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Hunters and Gatherers


Creates translatable link for Hunters and Gatherers expansion
Names used for link are defined in template (Param nametemplate not defined).
Documentation generated by Template:ExpansionLinkDocumentation.


  • variant (optional) [sorting|short| -empty-] see Examples

  • logo (optional) [hide|noborder|-empty-] visualization of logo, see Examples
  • text (optional) allow to change text of link
  • anchor (optional) link will include also #anchor to specific part of page. This is NOT language neutral!
  • linkonly (optional). [ true | false ] When true return only link with anchor. Widely used in Template:Feature, Template:Figure and Template:Piece.


The output is generated by the buffer, after the change it is necessary to wait for a while)

edition is not defined
Wiki Output
{{HuntersAndGatherersLink}} Hunters and Gatherers
{{HuntersAndGatherersLink|logo=hide}} Hunters and Gatherers
{{HuntersAndGatherersLink|logo=noborder}} Hunters and Gatherers
{{HuntersAndGatherersLink|text=some text}} some text
{{HuntersAndGatherersLink|variant=sorting}} Hunters and Gatherers
{{HuntersAndGatherersLink|variant=short}} Hunters and Gatherers
{{HuntersAndGatherersLink|linkonly=true}} Hunters_and_Gatherers
{{HuntersAndGatherersLink|linkonly=true|anchor=example}} Hunters_and_Gatherers#example