Evaluarea de teritorii în timpul jocului
Drum (tâlhar) → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
1 punct / cartonaș (excepție pentru cartonașele cu catedrală germană)
Segment de drum de la una sau mai multe catedrale germane |
1 punct / segment de drum
- Segmentele de drum de pe cartonașele cu catedrală germană sunt calculate separat
Cartonaș cu pod(uri)de lemn |
- Podul de lemn are valoarea unui singur cartonaș cu drum
- Un pod de lemn și un segment de drum printat pe același cartonaș, ambele conectate cu același drum, încă au valoarea unui singur cartonaș
Drum cu tunel(uri) |
- Cartonașul cu tunel are valoarea unui singur cartonaș cu drum
Drum cu labirint(uri) |
- Cartonașul cu labirint(uri) are valoarea unui singur cartonaș cu drum
- Cartonașul cu labirint unește toate toate drumurile conectate cu el pentru evaluare
Drum cu bac(uri) |
- Cartonașul cu bac are valoarea unui singur cartonaș cu drum
- Este irelevant dacă bacul conectează două segmente de drum sau dacă drumul se termină la lac
Acțiune inspector de teren pentru cartonașele de drum |
În funcție de cartonașul de evaluare activ
Cartonașul de evaluare „Drum lung”
- Numărul cartonașelor este setat ca 5 (nu contează lungimea reală a drumului), afectând:
- Catedrale germane
- Hanuri
- Magician
- Piețele din Leipzig (bonusul sfertului constructorilor de căruțe)
Cartonașul de evaluare „Răscoală de țărani”
(-1) punct / cartonaș cu o gospodărie țărănească
Cartonașul de evaluare „Târg din stradă”
(+1) punct / cartonaș (excepție pentru cartonașele cu catedrală germană) (+1) punct / segment de drum de pe cartonașele cu catedrală germană
Drum care se termină la una sau mai multe catedrale germane |
(+1) punct / cartonaș (excepție pentru cartonașele cu catedrală germană)
(+1) punct / segment de drum de pe cartonașele cu catedrală germană
- Catedralele germane nu se stivuiesc
Drum cu han(uri) |
(+1) punct / cartonaș (excepție pentru cartonașele cu catedrală germană) (+1) 1 punct / segment de drum de pe cartonașele cu catedrală germană
Drum cu magician |
(+1) punct / cartonaș
Drum cu vrăjitoare |
1/2 puncte (cu rotunjire în sus)
- Afectează toate punctele obținute de la cartonașele cu drum (rândurile anterioare)
Acțiune inspector de teren pentru drum |
În funcție de cartonașul de evaluare activ
Cartonașul de evaluare „Sărăcie”
(-3) puncte pentru teritoriu
- Punctajul rezultat pentru teritoriu poate fi o valoare negativă
Una sau mai multe construcții mici pe cartonașele cu drum |
- Regulile simple:
- (+1) punct / construcție mică
- Variantă de reguli:
- (+1) punct / șopron
- (+2) puncte / casă
- (+3) puncte / turn
Road ending at German castle(s) |
(+3) puncte / castel german diferit
Drum cu casă/case de baie |
(+numărul pe casa de baie) puncte / casă de baie
Drum cu labirint(uri) |
(+2) puncte / supusmeeple de pe rețeaua de drumuri
- Doar dacă se folosesc regulile avansate
Piețele din Leipzig: Jucătorul care trimite un supusmeeple către Orașul Leipzig |
Două scenarii posibile în funcție de numărul de supușimeepleși pe care îi ai pe drum
File:ReferenceFigure NormalFollower.png x 1 Un supusmeeple pe drum |
(x0) puncte pentru teritoriu (and therefore for teacher) numărul întreg de puncte pentru cetate
File:ReferenceFigure NormalFollower.png x n Mai mult de un supusmeeple pe drum |
numărul întreg de puncte pentru teritoriu (și prin urmare pentru profesor) numărul întreg de puncte pentru cetate
- Evaluarea se efectuează fără recalcularea majorității, chiar dacă se trimite un supusmeeple către Orașul Leipzig
Piețele din Leipzig cu un supusmeeple în sfertul constructorilor de căruțe |
(+1) punct / cartonaș
- Majoritatea pe drum este necesară
Land surveyor action for cities |
Depending on active scoring tile
Citizens’ Jury scoring tile
- All players with meeples in the city share the majority (no matter the actual majority votes)
- Hills are not considered
City (knight) → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
2 points / tile
2 points / pennantcoat of arms
Land surveyor action for city tiles
Depending on active scoring tile
Bad Neighborhood scoring tile |
- Tile count does not consider any tiles contributing only with semicircular city segments, affecting:
- Cathars / Siege / Besiegers
- Cathedrals
- Mage
Siege scoring tile
(+0) point / tile
(+1) points / pennantcoat of arms
City with Cathars / Siege / Besiegers |
(-1) point / tile
(-1) points / pennantcoat of arms
City with cathedral(s) |
(+1) point / tile
(+1) point / pennantcoat of arms
City with Mage |
(+1) point / tile
City with Witch |
1/2 points (rounded up)
- Affects all points obtained from city tiles and pennantcoat of arms (previous rows)
Land surveyor action for cities |
