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h Czech (cs) | {{SequenceRulescs |action1= {{RulesPlacingTile|header=none|rules= {{Imagecs|align=right|transparent=true|image=Mists_C3_Gameplay_Place_Land_Tile.png}} Aktivní hráč '''musí otočit 1 kartičku''' z libovolné hromádky a '''přiložit ji k hernímu plánu''' tak, aby alespoň jednou hranou navazovala na dříve přiložené kartičky. <ref> {{IconBook}} Nově přiložená kartička krajiny '''musí''' navazovat k sousednímu terénu na '''všech hranách'''! Při přikládání nestačí hledat pouze jednu stranu, která se hodí. </ref> <br clear="all" /> }} |action2= {{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=none|title=2. Nasazení duchů a umístění figurky|rules= {{Imagecs|align=right|transparent=true|image=Mists_C3_Gameplay_Place_Meeple.png|size=x70px}} Je-li na právě přiložené kartičce '''mlha''', musíte se vypořádat s '''duchy''' (podrobnosti viz [[#mist-and-ghosts|níže]]). Poté '''může''' aktivní hráč na '''právě přiloženou kartičku''' umístit '''jednu''' figurku ze své zásoby. <br clear="all" /> }} |action3= {{RulesScoring|header=none|title=3. Vyhodnocení|rules= {{Imagecs|align=right|transparent=true|image=Mists_C3_Gameplay_Score_Points.png}} Poté je třeba '''hned''' zaznamenat body za všechna právě uzavřená území. <br clear="all" /> }} }} |
h English (en) | <div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> {{BeginBlockList|width=900px}} {{StartBlock|width=250px|padding-right=10px|padding-bottom=10px}} {{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Placing a new land tile|rules= <div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="130">You '''must''' draw '''exactly 1''' new '''land tile''' from the facedown supply and place it with at least one edge adjacent to an existing tile. <ref> {{IconBook}} A newly placed land tile '''must fit''' the adjacent terrain on '''all edges'''! During placement it is not enough to look for only one side that fits. </ref></td> <td width="90" valign="top">[[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Place_Land_Tile.png|center]]</td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{StartBlock|width=250px|padding-right=10px|padding-bottom=10px}} {{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Placing ghosts and meeple|rules= <div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="140">If the tile just placed has '''mist''' on it, you must take care of the '''ghosts''' (see details [[#mist-and-ghosts|below]]). <br />You '''may''' then place '''exactly 1 meeple''' from your supply on the '''tile just placed'''.</td> <td width="80" valign="top"> [[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Place_Meeple.png|x70px]] </td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{StartBlock|width=250px|padding-right=10px|padding-bottom=10px}} {{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Scoring a feature|rules= <div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="140" valign="top">Finally, you '''must''' score '''all''' the points obtained by the tile placed.</td> <td width="80" align="right">[[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{EndBlockList}} </div> |
h French (fr) | <div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> {{BeginBlockList|width=900px}} {{StartBlock|width=250px|padding-right=10px|padding-bottom=10px}} {{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Placement d’une tuile|rules= <div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="130">Vous '''devez''' piocher '''1''' nouvelle '''tuile Terrain''' et la placer, face visible, de façon à prolonger des zones existantes (villes, routes, prés) d’une autre tuile déjà placée <ref> {{IconBook}} Une tuile Terrain nouvellement placée '''doit s’adapter''' au terrain adjacent sur '''tous les bords''' ! Lors du placement, il ne suffit pas de vérifier qu’un seul côté s’ajuste. </ref>.</td> <td width="90" valign="top">[[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Place_Land_Tile.png|center]]</td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{StartBlock|width=250px|padding-right=10px|padding-bottom=10px}} {{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Pose d’un fantôme et d’un meeple|rules= <div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="140">Si du '''brouillard''' est présent sur la tuile que vous venez de placer, vous devez vous occuper des '''fantômes''' (voir détails [[#mist-and-ghosts|ci-dessous]]). Vous '''pouvez''' ensuite poser '''1 meeple de votre réserve''' sur la tuile que vous venez de placer.</td> <td width="80" valign="top"> [[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Place_Meeple.png|x70px]] </td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{StartBlock|width=250px|padding-right=10px|padding-bottom=10px}} {{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Évaluation des zones|rules= <div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="140" valign="top">Vous '''devez''' évaluer '''toutes''' les zones qui ont été complétées par la tuile que vous venez de placer.</td> <td width="80" align="right">[[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{EndBlockList}} </div> |
