Talk:Main Page

From Wikicarpedia
Revision as of 15:02, 26 August 2018 by MajFrost (talk | contribs) (Correction of translate tags)
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New/old edition separation

As of moment of WikiCarpedia creation, New Edition aka Carcassonne II has been already 3 years on the market. There is big chunk of Carcassonne fans that have never played old edition. Certain restart of complete annotated rules is in place, keeping in mind all the players that are not interested of long and complicated history of Carcassonne 1.

Naturally this approach means that a lot of things may have to be written twice (eg. Rules for main expansions). One of the benefits of this is that content regarding old edition can have annotation, that are not necessary for new edition, while new edition can have updated graphics.

What to put in WikiCarpedia

WikiCarpedia is about facts. That means rules, history, notable events, people and companies. House rules is as far as it goes beyond, as long as those do not blur the whole picture and do not complicate it for average player.

The are many other places to look for things like strategy guides or news.

How to edit a page

Please read the User's Guide. Check any of the existing pages by going into edit mode to look for guidance. If you have any more question do not hesitate to ask any question on Carcassonne Central Forum. Any frequently asked question will be addressed here.

How to edit main page

As any other page, except that this is allowed only to users promoted to administrators.

How to create new page

Please read the User's Guide. The easiest way is to click one of the red links on the main page. You will be directed to new page creation.

Recommended way to create new page for mediawiki is to create a link on already existing page (consult user guide on how to make links) and then click it to be directed to new page creation.

How to create page in my language

  1. Create new page and fill it with english content
  2. put all the content in translate tags (for some technical reason I cannot put tags example here. Please take a look at first and last line of this: Klaus-Jürgen_Wrede
  3. under the page title you can find link "mark this page for translation"
  4. language selector appears on top of the page
  5. follow link "translate this page" at the top, follow the easy wizard
  6. new language will be available in language selector after the translation

If the english version was changed after translation, the sentence "This page has changes since it was last marked for translation.". Click "marked for translation" part and decide if you want to translate it again (since some new parts may have been added).

Naturally every native speakers of their respective language are responsible for their approach to translation. Eg. names of expansions not officially translated to particular language can be translated on WikiCarPedia or not (address of the page still need to be kept in english).

How translate links

[[Inns and Cathedrals]]

can be translateted using label (polish example):

[[Inns and Cathedrals|Karczmy i katedry]]

so the link to the correct page will be preserved.

How to insert pictures

Please read the User's Guide and be consistent with the rest of WikiCarPedia. Please check out Besiegers - Cathars - Siege page and how the images are inserted there,