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Found 5 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h Czech (cs)<li class="showCircus markC1 markWE">Vyhodnoťte '''šapitó''' a odstraňte ho ze hry.</li>
 h English (en)<li class="showCircus markC1 markWE">Score the '''circus''' and remove the big top</li>
 h French (fr)<li class="showCircus markC1 markWE">Évaluer le '''cirque''' et retirer le chapiteau</li>
 h Dutch (nl)<li class="showCircus markC1 markWE">Handel de '''circustelling''' en verwijder de circustent</li>
 h Romanian (ro)<li class="showCircus markC1 markWE">Evaluează '''cortul de circ''' și apoi elimină cortul de circ.</li>