd Cheese cannot be placed to this finished city even during the player's turn when the city was finished.

In case there are no meeples in the city during the placement of Curd Cheese, the Curd Cheese is kept there. In the next turn, the first meeple placed in the city with the Curd Cheese is returned with the Curd Cheese to its player's supply.

Example 3: Red extends the city with the Curd Cheese and places a meeple there. The smell of the Curd Cheese removes this meeple back to Red's supply together with the Curd Cheese for later use.



During final scoring, each player receives 5 points for each Curd Cheese in their supply (a real Curd Cheese has 5 segments).


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Základná hraGeneral rules

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa When the Curd Cheese is placed in a city, one of the meeples must leave the city; it doesn't matter which type of meeple (a Mayor, a Wagon, a Phantom, etc.).

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa The usage of the Curd Cheese affects all segments and all parts of the city.

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa Any meeple placed to the city with the Curd Cheese (which was placed in an unoccupied city) by any game mechanics is removed and together with the curd cheese is returned to the player's supply which owns that meeple.

Oficiálny výklad pravidiel vydavateľa When joining two city parts together and one city part has the curd cheese and the second has at least one meeple, the active player must remove one meeple from the joined city and return it to the meeple player's supply together with the curd cheese.

Fanúšikovské rozšírenia

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