Depending on active scoring tile
Wealth scoring tile
(+3) points for feature
Poverty scoring tile
(-3) points for feature
- The resulting scoring for the feature can be a negative value
Little building(s) on city tiles |
- Basic rules:
- (+1) point / little building
- Variant rules:
- (+1) point / shed
- (+2) points / house
- (+3) points / tower
City closed with German castle(s) tiles |
(+3) points / German castle
City with bathhouse(s) |
(+number on bathhouse) points / bathhouse
City with Darmstadtium |
(+3) points to majority
Markets of Leipzig: All players with a followermeeple on Coiners quarter |
(+3) points / pennantcoat of arms
- Presence in the city is required but no majority is considered
CloisterMonastery (monk / abbot) or Shrine (heretic) or Abbey (monk) or German monastery (monk) or Dutch & Belgian monastery (monk) or Japanese building (monk) or Darmstadt church (monk) → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
9 points (the feature tile and the eight tiles around it)
1 point per tile in the square space with the feature and the 8 spaces around it
9 points (the square space with the feature and the eight spaces around it)
Land surveyor action for monastic features |
Depending on active scoring tile
Hermit Monastery scoring tile
(-1) point / tile with city segment(s)
Pilgrimage Route scoring tile
(+1) point / tile with road segment(s) or a wooden bridge
Wealth scoring tile
(+3) point / feature
Neighboring Vineyard(s) |
(+3) points / vineyard
Neighboring Little building(s) |
- Basic rules:
- (+1) point / little building
- Variant rules:
- (+1) point / shed
- (+2) points / house
- (+3) points / tower
Challenge resolution |
When a challenge is declared between a cloistermonastery / abbey / German monastery / Dutch & Belgian monastery / Japanese building / Darmstadt church and a shrine, the first to be completed scores the usual 9resulting points; the loser scores 0 points.
For a Darmstadt Church |
(+3) points to majority in feature tile and 8 tiles around it
(+3) points to majority in feature tile and tiles in the 8 spaces around it
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Carcassonne are not considered
- FollowersMeeples inside the Wheel of Fortune are not considered
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Leipzig are not considered
Markets of Leipzig: All players with a followermeeple on Bookbinders quarter |
(+4) points / scored feature
- The feature has to be occupied by any player
FarmField & Barn - Scenario 1 → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
Placing a barn assuming majority of farmers
City adjacent to farmfield |
3 points / completed city
- The City of Carcassonne is counted as a completed city
- The City of Leipzig is counted as a completed city
- The City of Carcassonne and the City of Leipzig are counted as completed cities
- TownsSmall cities converted into castles are not counted as completed cities
Castle adjacent to farmfield |
4 points / castle
FarmField with pig |
(+1) point / castle or completed city
FarmField with pig-herd |
(+1) point / castle or completed city
City with Cathars / Siege / Besiegers |
(x2) points for affected city
- Applied to the value obtained for a particular city in previous rows
Little building(s) on farmfield tiles |
- Basic rules:
- (+1) point / little building
- Variant rules:
- (+1) point / shed
- (+2) points / house
- (+3) points / tower
FarmField & Barn - Scenario 2 → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
Connecting to farmfield with a barn assuming majority of farmers
City adjacent to farmfield |
1 point / completed city
- The City of Carcassonne is counted as a completed city
- The City of Leipzig is counted as a completed city
- The City of Carcassonne and the City of Leipzig are counted as completed cities
- TownsSmall cities converted into castles are not counted as completed cities
Castle adjacent to farmfield |
2 points / castle
FarmField with pig |
(+1) point / castle or completed city
FarmField with pig-herd |
(+1) point / castle or completed city
City with Cathars / Siege / Besiegers |
(x2) points for affected city
- Applied to the value obtained for a particular city in previous rows
Little building(s) on farmfield tiles |
- Basic rules:
- (+1) point / little building
- Variant rules:
- (+1) point / shed
- (+2) points / house
- (+3) points / tower
Castles (castle occupier / knight / lord) → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
When the first feature adjacent to an occupied castle is completed, the occupier of the castle (if different from the mayor) scores the full number of points for the feature (even if the feature is unoccupied.)
