Expansion Reference List TilesNoRules

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|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/1) ||Woodlands
(Die Wäldlander)


Forest areas have more than one icon, taken from other expansions

||C1 ||Novelty ||30 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/2) ||Extra Tunnel Tile


1x new tunnel tile, to be added when playing with "The Tunnel", by SpielBox

||C1 ||Cosalo ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Spielbox.png ||CarcF ||Tunnel ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/3) ||Ramparts


An early collection of new tile configurations, some of which have appeared in other expansions; also listed as "City Walls"

||C1 ||Guido Kämmer ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/4) ||River System


Adds river tiles, including one that joins the river tiles with those of "Lakelands"

||C1 ||Guido Kämmer ||11 ||0 ||1x tile to connect with lake |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Lake / River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/5) ||UFO


Tiles depict a crashed UFO; no rules

||C1 ||Chris Morse ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/6) ||Vanilla


Tiles with city segments, roads and fields, but no additional features borrowed from the other expansions

||C1 ||Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City / Fields / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/7) ||Thanksgiving 2008


Tiles have features from various expansions, but have some Fall-colored foliage and leaves for added variety

||C1 ||Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/8) ||Winter 2008


Includes 5x tiles with wells in roundabouts, and some winter themed tiles

||C1 ||Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Road / Wells ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/9) ||Math Guy Gamma


The tiles have 1 or more city caps, as well as a couple with a shrine or cloisters, and several with road ends

||C1 ||mathguy89 ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol MathguyGamma.png ||CarcC ||City / Fields / Monastic / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/10) ||Math Guy 2008


Mostly fields, but includes some with shrines or cloisters, and road ends

||C1 ||mathguy89 ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Fields / Road / Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/11) ||Math Guy 89


Mostly city-based tiles, some with cloisters or shrines, plus a number of the tiles have several road ends (helping farmers connect fields)

||C1 ||mathguy89 ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City / Fields / Monastic / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/12) ||Perky Dragons & Taverns


Tiles contain features from "Princess and Dragon" or contain Inns/Lakes

||C1 ||scotty13 & Lardarse ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Dragon ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/13) ||Wheel of Fortune Extras


"Wheel of Fortune" tiles with tie-ins to several of the official expansions

||C1 ||JPutt927 ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/14) ||Crop Circle Advent Calendar


Winter Crop Circle tiles converted to Carcassonne I format

||C1 ||Quevy ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol CropCircles C1C2.png ||CarcC ||Advent2016 / CropCircle ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/15) ||Garden Tiles for Carcassonne I


Garden tiles of Carcassonne II converted for use with Carcassonne I (2 extra tiles included)

||C1 ||Fritz_Spinne ||11 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Garden ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/16) ||I&C and T&B Garden Tiles for Carcassonne I


Conversion to C1 artwork of C2 tiles from I&C and T&B which contain gardens

||C1 ||Quevy ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||C2=>C1 / Garden ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/17) ||Tiles holiday winter 2015 2016


Contains two holiday-themed tile designs without any rules

||C1 ||Quevy ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/18) ||Coastal Forests


Includes link to tiles for use with "The Coast" and "Forests"/"New Forest" expansions

||C1/C2 ||Wolnic ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Forest / Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/19) ||Fluvium


Additional river tiles

||C2 ||Wolnic ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Fluvium.png ||CarcC ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/20) ||Cathar Siege (aka Siege Tiles with Monk Icon)


Modification of the 4x official "Siege" tiles, with Monk icon added

||C1 ||Scott ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Cathars C1.png ||CarcC ||City / Siege ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/21) ||La Porxada Remastered


Re-creation of the La Porxada tile within the discussion (but it carries a web-hosting watermark across it); better versions may be available

||C1 ||JPutt927 ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol LaPorxada.png ||CarcC Forum ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/22) ||Sailing The Seas : Coastal Reefs


Coastal tiles containing reefs along one tile edge for use with "Sailing The Seas", as well as "The Coast" and "Masters of the Ocean"

||C1/C2 ||Wolnic ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/23) ||Sailing The Seas : Extra


Additional tiles for use with "Sailing The Seas", "The Coast" and "Master of the Ocean"; mostly islands with features from some expansions - dragon, flier, tower

||C1/C2 ||Wolnic ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/24) ||Halflings - The missing tiles


Lots of Halfling tile designs, incorporating features from many of the expansions, and a couple of fan expansion

||C1 ||Darwin ||96 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Halflings ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/25) ||Castles on the River


