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 h Czech (cs)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showTilesAndTokens markWE">Kartičky a žetony:
  <li class="showInnsAndCathedrals_Any">'''Bodovací kartičky 50/100'''.</li>
  <li class="showTraders">'''Žetony zboží'''.</li>
  <li class="showKingAndRobber">Kartičky '''krále a loupeživého rytíře'''<span class="showC2 markC1"> a '''žetony'''.</span></li>
  <li class="showSheep">'''Žetony ovcí a vlků:''' umístěte do plátěného sáčku.</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Žetony zvířat:''' zamíchejte a položte na hromádku lícem dolů.</li>
  <li class="showGhosts markC1">'''15 duchů'''</li>
  <li class="showGuardMeeples markC1">'''3 strážné <span class="showC1">figurky</span><span class="showC2">družiníky</span> v každé barvě hráče
  <li class="showMessages">'''Kartičky dopisů:''' zamíchejte a vytvořte hromádku lícem dolů.</li>
  <li class="showPlague markC2">'''Žetony moru:''' žetony morových hejn a žetony blech.</li>
  <li class="showPorxada markC2">'''La Porxada žetony''' pokud jsou k dostání</li>
  <li class="showFruitBearingTrees markC1">'''Žetony ovoce:''' uspořádané podle druhu ovoce a umístěné lícem dolů v 6 hromádkách.</li>
<li class="showWoodenFiguresAndMore markWE">
Dřevěné figurky a další předměty:
  <li class="showFairy">'''Víla'''</li>
  <li class="showDragon">'''Drak'''</li>
  <li class="showCatapult markC2">'''Dřevěný katapult''' a '''pravítko'''</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Šapitó'''</li>
  <li class="showFlier">'''Kostka letce'''</li>
  <li class="showFerries">'''Přívozy'''</li>
  <li class="showGoldmines">'''Zlaté cihličky'''<span class="showC2 markC1"> a '''kartičku s přehledem bodování'''</span></li>
  <li class="showMage">'''Mág'''</li>
  <li class="showWitch">'''Čarodějnice'''</li>
  <li class="showGingerbreadMan markC1 markC2">'''Perníček'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonne markC2 markWE">'''Velikonoční zajíček'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonne markC2 markWE">'''40 velikonočních vajíček'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonneAndNotFlier markC2 markWE">'''Obyčejná kostka''', pokud nemáte kostku pro letce</li>
<li>Počítadlo bodů umístěte na okraj hrací plochy tak, aby bylo po ruce. <span class="showGhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_Any">Místo počítadla bodů ze základní hry můžete použít tu, která je součástí hry '''Duchové, zámky a hřbitovy'''.</span>
<li class="showGifts markC1 markWE">Zamíchejte 25 karet dárků a položte je v balíčku lícem dolů vedlu počítadla bodů.</li>
<li class="showWondersOfHumanity markC1 markWE">Umístěte vybrané kartičky s '''divem''' lícem nahoru k počítadlu bodů.</li>
<li class="showLandSurveyors markC1 markWE">Připravte bodovací plánky '''Zeměměřičů''':
<li>Zamíchejte bodovací kartičky a položte je lícem nahoru na tři hromádky (města, cesty a kláštery) k počítadlu bodů.</li>
<li>Vezměte horní bodovací plánek z každé hromádky a položte ho vedle příslušné hromádky jako počáteční aktivní bodovací plánek.</li>
 h English (en)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showTilesAndTokens markWE">Tiles and tokens:
  <li class="showInnsAndCathedrals_Any">'''50/100 point tiles'''</li>
  <li class="showTraders">'''Trade goods tokens'''</li>
  <li class="showKingAndRobber">'''King/Robber Baron tiles<span class="showC2 markC1"> and tokens</span>'''</li>
  <li class="showSheep">'''Sheep and wolf tokens:''' placed inside the flock bag</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Animal tokens:''' shuffled and placed in a stack facedown</li>
  <li class="showMessages">'''Message tiles:''' shuffled in a stack facedown</li>
  <li class="showPlague markC2">'''Plague tokens:''' outbreak and flea tokens</li>
  <li class="showPorxada markC2">'''La Porxada tokens''' if available</li>
  <li class="showFruitBearingTrees markC1">'''Fruit-bearing trees tokens:''' arranged by fruit type and placed facedown in 6 stacks by type.</li>
<li class="showWoodenFiguresAndMore markWE">Wooden figures and other pieces:
  <li class="showFairy">'''Fairy'''</li>
  <li class="showDragon">'''Dragon'''</li>