h Dutch (nl) | <div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> {{BeginBlockList|width=900px}} {{StartBlock|width=250px|padding-right=10px|padding-bottom=10px}} {{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Landtegel leggen|rules= <div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="130">Je '''moet''' altijd '''precies 1''' nieuwe '''landtegel''' van de gedekte stapels trekken en die met tenminste één zijde aan een bestaande tegel aanleggen.<ref> Een nieuwe aangelegde landtegel '''moet''' het landschap aan '''alle zijden voortzetten'''! Het is bij het aanleggen niet genoeg om te kijken of er één zijde past.</ref></td> <td width="90" valign="top">[[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Place_Land_Tile.png|center]]</td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{StartBlock|width=250px|padding-right=10px|padding-bottom=10px}} {{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Spoken en meeples zetten|rules= <div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="140">Als er '''mist''' op de zojuist aangelegde tegel staat, moet je voor de '''spoken''' zorgen (zie [[#mist-and-ghosts|hieronder]]). <br />Je '''mag''' dan '''precies 1 meeple''' uit je voorraad op de '''zojuist aangelegde''' tegel zetten.</td> <td width="80" valign="top"> [[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Place_Meeple.png|x70px]] </td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{StartBlock|width=250px|padding-right=10px|padding-bottom=10px}} {{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Puntentelling afhandelen|rules= <div style="width:230px; max-width:230px; display:inline-block; height:210px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="140" valign="top">Tenslotte '''moet''' je '''alle''' puntentellingen afhandelen die door het aanleggen van de tegel veroorzaakt zijn.</td> <td width="80" align="right">[[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{EndBlockList}} </div> |
h Romanian (ro) | <div class="wica-top-spacing wica-visible"> {{BeginBlockList|width=1000px}} {{StartBlock|width=290px|padding-right=17px|padding-bottom=17px}} {{RulesPlacingTile|header=fake-h4|title=1. Atașarea unui nou cartonaș de teren|rules= <div style="width:270px; max-width:270px; display:inline-block; height:220px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="130">'''Trebuie''' să tragi '''exact 1''' nou '''cartonaș de teren''' din rezerva cu fața în jos și să îl plasezi cu cel puțin o latură adiacentă cu un cartonaș existent.<ref> {{IconBook}} Un cartonaș tocmai plasat trebuie să se potrivească cu terenul adiacent pe toate laturile! În timpul plasării nu este destul să te uiți numai după o singură latură care să se potrivească. </ref></td> <td width="90" valign="top">[[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Place_Land_Tile.png|center]]</td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{StartBlock|width=290px|padding-right=17px|padding-bottom=17px}} {{RulesPlacingMeeple|header=fake-h4|title=2. Plasarea spiritelor și a unui meeple|rules= <div style="width:270px; max-width:270px; display:inline-block; height:220px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="230">Dacă cartonașul tocmai plasat are '''ceață''' pe el, atunci trebuie să te îngrijorezi în legătură cu '''spiritele''' (vezi detaliile [[#mist-and-ghosts|mai jos]]). <br />Ai apoi '''posibilitatea''' de a plasa '''exact 1 meeple''' din rezerva ta pe '''cartonașul tocmai plasat'''.</td> <td width="80" valign="top"> [[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Place_Meeple.png|x70px]] </td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{StartBlock|width=290px|padding-right=17px|padding-bottom=17px}} {{RulesScoring|header=fake-h4|title=3. Declanșarea unei evaluări de puncte|rules= <div style="width:270px; max-width:270px; display:inline-block; height:220px;"> <table> <tr> <td width="140" valign="top">În cele din urmă, '''trebuie''' să încasezi '''toate''' punctele obținut de pe urma cartonașului plasat.</td> <td width="80" align="right">[[File:Mists_C3_Gameplay_Score_Points.png]]</td> </tr> </table> </div> }} {{EndBlock}} {{EndBlockList}} </div> |