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Found 4 translations.
Name | Current message text |
h Czech (cs) | '''{{Piece|name=TollhouseYellowSmall|edition={{{edition|{{ScoringDefaultEdition}}}}}|variant=link|text={{TollkeepersName|variant=short}}}}:''' Hráč s celnicí na křižovatce u dokončené cesty |
h English (en) | '''{{Piece|name=TollhouseYellowSmall|edition={{{edition|{{ScoringDefaultEdition}}}}}|variant=link|text={{TollkeepersName|variant=short}}}}:''' Player with a tollhouse on crossing at the end of completed road |
h Dutch (nl) | '''{{Piece|name=TollhouseYellowSmall|edition={{{edition|{{ScoringDefaultEdition}}}}}|variant=link|text=Tollenaars}}:''' Speler met een tolhuis bij een kruispunt aan het uiteinde van een afgebouwde weg |
h Romanian (ro) | '''{{Piece|name=TollhouseYellowSmall|edition={{{edition|{{ScoringDefaultEdition}}}}}|variant=link|text=Vameși}}:''' Jucător cu o casă de taxe pe răscruce la capăt de drum finalizat |