Translations:Bridges, Castles and Bazaars (1st edition)/125/en

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The following rules are also valid:

  • A cloister is only considered to be adjacent when the cloister itself lies on one of the six tiles (such as tile 1 in the examples above); it is not sufficient for one of the eight tiles surrounding the cloister to be adjacent.
  • The follower in the castle always receives points for the next structure to be completed. It may not be left in play in order to receive points for a structure which might be completed later.
  • It does not matter whether the structure completed actually scores any points. The castle still receives points for a completed structure which is not occupied by a follower. [1]
  • Should the placement of a tile simultaneously complete more than one structure adjacent to the castle, the occupier of the castle may decide which of them to receive points for. [2] A castle receives points for only one completed structure.
  • As a town which is converted into a castle is not considered to have been completed, it is possible for two occupied castles to be located next to each other. In this case, when one of the castles score points, it counts as a completed structure for the other, and both receive the same points.
  • At game end, all uncompleted castles score no points and their followers are removed from the board. A castle gets no points from farms in its vicinity.
  • When converting to a castle, it does not matter whether the small city was already occupied by a follower in the first half of the city, or by the active player deploying a follower to the second half during his or her turn.
  • Castles separate fields in the same way as a town does.
  • A knight on a castle cannot be attacked by the dragon. [3] <ref>

Official clarification from the publisher An additional bullet point rule added to Big Box 3 Big Box 3 stated “A player can place the fairy in a castle. If it is there during the castle scoring, it scores 3 points for the player.” However, according to official clarifications, this rule is incorrect. The fairy cannot be placed in a castle, as it should only be placed on features on a discrete tile.

  1. Interpretation from the Community Note that this statement essentially indicates that points are tallied for all completed features, even unoccupied ones. However, generally nobody scores (receives those points) for an unoccupied feature. (2/2015)
  2. Interpretation from the Community In practical terms, this would probably mean the same as choosing the completed structure worth the most points.
  3. Official clarification from the publisher Followers in castles are safe from towers, the dragon, and the plague, as those things affect the tile directly, and castles are not present on a specific tile.