  <li class="showCatapult markC2">'''Wooden catapult''' and '''ruler'''</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Big Top'''</li>
  <li class="showGhosts markC1">'''15 ghosts'''</li>
  <li class="showGuardMeeples markC1">'''3 guard <span class="showC1">followers</span><span class="showC2">meeples</span> in each player color
  <li class="showFlier">'''Flier die'''</li>
  <li class="showFerries">'''Ferries'''</li>
  <li class="showGoldmines">'''Gold pieces'''<span class="showC2 markC1"> and the '''scoring token'''</span></li>
  <li class="showMage">'''Mage'''</li>
  <li class="showWitch">'''Witch'''</li>
  <li class="showGingerbreadMan markC1 markC2">'''Gingerbread Man'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonne markC2 markWE">'''Easter bunny'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonne markC2 markWE">'''40 Easter eggs'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonneAndNotFlier markC2 markWE">'''Regular die''', if the Flier die is not available</li>
<li>Place the scoreboard off to the side of the game table. <span class="showGhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_Any">You may use the one included in '''Ghosts, Castles & Cemeteries''' instead of the one from the base game.</span>
<li class="showGifts markC1 markWE">Shuffle the '''gift''' cards and place them facedown in a stack by the scoreboard.</li>
<li class="showWondersOfHumanity markC1 markWE">Place the selected '''wonder''' tiles faceup by the scoreboard.</li>
<li class="showLandSurveyors markC1 markWE">Prepare '''Land Surveyors''' scoring tiles:
<li>Shuffle the scoring tiles and place them face up in three stacks (cities, roads and monasteries) by the scoreboard</li>
<li>Take the top scoring tile from each stack and place them next to the corresponding stack as initial active scoring tiles</li>
 h French (fr)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showTilesAndTokens markWE">Tuiles et jetons:
  <li class="showInnsAndCathedrals_Any">'''Tuiles de score 50/100 points'''</li>
  <li class="showTraders">'''Jetons Marchandise'''</li>
  <li class="showKingAndRobber">'''Tuiles Roi/Chevalier-brigand <span class="showC2 markC1"> et les marqueurs correspondant</span>'''</li>
  <li class="showSheep">'''Jetons Mouton et Loup :''' placés dans le sac en tissu</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Jetons Animal :''' mélangés et disposés en pile, face cachée</li>
  <li class="showMessages">'''Tuiles Missive :''' mélangées et disposées en pile, face cachée</li>
  <li class="showPlague markC2">'''Jetons Peste :''' Jetons Puce et Épidémie</li>
  <li class="showPorxada markC2">'''Jetons La Porxada''' si disponible</li>
  <li class="showFruitBearingTrees markC1">'''Jetons Fruit :''' classés par type de fruits et placés face cachée en 6 piles par type.</li>
<li class="showWoodenFiguresAndMore markWE">Pions et autres pièces :
  <li class="showFairy">'''Fée'''</li>
  <li class="showDragon">'''Dragon'''</li>
  <li class="showCatapult markC2">'''Catapulte en bois''' et '''règle'''</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Chapiteau'''</li>
  <li class="showFlier">'''Dé spécial (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3)'''</li>
  <li class="showFerries">'''Bacs'''</li>
  <li class="showGoldmines">'''Lingots d’or'''<span class="showC2 markC1"> et '''fiche d’évaluation'''</span></li>
  <li class="showMage">'''Mage'''</li>
  <li class="showWitch">'''Sorcière'''</li>
  <li class="showGingerbreadMan markC1 markC2">'''Bonhomme de pain d’épice'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonne markC2 markWE">'''Lapin de Pâques'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonne markC2 markWE">'''40 Œufs de Pâques'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonneAndNotFlier markC2 markWE">'''Dé standard''', si le dé Ornithoptère n’est pas disponible</li>
<li>Placer le plateau de score au bord de la table</li>
<li class="showGifts markC1 markWE">Mélangez les cartes '''Présent''' et placez-les face cachée dans une pile près du plateau de score</li>

<li class="showLandSurveyors markC1 markWE">Préparer les tuiles d’évaluation '''Géomètres'''
