The Robbers (1st edition)

Revision as of 16:24, 24 September 2018 by Wolnic (talk | contribs) (→‎Final scoring: Example images reversed)

General info and comments

Robbers watermark

The Robbers (Mini #6) was originally released by Hans im Glück in 2012.

Bands of robbers are on the roads and claiming tolls. If followers score points, these "noble fellows" hold out their hands.


  • 6 wooden Robber figures in 6 colors
  • 8 new land tiles with robber symbol
  • 1 new land tile with crop circle



The landscape cards with the robber symbol are mixed with the other landscape tiles. Each player takes the robber of his or her color.

This expansion has been developed for the Carcassonne basic game. All of the rules remain the same.

Placing a tile

When a player draws a tile with a robber symbol, he or she plays it according to normal rules. Then he or she may place a follower.

Placing a meeple

The player may immediately [1] place his or her robber figure on the scoreboard. The robber is placed on the same space as at least one counting follower of another player. [2] The next player whose robber is still in his or her own stock may also place his or her robber in the same way. [3] If the active player had already played his robber, he may move his robber figure.

BLUE, RED, YELLOW, and GREEN play in that order. BLUE plays a robber tile. He places his robber on the scoring space of RED's counting follower. As the robbers of RED and YELLOW are already on the scoreboard, GREEN may now also place his robber.

Scoring a feature

"Robber" Points

When a counting figure of another player moves forward, if a robber stood on the space where that follower started, the owner of the robber gets half of the points (rounded up). [4] [5] The player moving his counting figure gets all of his points. The owner of the robber moves his counting figure the appropriate number of spaces on the scoreboard. The robber is then placed back into the player's supply. [6]

Other rules

  • Rogue points: If the robber is next to a counting follower that scores points gained by robbing another player, the robber’s player scores no points. Instead, the robber moves forward with (next to) that follower so that the robber can rob the follower later. ("Honor among thieves")
  • A robber must always take the first allowable points awarded (i.e. other than “rogue points”). He may not wait for a possible larger score later. [7]
  • If a robber is on the same space as several counting followers, and more than one of these followers scores points on the same turn, the owner of the robber can choose which counting follower’s points to gets half of. [8] [9] [10] [11]
  • If more than one robber are in a space with a follower that scores, all robbers get half of the follower’s points.
  • One may not rob his or her own follower.

Final scoring

All robbers remaining on the scoreboard receive 3 points. Then the robbers return to the players’ supplies. [12]

RED gets 5 points. The BLUE robber "robs" 3 points; therefore, the BLUE follower moves 3 spaces. The BLUE robber is removed from the scoreboard. Since the YELLOW robber would now only score "rogue points", he moves forward with BLUE. The YELLOW robber later "robs" RED or BLUE, depending on who scores next.
BLUE receives 4 points. RED and GREEN scored 2 points for their robbers. The robbers are removed from the scoreboard.

Detailed Examples Using the Robber and the Messages

text here

The crop circles addition

In each mini, you will find a tile of the 7th mini expansion Crop Circles. This expansion is playable with only a single tile, but it is best to play with all 6 tiles. [13]

Tile Distribution

Total Tiles: 9 (8 + 1 crop circle)


For Icons explanation and licensing please visit Icons page.

  1.   The word "immediately" was added to the 2013 version of the rules. (12/2013)
  2.   If playing with Messages, The (Dispatches) expansion, the Robber can be placed beside either a normal counting follower or the Messenger (woman follower). Thus, the Robber can get points from either a normal counting follower or a woman follower, but only from the one on the same space as the Robber. (5/2013)
  3.   The ZMG version of the rules (BigBox 4) changes this to state “Then, in turn order, each other player may place their robber on the scoreboard.” (Emphasis added.) (5/2013)
  4.   The Robber can receive points from Wheel of Fortune or fairy scoring. (5/2013)
  5. If the Robber is on a space with a counting follower that moves backwards (such as from a bazaar payment or tower ransom), the Robber moves backwards with the counting follower, but the player who owns the Robber does not lose points. (3/2015)
  6.   When the last tile is placed, scoring for finished features takes place as usual, as the robber can still steal points. Then all robbers still remaining on the scoring board receive 3 points per the final bullet point in the rules. After that the actual final scoring begins. (updated 12/2013)
  7.   Each scoring event is separate from all others – each feature is scored individually. The Robber must take points only from the first allowable event – single feature points, fairy point, catapult points, Wheel of Fortune points, etc. (5/2013)
  8.   If a single counting follower moves multiple times due to scoring of more than one feature with placement of a single tile, the player receiving the points chooses the order that points are awarded. If there is a robber beside that follower, the owner of the robber would thus receive half the points of only the first feature that is scored. Of course, if multiple followers on the same space receive points, the Robber’s owner can still choose which follower to steal points from. (5/2013, 11/2014)
  9.   Although this rule refers to multiple followers scoring in “the same turn,” the robber cannot necessarily wait until the end of the entire turn to see if it applies. Rather, the robber can only consider those scoring events that would be happening simultaneously, i.e. during the same “scoring round” (see the Robbers expansion for further discussion). For example, the fairy scoring is separate from scoring of normal features. Thus, if the robber could score due to the fairy point he must take that score; he cannot wait for other events later in the turn. (10/2014)
  10.   If a robber is on the same space as counting followers from 2 other players, and one of those followers scores points from robbing another player (rogue points) while the other player does not score anything, the robber must move with the follower rather than staying behind. (Bullet point 1 applies here, but bullet point 3 does not, as only 1 follower is getting points.) (5/2014)
  11.   If the Robber is on a space with multiple counting followers, and one of them moves backwards (such as from a bazaar payment or tower ransom), the player who owns the Robber can choose to either move the Robber backwards with that counting follower or keep the Robber in the same place with the other counting follower(s). (3/2015)
  12.   This rule regarding scoring for robbers at the end of the game was added to the 2013 version of the HiG rules – it was not present in the 2012 or Big Box 4 versions, and it is thus not included in [[Rio Grande Games|RGG|| or ZMG rules. This actually represents a reversal of a previous clarification, as robbers remaining on the scoreboard at the end of the game originally scored nothing. (12/2013)
  13.   Note that the Crop Circle tiles included in the mini expansions are different from the tiles released in the initial Crop Circles expansion (referred to as "Crop Circles I").