- If the castle is occupied by the mayor, the castle scores 0 points as the castle has no pennantscoats of arms
Baba Yaga's hut → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
1 for the tile + 0 points for no empty square spaces around it
Neighboring Little building(s) |
- Basic rules:
- (+1) point / little building
- Variant rules:
- (+1) point / shed
- (+2) points / house
- (+3) points / tower
Garden (abbot) → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
9 points (the garden and the eight tiles around it)
1 point per tile in the square space with the garden and the 8 spaces around it
9 points (the square space with the garden and the eight spaces around it)
- Vineyards do no affect gardens.
Neighboring Little building(s) |
- Basic rules:
- (+1) point / little building
- Variant rules:
- (+1) point / shed
- (+2) points / house
- (+3) points / tower
Castle in Germany (knight/lord/castle occupant) → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
12 points (2 points for the German castle and 1 point per tile around it)
2 points for the German castle + 1 point per tile in the 10 square spaces around it
12 points (the two square spaces with the German castle and the ten spaces around it)
Neighboring Little building(s) |
- Basic rules:
- (+1) point / little building
- Variant rules:
- (+1) point / shed
- (+2) points / house
- (+3) points / tower
Cathedral in Germany (archbishop) → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
- All roads leading to the cathedral are considered.
- Roads starting and ending at the same cathedral tile are counted only once.
Road segments on German cathedral(s) |
1 point / road segment
- The 3 or 4 road segments on German cathedral tiles are counted separately.
Road |
1 point / road tile
Tile with wooden bridge(s) |
- The wooden bridge counts as 1 road tile
- A wooden bridge and a printed road segment on the same tile, both connected to the same road, still count as 1 tile
Road with tunnel(s) |
- The tunnel tile counts as 1 road tile
Road with labyrinth(s) |
- The labyrinth tile counts as 1 road tile
- The labyrinth tile merges all roads connected to it for scoring
Road with ferries |
- The ferry tile counts as 1 road tile
- It is irrelevant if the ferry connects two road segments or the road ends at the lake
Road with inn(s) |
(+1) point / tile (except for German cathedral tiles) (+1) point / road segment on German cathedral tiles
Little building(s) on German cathedral tiles and on connected road tiles |
- Basic rules:
- (+1) point / little building
- Variant rules:
- (+1) point / shed
- (+2) points / house
- (+3) points / tower
Watchtowers: Player with a followermeeple on a city or road segment part of feature just completed adjacent to the watchtower → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
Depends on the watchtower symbol, taking into account the watchtower tile and the 8 tiles around it
- Watchtowers are scored right before scoring the adjacent completed city or road
Watchtower with meeple symbol |
2 points / followermeeple
- All followersmeeples are considered no matter the player they belong to
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Carcassonne are not considered
- FollowersMeeples inside the Wheel of Fortune are not considered
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Leipzig are not considered
Watchtower with road symbol |
1 point / tile showing at least one road segment
- Wooden bridges are considered road segments
Watchtower with cloistermonastery symbol |
3 points / monastic building, such as:
- CloisterMonastery
- Shrine
- Abbey
- German monastery
- Dutch & Belgian monastery
- Japanese building
- Darmstadt church
Watchtower with pennantcoat of arms symbol |
2 points / pennantcoat of arms
Watchtower with city symbol |
1 point / tile showing at least one city segment
Circus: All players with followersmeeples in the vicinity of the big top → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
Animal token points / followermeeple
- Consider the followersmeeples on the tile with the big top and the 8 tiles adjacent to it.
- Consider also the followersmeeples in castles overlapping these tiles.