<li>Mélanger les tuiles d’évaluation et les placer face vers le haut en trois piles (villes, routes et abbayes) près du plateau de score</li>
<li>Prendre la tuile d’évaluation supérieure de chaque pile et la placer à côté de la pile correspondante comme tuiles initiales d’évaluation actives</li>
 h Dutch (nl)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showTilesAndTokens markWE">Tegels en fiches:
  <li class="showInnsAndCathedrals_Any">'''Puntentegels met 50/100'''</li>
  <li class="showTraders">'''Handelswarenfiches'''</li>
  <li class="showKingAndRobber">'''De tegels met de koning en de roofridder<span class="showC2 markC1"> met de bijbehorende fiches</span>'''</li>
  <li class="showSheep">'''Schaaps- en wolfsfiches:''' in de buidel</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Dierfiches:''' geschud in een gedekte stapel</li>
  <li class="showMessages">'''Nieuwsberichten-tegels:''' geschud in een gedekte stapel</li>
  <li class="showPlague markC2">'''Pestfiches:''' uitbraak- en vlooienfiches</li>
  <li class="showPorxada markC2">'''La Porxada-fiches''', indien beschikbaar</li>
  <li class="showFruitBearingTrees markC1">'''Fruitbomenfiches:''' in 6 gedekte stapels op fruitsoort gesorteerd.</li>
<li class="showWoodenFiguresAndMore markWE">Houten speelfiguren en ander speelmateriaal:
  <li class="showFairy">'''Fee'''</li>
  <li class="showDragon">'''Draak'''</li>
  <li class="showCatapult markC2">'''Houten katapult''' and '''lineaal'''</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Circustent'''</li>
  <li class="showGhosts markC1">'''15 spoken'''</li>
  <li class="showGuardMeeples markC1">'''3 bewakings<span class="showC1">horigen</span><span class="showC2">meeples</span> in elke spelerskleur</li>
  <li class="showFlier">'''Vliegtuigen-dobbelsteen'''</li>
  <li class="showFerries">'''Veerboten'''</li>
  <li class="showGoldmines">'''Goudstaven'''<span class="showC2 markC1"> en de bijbehorende '''overzichtstegel'''</span></li>
  <li class="showMage">'''Tovenaar'''</li>
  <li class="showWitch">'''Heks'''</li>
  <li class="showGingerbreadMan markC1 markC2">'''Peperkoekmannetje'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonne markC2 markWE">'''Paashaas'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonne markC2 markWE">'''40 Paaseieren'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonneAndNotFlier markC2 markWE">'''Normale dobbelsteen''', als de dobbelsteen van de Vliegtuigen niet beschikbaar is</li>
<li>Leg het scoretableau aan de rand van de tafel. <span class="showGhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_Any">Je kunt het scoretableau dat bij '''Spoken, Spookslotten & Kerkhoven''' zit gebruiken in plaats van die van het basisspel.</span>
<li class="showGifts markC1 markWE">Schud '''Geschenk'''-kaarten en leg ze in een gedekte stapel bij het scoretableau.</li>
<li class="showWondersOfHumanity markC1 markWE">Leg de gekozen '''wonder'''-tegels open bij het scoretableau.</li>
<li class="showLandSurveyors">De puntentegels van '''De Landmeters''' voorbereiden:
  <li>Schud de puntentegels en leg ze gedekt in drie stapels (steden, wegen en kloosters) naast het scoretableau</li>
  <li>Neem de bovenste puntentegel van elke stapel en leg die naast de bijbehorende stapel als initiële actieve puntentegel</li>
 h Romanian (ro)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showTilesAndTokens markWE">Cartonașe și jetoane:
  <li class="showInnsAndCathedrals_Any">'''Cartonașele de puncte 50/100'''</li>
  <li class="showTraders">'''Jetoanele cu marfă'''</li>
  <li class="showKingAndRobber">'''Cartonașul cu rege și cartonașul cu cavalerul brigand<span class="showC2 markC1"> și jetoanele corespunzătoare</span>'''</li>
  <li class="showSheep">'''Jetoanele de oi și lup:''' plasate în interiorul săculețului pentru aceste jetoane</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Jetoane cu animale:''' amestecate și plasate cu fața în jos într-un teanc</li>
  <li class="showMessages">'''Cartonașele cu depeșă:''' amestecate cu fața în jos într-un teanc</li>
  <li class="showPlague markC2">'''Jetoanele de ciumă:''' jetoanele de focar și cu purici</li>
  <li class="showPorxada markC2">'''Jetoanele La Porxada''' dacă sunt disponibile</li>