Adds sections of river and/or coast to some of the German Castles - several options available for each castle for variety

||C1 ||Wolnic ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol CastlesRiver.png ||CarcC Forum ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/26) ||Divided Cities
(Geteilte Städte)


C1 Partial Conversion of the original C2 expansion "Divided Cities"; tiles contain two sections of city that share a tile edge, that may be joined later

||C1 ||Fährmann ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/27) ||Hungarian Castles
(Burgen in Ungarn)


Seven Hungarian Castles are on CarcC; all 14 are available to download from CarcF; no specific rules, other than stating they are played as "German Castles" (but they are single tiles), except mixed with other tiles

||C1 ||Ramachandra ||7 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol HungarianCastles.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/28) ||Deco Tiles


6x Field tiles with different features on them, including Stonehenge, sinkhole, fossil, ruins, Tree of Life and a pretty landscape with tower, shrubs and flowers

||C1 ||Ramachandra ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Deco.png ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/29) ||Circles in the Forest
(Kornkriese im Wald)


Forest tiles with elements from some of the official expansions like "Bridges, Bazaars & Castles", "Hills And Sheep" and various Mini expansions, including Crop Circles, Mage, Robbers, Flier

||C1 ||Leven ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||CropCircle / Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/30) ||Farmers Heaven
(Das Bauern Himmelreich)


Since most of the expansions are mainly focused on the cities, it was time to do something for the farmers; includes lots of road ends surrounded by fields

||C1 ||Murphy013 ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Advent2019 / Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/31) ||The Monastery on the River
(Das Kloster am Fluss)


A new German Monastery, which sits next to a river (design discussion)

||C1 ||Zotto ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Monastic / River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/32) ||Map Benelux Cities


Cities from the Benelux Map created as standalone tiles

||C2 ||PresetM ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / Map ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showMusing" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(T/33) ||The Night Watcher
(Der Nachtwächter)


Proposal to add a special symbol or figure to city districts which will increase their value when the city is completed; two sample tiles in thread

||C1 ||Violet ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/34) ||Moated Castle


A single tile with a central castle on an island with 4x water edges (tile image no longer available); some discussion of possible rules and other designs

||C1 ||Trebuchet ||1 ||0 ||1x Moated Castle |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/35) ||The Monastery on the River II


Development of other new German monastery designs

||C1 ||KlausiMausi ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol KlosterBanz.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/36) ||Under the Big Top


Conversion of the C2 expansion to C1 artwork style - currently on hold

||C1 ||PhilippJConrad ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol UnderTheBigTop C2.png ||CarcF ||C2=>C1 ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/37) ||Alternative Start tiles
(Alternative Startkarten)


A selection of alternative tile layouts which still contain a CRFR configuration; tiles re-created/enhanced as "Alternative Start Tiles (again)"

||C1 ||Cianopanza ||11 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol MOS.png ||Old CarcC Forum
BGG || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/38) ||The Frontier


Tiles contain forests and mountains, based on tiles originally on carcassonne.nl; no rules

||C1 ||jeRm! ||31 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||Forest / Mountain ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/39) ||Map France Cities


Cities from the France Map created as standalone tiles

||C2 ||PresetM ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / Map ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/40) ||Winter on the Other Side of the Mountains


Based on "Pyrénées Extended", one side of the mountain range is C1, the other WD

||C1/WD ||Wolnic ||40 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Connect / Mountain ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/41) ||City Tableaux


3x3 City Tableaux to be used as alternative start tiles; most contain a section of river or coastline

||C1 ||Wolnic ||8 ||0 ||8x 3x3 City tableaux |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Part 1
CarcC Part 2 ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/42) ||Farmer's Happiness 1
(Bauernglück 1)


Tiles contain just fields and some roads, some of which end near the centre of the tile, creating larger fields

||C1 ||Unknown ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Fields / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/43) ||Farmer's Happiness 2
(Bauernglück 2)


Tiles contain fields, cities, and roads, some of which end in a field area

||C1 ||Unknown ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Fields / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/44) ||Forest by the River


No information available

||C1 ||Unknown ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Forest / River / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/45) ||The City and Lake Connection


Tiles contain cities (and roads) with lake caps, to be played with "Sea and Fishermen" (aka "The Lake")

||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||City / Lake / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/46) ||The City and Mountain Connection


