User:Paloi Sciurala/Tests

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{{RulesScoring|1=====|2=3. Declanşarea unei evaluări - Mutarea unui meeple din Oraşul Carcassonne| 3=Când pe parcursul partidei un jucător finalizează un teritoriu (oraş, drum, mănăstire, lăcaş de cult etc.), toţi jucătorii aveţi posibilitatea să vă mutaţi meepleşii din Orașul Carcassonne din cartierul corespunzător în teritoriul tocmai finalizat, chiar înainte de a îl evalua, chiar dacă acest lucru poate încălca numărul maxim de 1 meeple pe teritoriu.[1][2]

  1. Official clarification from the publisher Meeples in the city of Carcassonne can be redeployed to empty roads, cities, monasteries, or farms. When an empty road, city, or monastery is completed, meeples in the appropriate district of the city [meeples in the castle can only be deployed to cities, and so on] may be redeployed and then scored immediately. In general, unoccupied cities, roads, monasteries do not earn very many points, and so this option in mostly useful for returning meeples from the city of Carcassonne to a player's supply.
  2. Official clarification from the publisher A player who completes a road, city, or monastery, but without profit, cannot deploy a meeple to the city of Carcassonne and redeploy another before the area is scored. Scoring takes place first, and then, should the occasion arise, a meeple may be deployed to the city of Carcassonne. If a player uses a meeple which is already in the city of Carcassonne, then he or she profits from the scoring, and as such may not move another meeple to the city of Carcassonne.