Black Tower (Fan Expansion)

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Black Tower introduces new black and white tower floors for Carcassonne The Tower Carcassonne The Tower expansion, which allows to trap meeples diagonally when using black floor or permanently lock tower with white floor on the top.

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Tower C2 Tile K.jpg You are reading the rules for this tile design. Tower C1-15.png
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Symbol Black Tower.png

Black Tower introduces new black and white tower floors for Carcassonne The Tower Carcassonne The Tower expansion, which allows to trap meeples diagonally when using black floor or permanently lock tower with white floor on the top.

The construction of a tower in the province of Carcassonne was a greatly feared sight. Watchmen would scout over the land for would-be invaders and take them prisoner. Although some aggressors thought they were safe from the watchmen’s ever prying eyes, recently new towers have been erected allowing the watchmen a different perspective of the land, causing some towers to be abandoned altogether, in favour of these new edifices.

General info

Black Tower fan-expansion for Base Game Base Game and Exp. 4 - The Tower Exp. 4 - The Tower was released by Carcassonne Central member Jonathan Warren (CarcC).


Download notice.png

Please be aware that WikiCarpedia does not assume responsibility for the content of the links provided. The expansions listed are governed by the regulations of their respective websites.
Commercial use of fan expansions is prohibited. These expansions are intended solely for personal use and may not be sold under any circumstances, including at cost price.


Figure Tower black.png
Figure Tower white.png

Required expansions

Black Tower requires a copy of Exp. 4 - The Tower Exp. 4 - The Tower large expansion. [2] [3]



At the beginning of the game, each player receives a number of Black, White and Regular Tower floors, according to the total number of players.

Number of players Black Tower floors White Tower floors Regular Tower floors
2 players Figure Tower black.png Figure Tower white.png Figure Tower.png
3 players Figure Tower black.png Figure Tower white.png Figure Tower.png
4 players Figure Tower black.png Figure Tower white.png Figure Tower.png
5 players Figure Tower black.png Figure Tower white.png Figure Tower.png
6 players Figure Tower black.png Figure Tower white.png Figure Tower.png


Figure Tower black.png Figure Tower white.png
1. Placing a tile

Whenever you draw a tile, place it normally.

2. Placing a tower floor

In addition to standard placement options, players may choose from any of the following additional options.

Placement of Black Tower floor

The player may now place a Black Tower floor on any tile with a tower foundation, or on a tower that is already under construction, unless a meeple guards the top. The Tower already under construction can be either a regular or a Black Tower, but not a White Tower. When a Black Tower floor is the uppermost floor of a tower, the tower becomes a Black Tower. There is no limit to the height of a Black Tower. A Black Tower’s range is determined by the total number of floors, regardless of the colour of each floor.

To finish the construction of a Black Tower, a meeple can be deployed to the top of it in the usual way.

A Black tower is used in the same way as a regular Tower, but captures meeples along the diagonals. A Black Tower cannot capture meeples horizontally or vertically.

Example 1: Diagonal distance of a 2-floor tower with black tower floor on top as a Black Tower.
Restoring a Black Tower to a Regular Tower

Adding a Regular Tower floor to the top of a Black Tower restores it back to a Regular Tower with Regular Tower properties (i.e. it captures horizontally or vertically, not diagonally). It is the uppermost Tower floor that designates the type of Tower in play. There is no limit to the height of a Regular Tower. A Regular Tower’s range is determined by the total number of floors, regardless of the colour of each floor.

Example 2: Horizontal distance of 2-floor tower with regular tower floor on top as a Regular Tower.
Placement of White Tower floor

After placing a tile, a player may now place a White Tower floor to any tower which is already under construction, unless a meeple guards the top. When a White Tower floor is placed the tower is ‘capped’. A tower that has been capped becomes a White Tower and cannot be built any higher and has no power to capture meeples. A meeple cannot be deployed to the top of a White Tower.

Example 3: Zero distance of a 3-floor tower with white tower floor on top as a White Tower.
Placement a Meeple to Black Tower floor

Just as a player can place his meeple on a Regular Tower to close the tower, this is also possible on a Black Tower (with a black tower floor on top). The tower is closed when the meeple is on top of the tower.

Example 4: Closed Black Tower with meeple on the top.
3. Scoring a feature

Black Tower (Fan Expansion) does not affect scoring.

Other Expansions

General rules

All rules for interactions with other expansions are the same as Exp. 4 - The TowerExp. 4 - The Tower expansion, with the difference that meeples are captured diagonally when the uppermost tower floor is black.


  1. For consistency with The Tower The Tower we are using floor instead of original Black Tower rule piece.
  2. This Tower floor distribution list replaces the distribution list given in The Tower The Tower rules.
  3. When playing with more tower foundation tiles other than the standard 18, increase the Tower floor distribution. For every 4 extra tower foundation tiles each player receives: 1 Black Tower floor and 2 regular Tower floors.
    If 8 or more extra tower foundation tiles are being used, each player in a 4, 5 or 6 player game receives: 1 White Tower floor. The quantity of White Tower floors per player in any game must not exceed 2 floors each.