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Found 5 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h Czech (cs) | {{RulesPlacingMeeple|title=2. Umístění vozu |rules= Vůz je možné umístit na herní plán '''místo''' vlastního družiníka <ref> {{IconWorld}} Připomínáme, že vůz je také družiník. V pravidlech se používá slovo „družiník“, ale ve významu „normální družiník“, pravidla jako by uvažují o tom, že rozšíření hrajete pouze se základní hrou. </ref> za dodržení všech obvyklých pravidel, ovšem pouze na cestu, město, klášter nebo opatství. <ref name="wagon-destination"> {{IconWorld}} Tento seznam území se může rozšířit o všechna ostatní dostupná území, která může vůz obsadit s výjimkou luk a zahrad (platí pouze pro opata): * {{Feature|name=Road|edition=C3}} * {{Feature|name=City|edition=C3}} * {{Cs|Náboženské stavby}}: ** {{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=C3}} ** {{Feature|name=Abbey|edition=C2}} ** {{Feature|name=Shrine|edition=C2}} ** {{Feature|name=GermanMonastery}} (umístěný jako mnich nebo převor) ** {{Feature|name=DutchMonastery}} (umístěný jako mnich nebo převor) ** {{Feature|name=JapaneseBuilding}} (umístěný jako mnich nebo převor) ** {{Feature|name=DarmstadtChurch}} * {{Feature|name=Cemetery}} * {{Feature|name=HauntedCastle}} * {{Feature|name=BabaYagaHut}} * {{Feature|name=GermanCastle|edition=C2}} * {{Feature|name=GermanCathedral|edition=C2}} </ref> Na louku vůz umístit nelze. }} |
h English (en) | {{RulesPlacingMeeple|title=2. Placing a wagon<!--|4=wica-bottom-spacing wica-visible-->|rules= You may place your wagon on the tile just placed instead of placing a meeple. <ref> {{IconWorld}} Note that the wagon is also a meeple. The rules use the word "meeple" but meaning "normal meeple", as if considering the expansion being played with the base game alone. </ref> A wagon may be placed most places a meeple may normally be placed (road, city, monastery, abbey <ref name="wagon-destination"> {{IconWorld}} This feature list should be extended to cover all claimable features available except fields and gardens (only valid for abbot meeples): * {{Feature|name=Road|edition=C3}} * {{Feature|name=City|edition=C3}} * Monastic buildings: ** {{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=C3}} ** {{Feature|name=Abbey|edition=C2}} ** {{Feature|name=Shrine|edition=C2}} ** {{Feature|name=GermanMonastery}} (placed as a monk or as an abbot) ** {{Feature|name=DutchMonastery}} (placed as a monk or as an abbot) ** {{Feature|name=JapaneseBuilding}} (placed as a monk or as an abbot) ** {{Feature|name=DarmstadtChurch}} * {{Feature|name=Cemetery}} * {{Feature|name=HauntedCastle}} * {{Feature|name=BabaYagaHut}} * {{Feature|name=GermanCastle|edition=C2}} * {{Feature|name=GermanCathedral|edition=C2}} </ref>), but it may not be placed in a field. }} |
h French (fr) | {{RulesPlacingMeeple|title=2. Pose d’un charriot|rules= Vous pouvez poser votre charriot sur la tuile juste placée au lieu de poser un meeple <ref> {{IconWorld}} Notez que le maire est également un meeple. Les règles utilisent le mot « meeple » mais signifient « meeple normal », comme si l’on considérait l’extension jouée avec le jeu de base uniquement. </ref>. Un chariot peut être posé dans la plupart des endroits où un meeple peut normalement être posé (route, ville, abbaye, monastère <ref name="wagon-destination"> {{IconWorld}} Cette liste de zones devrait être étendue pour couvrir toutes les zones disponibles, à l’exception des prés et des jardins (valable uniquement pour l’abbé) : * {{Feature|name=Road|edition=C3}} * {{Feature|name=City|edition=C3}} * Bâtiments