Translations:Crop Circles (1st edition)/17/en

  • When a player performs action A, he or she must deploy the follower to a feature which already contains a follower of the same type (farmer to a farmer, thief to a thief, knight to a knight). [1]
  • If a player is unable to perform the action, due to not having a follower of the required type in play, then he or she will be passed over and the next player to the left should continue.
  • The active player performs the action last, and then the next player should take their turn as usual. [2]
  1. Official clarification from the publisher Any follower that can be put in a city, is considered to be a knight.
  2. Official clarification from the publisher After the crop circle action, the active player should continue with any actions pending as part of their turn, such as removing a knight from a sieged city through a cloister (see Besiegers - Cathars - Siege Besiegers - Cathars - Siege) or performing the second part of a double turn (see Exp. 2 - Traders & Builders Exp. 2 - Traders & Builders). After all pending actions are performed, the next player's turn can proceed.