Translations:Template:ScoringRowRoadCastleLord/2/nl: Revision history

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14 June 2024

  • curprev 21:3421:34, 14 June 2024Kiap1969 talk contribs 793 bytes +793 Created page with "'''(+1)''' punt meer dan de vorige tegel / elke verbindende tegel van de Burchtweg <span data-dynamic-selector="['OR','showGermanCathedrals','showLandSurveyors']">bij de lengte van de weg</span> <ul> <li>{{Feature|name=CastleOnRoad|edition={{{edition|{{ScoringDefaultEdition}}}}}|variant=textandimage|size=20px|text=Burchten op de weg}} kun je niet stapelen.</li> <li class="showGermanCathedrals">Duitse kathedralen tellen als 1 tegel.</li> <li class="showCastles">{{Feature|..."