monastiques: ** {{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=C3}} ** {{Feature|name=Abbey|edition=C2}} ** {{Feature|name=Shrine|edition=C2}} ** {{Feature|name=GermanMonastery}} (posé comme moine ou en tant qu’abbé) ** {{Feature|name=DutchMonastery}} (posé comme moine ou en tant qu’abbé) ** {{Feature|name=JapaneseBuilding}} (posé comme moine ou en tant qu’abbé) ** {{Feature|name=DarmstadtChurch}} * {{Feature|name=Cemetery}} * {{Feature|name=HauntedCastle}} * {{Feature|name=BabaYagaHut}} * {{Feature|name=GermanCastle|edition=C2}} * {{Feature|name=GermanCathedral|edition=C2}} </ref>), mais vous ne pouvez pas le poser dans un pré. }} |
h Dutch (nl) | {{RulesPlacingMeeple|title=2. Een transportwagen zetten<!--|4=wica-bottom-spacing wica-visible-->|rules= In plaats van een meeple mag je ook een transportwagen op de zojuist aangelegde tegel zetten. <ref> {{IconWorld}} Merk op dat de transportwagen ook een meeple is. In de spelregels wordt het woord "meeple" gebruikt maar ze bedoelen "gewone meeple", alsof de uitbreiding alleen in combinatie met het basisspel gespeeld wordt. </ref> Een transportwagen mag gezet worden waar de meeste meeples normaal ook gezet mogen worden (weg, stad, klooster, abdij <ref name="wagon-destination"> {{IconWorld}} Deze lijst zou uitgebreid moeten worden met alle beschikbare te bezetten projecten met uitzondering van weiden en tuinen (alleen geldig voor abten): * {{Feature|name=Road|edition=C3}} * {{Feature|name=City|edition=C3}} * Kloosterachtige gebouwen: ** {{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=C3}} ** {{Feature|name=Abbey|edition=C2}} ** {{Feature|name=Shrine|edition=C2}} ** {{Feature|name=GermanMonastery}} (gezet als monnik of abt) ** {{Feature|name=DutchMonastery}} (gezet als monnik of abt) ** {{Feature|name=JapaneseBuilding}} (gezet als monnik of abt) ** {{Feature|name=DarmstadtChurch}} * {{Feature|name=Cemetery}} * {{Feature|name=HauntedCastle}} * {{Feature|name=BabaYagaHut}} * {{Feature|name=GermanCastle|edition=C2}} * {{Feature|name=GermanCathedral|edition=C2}} </ref>), maar '''nooit''' op een weide. }} |
h Romanian (ro) | {{RulesPlacingMeeple|title=2. Plasarea unei căruțe<!--|4=wica-bottom-spacing wica-visible-->|rules= Ai posibilitatea de a îți plasa căruța ta pe cartonașul tocmai plasat în loc de a plasa un meeple.<ref> {{IconWorld}} Reține că și căruța este un meeple. Regulile folosesc cuvântul „meeple”, însă cu înțelesul „meeple obișnuit”, ca și cum ar considera că extensia este jucată de una singură cu jocul de bază. </ref> O căruță poate fi plasată în majoritatea locurilor în care poate fi plasat în mod normal un meeple (drum, oraș, mănăstire, abație),<ref name="wagon-destination"> {{IconWorld}} Această listă ar trebui să fie extinsă pentru a acoperit toate teritoriile revendicabile, exceptând câmpurile și grădinile (valide doar pentru meepleșii abați): * {{Feature|name=Road|edition=C3}} * {{Feature|name=City|edition=C3}} * Construcții mănăstirești: ** {{Feature|name=Monastery|edition=C3}} ** {{Feature|name=Abbey|edition=C2}} ** {{Feature|name=Shrine|edition=C2}} ** {{Feature|name=GermanMonastery}} (plasat drept călugăr sau drept abate) ** {{Feature|name=DutchMonastery}} (plasat drept călugăr sau drept abate) ** {{Feature|name=JapaneseBuilding}} (plasat drept călugăr sau drept abate) ** {{Feature|name=DarmstadtChurch}} * {{Feature|name=Cemetery}} * {{Feature|name=HauntedCastle}} * {{Feature|name=BabaYagaHut}} * {{Feature|name=GermanCastle|edition=C2}} * {{Feature|name=GermanCathedral|edition=C2}} </ref> însă nu poate fi plasată pe un câmp. }} |