Talk:The Markets of Leipzig
Clarifications during checking
Sorry, this has grown a bit from the initial one or two items I had ...
- If you have one meeple on a completed road and send it to Leipzig, you score no points for road? I've assumed this, but originally it stated "spare the points" - meepledrone has confirmed this is how he interprets it as well
- If you hold the majority on a road 2 to 1, the other player scores nothing and cannot move their meeple to Leipzig? - again meepledrone seems to confirm this
- Definition of "Shed" and "Farm" and "Coat Of Arms" - might need a Glossary Page (if these are to be referred to on multiple expansion pages) or explanatory images? If you'd like I can create a new page called "Glossary of Terms" which can be used for common abbreviations or buzzwords that may require further clarification, but I don't know if there are better ways to do it
- A road connected to Leipzig includes roads connected through a village with Leipzig - this would, presumably, also include roads which pass through other features from expansions, such as monasteries, fruit trees, etc. - who says "no official rules" - HiG? But we can make suggestions, right?
- Is the line within Scoring a Feature necessary? It might look better one line lower to separate the moving from the scoring
- If you send your single meeple into the Wainwrights Quarter and don't score the road, do you get the extra points? Fair enough if you move one and use a second meeple to score the road
- Completed Monastery - no bonus points if an Abbot is used and removed before the Monastery is fully complete?
- I think I'd like to see the "OR" indented in line with the options - hard spaces to force indent? and lower case?
- Preparation - Addition of "mix the normal Start Tile in with the rest of the Land tiles" and "place City of Leipzig in the middle of the table"?
- "Placing a Tile" and "Placing a Meeple" are probably non-applicable in this expansion, other than in relation to placing other tiles against road/city/fields on the Leipzig city tiles - worth adding something like "when placing a tile to continue the landscape against one of the Leipzig tiles". And similar for Meeple placement?