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Found 6 translations.

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 h Czech (cs)|- class="showAbbeyAndC1"

{| cellpadding="5" cellspacing="10" style="border-collapse: initial;"
| colspan="2"  style="background-color: #eeeeee;" class="markWE" | '''<span class="wica-counter-show"></span>. Extra kolo opatství'''
| colspan="2" class="markWE" | Pokud nebyly přiloženy žádné kartičky opatství, pokračujte ještě jedním kolem, aby je mohli všichni hráči přiložit. 
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #888888; background-color: #ffffff; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" |
'''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Order of Play (1st edition)/cs|Průběh hry]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Order of Play/cs|Průběh hry]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Order of Play/cs|Průběh hry]]</span>''':
<li>Přiložení kartičky</li>
<li>Umístění <span class="showC1">figurky</span><span class="showC2">družiníka</span></li>
<li>Hodnocení území</li>
<li>Další úkony</li>
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #9E2322; background-color: #FBC9C3; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" | '''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game (1st edition)/cs|Hodnocení v průběhu hry]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game/cs|Hodnocení v průběhu hry]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring During the Game/cs|Hodnocení v průběhu hry]]</span>'''
 h German (de)|- class="showAbbey"

{| cellpadding="5" cellspacing="10" style="border-collapse: initial;"
| colspan="2"  style="background-color: #eeeeee;" class="markWE" | '''<span class="wica-counter-show"></span>. Abtei Extra-Runde'''
| colspan="2" class="markWE" | Wenn keine Abtei-Karten gelegt wurden, fahren Sie mit einer weiteren Runde fort, damit alle Spieler diese auch legen können. 
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #888888; background-color: #ffffff; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" |
'''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Order of Play (1st edition)/de|Spielreihenfolge]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Order of Play/de|Spielreihenfolge]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Order of Play/de|Spielreihenfolge]]</span>''':
<li>Karte legen</li>
<li>Setze einen<span class="showC1">Gefogsmann</span><span class="showC2">Meeple</span></li>
<li>Wertung eines Merkmals</li>
<li>Zusätzliche Actionen</li>
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #9E2322; background-color: #FBC9C3; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" | '''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game (1st edition)/de|Wertung während des Spiels]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game/de|Wertung während des Spiels]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring During the Game/de|Wertung während des Spiels]]</span>'''
 h English (en)|- class="showAbbeyAndC1"

{| cellpadding="5" cellspacing="10" style="border-collapse: initial;"
| colspan="2"  style="background-color: #eeeeee;" class="markWE" | '''<span class="wica-counter-show"></span>. Extra Abbey Round'''
| colspan="2" class="markWE" | If any abbey tiles have not been placed, proceed with one more round to allow all players to place them. 
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #888888; background-color: #ffffff; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" |
'''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Order of Play (1st edition)|Order of Play]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Order of Play|Order of Play]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Order of Play|Order of Play]]</span>''':
<li>Place tile</li>
<li>Place a <span class="showC1">follower</span><span class="showC2">meeple</span></li>
<li>Score a feature</li>
<li>Additional actions</li>
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #9E2322; background-color: #FBC9C3; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" | '''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game (1st edition)|Scoring During the Game]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game|Scoring During the Game]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring During the Game|Scoring During the Game]]</span>'''
 h French (fr)|- class="showAbbeyAndC1"

{| cellpadding="5" cellspacing="10" style="border-collapse: initial;"
| colspan="2"  style="background-color: #eeeeee;" class="markWE" | '''<span class="wica-counter-show"></span>. Tour supplémentaire pour la tuile Monastère'''
| colspan="2" class="markWE" | Si des tuiles Monastère n'ont pas été placées, procéder à un autre tour pour permettre à tous les joueurs de les placer. 
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #888888; background-color: #ffffff; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" |
'''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Order of Play (1st edition)/fr|Déroulement du jeu]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Order of Play/fr|Déroulement du jeu]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Order of Play/fr|Déroulement du jeu]]</span>''':
<li>Placer une tuile</li>
<li>Poser un <span class="showC1">partisan</span><span class="showC2">meeple</span></li>
<li>Évaluer une zone</li>
<li>Actions supplémentaire</li>
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #9E2322; background-color: #FBC9C3; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" | '''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game (1st edition)/fr|Évaluation pendant le jeu]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game/fr|Évaluation pendant le jeu]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring During the Game/fr|Évaluation pendant le jeu]]</span>'''
 h Dutch (nl)|- class="showAbbeyAndC1"

{| cellpadding="5" cellspacing="10" style="border-collapse: initial;"
| colspan="2"  style="background-color: #eeeeee;" class="markWE" | '''<span class="wica-counter-show"></span>. Extra abdij-ronde'''
| colspan="2" class="markWE" | Als er nog ongebruikte abdijtegels zijn, ga dan nog een ronde door om alle spelers in de gelegenheid te stellen die te leggen.
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #888888; background-color: #ffffff; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" |
'''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Order of Play (1st edition)/nl|Spelverloop]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Order of Play/nl|Spelverloop]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Order of Play/nl|Spelverloop]]</span>''':
<li>Tegel leggen</li>
<li>Een <span class="showC1">horige</span><span class="showC2">meeple</span> plaatsen</li>
<li>Puntentellingen afhandelen</li>
<li>Aanvullende acties</li>
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #9E2322; background-color: #FBC9C3; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" | '''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game (1st edition)/nl|Puntentelling tijdens het spel]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game/nl|Puntentelling tijdens het spel]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring During the Game/nl|Puntentelling tijdens het spel]]</span>'''
 h Romanian (ro)|- class="showAbbeyAndC1"

{| cellpadding="5" cellspacing="10" style="border-collapse: initial;"
| colspan="2"  style="background-color: #eeeeee;" class="markWE" | '''<span class="wica-counter-show"></span>. Tură extra de abație'''
| colspan="2" class="markWE" | Dacă există oricare cartonaș de abație care încă nu a fost plasat, continuă cu una sau mai multe ture<br/> care să permită tuturor jucătorilor să și le plaseze dacă vor. 
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #888888; background-color: #ffffff; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" |
'''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Order of Play (1st edition)/ro|Ordinea de jucat]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Order of Play/ro|Ordinea de jucat]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Order of Play/ro|Ordinea de jucat]]</span>''':
<li>Atașează un cartonaș de teren</li>
<li>Plasează un <span class="showC1">supus</span><span class="showC2">meeple</span></li>
<li>Evaluează teritoriile</li>
<li>Acțiuni adiționale</li>
| width="50%" style="border: 2px dotted #9E2322; background-color: #FBC9C3; text-align: center; border-radius: 15px; -moz-border-radius: 15px; -webkit-border-radius: 15px;" | '''<span class="showC1_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game (1st edition)/ro|Evaluarea în timpul jocului]]</span><span class="showC2_Graphics">[[Scoring During the Game/ro|Evaluarea în timpul jocului]]</span><span class="showWE_Graphics">[[Winter Scoring During the Game/ro|Evaluarea în timpul jocului]]</span>'''