Tiles contain cities (and roads) with mountain caps, to be played with "Mountains"

||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||City / Mountain / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/47) ||The City, Lake and Mountain Connection


Tiles contain city, lake and mountain caps, to be played with "Sea and Fishermen" (aka "The Lake") and "Mountains"

||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||City / Lake / Mountain / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/48) ||The River (PC)


A special printing of "River 1" was included with the Koch Media computer version of Carcassonne in 2002; the tiles contained security codes printed on the back which are required to be entered during computer game play

||C1 ||Koch Media ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||River / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/49) ||Wind Rose English


Conversion of the main Windrose tiles to have "NESW" (English naming convention); includes some additional tile designs

||C1 ||JPutt927 ||14 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Windrose ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/50) ||Wind Rose River


Extra tile for use with "The Wind Roses"; includes part of the river

||C1 ||Leven ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||River / Windrose ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/51) ||The Mills


No information available

||C1 ||Unknown ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Mills.png || ||Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/52) ||Fiance


The tiles each contain a Tardis, plus roads, cities and villages in the fields; suggested rule idea would be to use the tiles to move other tiles, but no definite proposal

||C1 ||Unknown ||5 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Reddit || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/53) ||Double sided tiles


If you draw one of the double-sided tiles, you choose which side to play; could be issues when using a tile stack

||C1 ||frankdux ||4 ||0 ||4x double sided tiles |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol DoubleSidedTiles.png ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/54) ||Map Great Britain Cities


Cities from the Great Britain Map created as standalone tiles

||C2 ||PresetM ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||City / Map ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/55) ||Mud Pools and Hot Springs


Three additional Bath Houses, one at the end of a road near an Inn/Lake, and ones which can be used with "The Coast", and "New Forest" expansions

||C2 ||Wolnic ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol BarberSurgeons C2.png ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/56) ||Sakura


Adds cherry trees in blossom along the roads leading to some of the "Japanese Buildings"

||C2 ||Wolnic ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Sakura.png ||CarcC Forum ||Road ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/57) ||All the Rest of the Tiles


A large collection of other tile configurations using just the standard features of cities, roads and cloisters

||C2 ||Ratz65 ||264 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
(Hi-res only) || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/58) ||Alternative Start Tiles (again)


A selection of alternative tile layouts which still contain a CRFR configuration; tiles updated from "Alternative Start Tiles"

||C1 ||Cianopanza ||9 ||9 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/59) ||City and Country
(Stadt und Land)


An early expansion, it contained a mix of city and road tiles; 6 and 15 tile selections available; no longer available

||C1 ||Hannes Garsk ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
(Information - may include summary of rules and low resolution tile images) ||City / Road / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/60) ||City Expansion


An early expansion, it contained a mix of city and road tiles including a bridge that goes over a city segment and some single tile cities, which benefit farmers; no longer available

||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
(Information - may include summary of rules and low resolution tile images) ||City / Road / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/61) ||City Expansion 2


An early expansion, this is mainly of city tiles in new configuration; no longer available

||C1 ||Friederich Scholta ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
(Information - may include summary of rules and low resolution tile images) ||City / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/62) ||City Life


An early expansion; mainly city tiles, including one that can reduce the value of an opponent's city, and a village church that boosts a monastery; no longer available

||C1 ||Marcus Müller & Friederich Scholta ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
(Information - may include summary of rules and low resolution tile images) ||City / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/63) ||Divided Cities
(Geteilte Städte)


Tiles contain two sections of city that share a tile edge, that may be joined later; inspired by the tiles in "Hills and Sheep"

||C2 ||Wolnic ||28 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol DividedCity.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/64) ||Divided Cities
(Geteilte Städte)


C1 Conversion of the original C2 expansion "Divided Cities"; tiles contain two sections of city that share a tile edge, that may be joined later

||C1 ||KlausiMausi ||28 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol DividedCity.png ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/65) ||Divided Forests
(Geteilte Wälder)


Tiles contain two sections of forest that share a tile edge, that may be joined later; this is a different expansion to the similarly named "Fragmented Forests"

||WD ||Seli ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/66) ||Double Tiles


An early expansion, with (possibly) the first double tiles, made by combining two normal tiles, rather than with a feature fitting across the two; no longer available

||C1 ||Friederich Scholta ||12 ||0 ||12x double tiles |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
(Information - may include summary of rules and low resolution tile images) ||City / Road / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/67) ||Expansion of the River Landscape
(Der Ausbau der Flusslandscaft)