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Carcassonne are not considered
- FollowersMeeples inside the Wheel of Fortune are not considered
- FollowersMeeples in the City of Leipzig are not considered
Fruit-bearing trees → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
Two possible fruit actions:
Harvesting |
Fruit token points
Selling |
Depends on number of tokens sold:
- 1 token = 3 points
- 2 token = 6 points
- 3 token = 10 points
- 4 token = 15 points
Tollkeepers: All players with a tollhouse on crossing at the end of completed road → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
Depends on number on tollhouse: 1 or 2
- Tollhouses are scored right before scoring the completed road
Raising toll 1 (small toll) |
1 point / farmhouse, shed, garden and highwaymen on road tiles
3 points / group of travelers on the road
Raising toll 2 (large toll) |
2 point / farmhouse, shed, garden and highwaymen on road tiles
6 points / group of travellers on the road
Scoring figures during the game
Fairy |
Two scoring scenarios:
Starting turn → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
1 point / turn start
- If next to an acrobat, the scoring is applicable to all your acrobats in the pyramid
Scoring feature → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
3 points / feature scored
- Acrobats cannot receive the fairy score bonus
- Abbots, when returned, cannot receive the fairy score bonus
- Robbers may steal from the fairy score bonus only if the followermeeple next to the fairy is not scoring the feature
Dispatch → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
2 points OR depends on tile:
Score smallest road |
After-the-game points from road with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
- No majority is applied for the feature scored
Score smallest city |
After-the-game points from city with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
- No majority is applied for the feature scored
Score smallest cloistermonastery |
After-the-game points from cloistermonastery with at least one of player's followersmeeples and the lowest scoring
- No majority is applied for the feature scored
2 points for each pennantcoat of arms |
2 points / pennantcoat of arms in cities with at least one of player's followersmeeples
2 points for each knight |
2 points / knight in cities with at least one of player's followersmeeplesmeeples
2 points for each farmer |
2 points / player's farmers
One tile |
0 points from dispatch itself (there may be points from playing the tile)
Score a followermeeple and remove it from the board |
After-the-game points from chosen feature with at least one of player's followersmeeples
- Majority is applied for feature scored
Robber beside scoring counting figure |
1/2 primary points scored
Abbot returned → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
1 point for the feature tile + 1 point per tile around it
1 point per tile in the square space with the feature + 1 point per tile in the 8 spaces around it
1 point for the square space with the feature + 1 point per occupied space around it
- Vineyards are not considered when returning the abbot.
- Vineyards do not affect gardens.
Abbot returned → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
Two possible options depending on the position of the abbot
- Vineyards are not considered when returning the abbot.
- Vineyards do not affect gardens.
File:ReferenceFigure Abbot.png Placed as a monk |
1 point for the feature tile + 1 point per tile around it
1 point per tile in the square space with the feature + 1 point per tile in the 8 spaces around it
1 point for the square space with the feature + 1 point per occupied space around it
Placed as an abbot |
1 point for the feature tile + 1 point for each tile in a direct row or column
Ringmaster on feature just completed → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
2 points / circus or acrobat tilesacrobat tilesacrobat tiles where the ringmaster is on or adjacent to.
- Ringmaster scoring takes place even if it didn't score any points from the completed feature
- The feature is scored first, then the ringmaster
Bathhouse: Rebuying your followermeeple |
(-number on bathhouse) points / bathhouse
Other scoring during the game
Catapult: Playing catch → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
Depends on the outcome
Caught |
Catcher 5 points
Not caught — and not far enough |
Catcher 5 points
Not caught — but far enough |
Hurler 5 points
Touched — but not caught |
Hurler 5 points
Bazaar: All players |
+/- number of points awarded based on bidding
Wheel Of Fortune - Tax: All players with knights → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
(1 point / pennantcoat of arms + 1 point / knight) per knight (computed for each city)
Wheel Of Fortune - Famine: All players with farmers → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
City adjacent to farmfield |
1 point / completed city per farmer (computed for each farmfield)
Castle adjacent to farmfield |
2 points / castle per farmer (computed for each farmfield)
FarmField with pig |
(+1) point / castle or completed city per farmer (computed for each farmfield)
FarmField with pig-herd |
(+1) point / castle or completed city per farmer (computed for each farmfield)
Little building(s) on farmfield tiles |
Value per farmer (computed for each farmfield)
- Basic rules:
- (+1) point / little building
- Variant rules:
- (+1) point / shed
- (+2) points / house
- (+3) points / tower
Wheel Of Fortune - Plague / Pestilence / Pest: All players |
0 points
- Each player removes one of their followersmeeples from a land tile without scoring
Wheel Of Fortune - Crown: All players with followersmeeples in active crown sector → File:ReferenceFigure Robber.png |
Three possible options:
One followermeeple in crown space with only one space |
3 points
One followermeeple alone in crown space with two spaces |
6 points
Two followersmeeples in crown spaces with two spaces |
3 points per followermeeple