  <li class="showFruitBearingTrees markC1">'''Jetoanele de pomi fructiferi:''' aranjate după tipul de fruct și plasate cu fața în jos în 6 teancuri după tip.</li>
<li class="showWoodenFiguresAndMore markWE">Pioni de lemn și alte piese:
  <li class="showFairy">'''Zâna'''</li>
  <li class="showDragon">'''Dragonul'''</li>
  <li class="showCatapult markC2">'''Catapulta de lemn''' și '''liniarul'''</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Cortul de circ'''</li>
  <li class="showGhosts markC1">'''15 spirite'''</li>
  <li class="showGuardMeeples markC1">'''Câte 3 <span class="showC1">supuși</span><span class="showC2">meepleși</span> de veghe în culoarea fiecărui jucător
  <li class="showFlier">'''Zarul de zbor'''</li>
  <li class="showFerries">'''Bacurile'''</li>
  <li class="showGoldmines">'''Lingourile de aur'''<span class="showC2 markC1"> și '''cartonașul de evaluare'''</span></li>
  <li class="showMage">'''Magicianul'''</li>
  <li class="showWitch">'''Vrăjitoarea'''</li>
  <li class="showGingerbreadMan markC1 markC2">'''Omul de turtă dulce'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonne markC2 markWE">'''Iepurașul de Paște'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonne markC2 markWE">'''40 de ouă de Paște'''</li>
  <li class="showEasterInCarcassonneAndNotFlier markC2 markWE">'''Zar obișnuit''', dacă zarul de zbor nu este disponibil</li>
<li>Plasează tabla de scor în afara suprafeței de joc.</li> <span class="showGhostsCastlesAndCemeteries_Any">Ai posibilitatea de a o folosi pe cea inclusă în '''Spirite, castele și cimitire''' în schimbul celei din jocul de bază.</span>
<li class="showGifts markC1 markWE">Amestecă cărțile cu '''dar''' și plasează-le cu fața în jos într-un teanc pe lângă tabla de scor.</li>
<li class="showWondersOfHumanity markC1 markWE">Plasează cartonașele cu '''minune''' selectate cu fața în sus pe lângă tabla de scor.</li>
<li class="showLandSurveyors markC1 markWE">Pregătește cartonașele de evaluare de '''topograf''':
<li>Amestecă cartonașele de evaluare și așază-le cu fața în sus în trei teancuri (orașe, drumuri și mănăstiri) lângă tabla de scor</li>
<li>Ia cartonașul de evaluare de sus din fiecare teanc și plasează-le lângă teancul corespunzător ca cartonașele de evaluare active inițial</li>
 h Russian (ru)<ol class="wica-list">
<li class="showTilesAndTokens markWE">Tiles and tokens:
  <li class="showInnsAndCathedrals_Any">'''50/100 point tiles'''</li>
  <li class="showTraders">'''Trade goods tokens'''</li>
  <li class="showKingAndRobber">'''King/Robber Baron tiles<span class="showC2 markC1"> and tokens</span>'''</li>
  <li class="showSheep">'''Sheep and wolf tokens:''' placed inside the flock bag</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Animal tokens:''' shuffled and placed in a stack facedown</li>
  <li class="showMessages">'''Message tiles:''' shuffled in a stack facedown</li>
  <li class="showPlague markC2">'''Plague tokens:''' outbreak and flea tokens</li>
  <li class="showPorxada markC2">'''La Porxada tokens''' if available</li>
  <li class="showFruitBearingTrees markC1">'''Fruit-bearing trees tokens:''' arranged by fruit type and placed facedown in 6 stacks by type.</li>
<li class="showWoodenFiguresAndMore markWE">Wooden figures and other pieces:
  <li class="showFairy">'''Fairy'''</li>
  <li class="showDragon">'''Dragon'''</li>
  <li class="showCatapult markC2">'''Wooden catapult''' and '''ruler'''</li>
  <li class="showCircus markC1">'''Big Top'''</li>
  <li class="showFlier">'''Flier die'''</li>
  <li class="showFerries">'''Ferries'''</li>
  <li class="showGoldmines">'''Gold pieces'''<span class="showC2 markC1"> and the '''scoring token'''</span></li>
  <li class="showMage">'''Mage'''</li>
  <li class="showWitch">'''Witch'''</li>
  <li class="showGingerbreadMan markC1 markC2">'''Gingerbread Man'''</li>
<li>Положите дорожку подсчёта рядом с игровой областью</li>
<li class="showLandSurveyors">Prepare '''Land Surveyors''' scoring tiles:
<li>Shuffle the scoring tiles and place them face up in three stacks (cities, roads and monasteries) by the scoreboard</li>
<li>Take the top scoring tile from each stack and place them next to the corresponding stack as initial active scoring tiles</li>