Additional river tiles, including a couple of river junctions

||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/68) ||Magic Portals


A Winter Edition version of the Magic Portals from "Princess and Dragon"

||WE ||Oldbonz ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/69) ||Pyrenees Extended


An extended version of "Pyrénées" including tiles that allow it to connect to "Mountains"; used as the basis for "Winter on the other side of the Mountains"

||C1 ||Wolnic ||40 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Mountain / Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/70) ||The Abbot : Alternative tiles
(Der Abt : Alternativkarten)


With the introduction of "The Abbot" and gardens in C2, gardens have been added to tiles in the C1 style

||C1 ||Telecaster ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Abbot C2.png
Symbol GardenerWoman.png ||CarcF ||C2=>C1 / Garden / Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/71) ||The Alternative Abbeys


Alternative Abbey designs without the heavy orange borders

||C1 ||Areta ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/72) ||The Second River
(Der Zweite Fluss)


Similar river tile layouts to those in "The River", but includes a river junction in place of the river source; original tile design pre-dates "The River"

||C1 ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||River / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/73) ||The Tower
(Der Turm)


A Winter Edition version of the tiles from "The Tower"

||WE ||Oldbonz ||18 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Tower ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/74) ||Tile Expansion


A selection of new river and land tiles, including a few with Shrines

||C2 ||Cookiemonster16 ||13 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||City / River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/75) ||Winter Coast Ocean Connectors
(Die Winterküste Ozean Verbindung)


Tiles that can be used to link together the different sets of tiles from "The Ocean" and "The Coast" (which use different tile edge points for the shoreline

||WD ||Wolnic ||20 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/76) ||Winter Coast Ocean Connectors (2)
(Die Winterküste Ozean Verbindung 2)


Tiles that can be used to link together the different sets of tiles from "The Ocean" and "The Coast" (which use different tile edge points for the shoreline

||WD ||Seli ||18 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/77) ||Fun With Bluffs


Lines of cliffs that can be used to divide up fields

||C1 ||Carcking ||16 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Cliffs / Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/78) ||4 way Inn road


Example image of crossroads with inn in one quadrant

||C1 ||karkids ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Road ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/79) ||Halfling Abbey


Halfling Abbey tile, and musings on other Halfling designs

||C1 ||Quevy ||1 ||0 ||1x Triangular tile |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Halflings / Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/80) ||Haflings with Forests & Mountains


Halfling tiles with Forests and Mountains

||C1 ||Darwin ||24 ||0 ||24x Triangules tiles |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Forest / Halflings / Mountain ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/81) ||Forests and Mountains


Tiles combining Forests and Mountains

||C1 ||Darwin ||27 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Forest / Mountain ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/82) ||La Porxada for winter


WE version of La Porxada, with modified rules

||C1/WE ||loki ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/83) ||Carcassonne goes Game of Thrones


Tiles to combine C1 and WD; tile images in thread; some GoT rules ideas

||C1/WD ||thodekey & Wolnic ||38 ||0 ||6x double tiles
and 6x draw tiles |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Connect ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/84) ||Winter Hospitalets


Some Abbey-style tiles linking C1 and WD

||C1/WD ||Oldbonz ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/85) ||Road Variations


Artistic Road variations in loops and curves - low res image, download file not available

||C1 ||Ramachandra ||90 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Road ||Tile MeanderingRoad.png

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/86) ||C2 Winter Gate


WE version of Magic Portals, put on hold for possible legal reasons; download created but currently blocked

||WE ||Oldbonz ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/87) ||The Winter Flier


WE version of "The Flier", put on hold for possible legal reasons

||WE ||Oldbonz ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Flier ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/88) ||Carcassonne goes Game of Thrones (C2)


C2 version of C1 tiles combining C2 and WE

||C2/WE ||Oldbonz ||4+ ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Connect ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/89) ||Fluvium 2


Additional river tiles

||C2 ||Wolnic ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Fluvium.png ||CarcC ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/90) ||Circus (Zotto)


This is intended as an expanded version of "The Circus" by SandyKnoll, but with properly coloured artwork; discussion about changing the rules so that all players must send a follower to the circus (method to remove a trapped follower)

||C1 ||Zotto ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/91) ||Abbey and Mayor
(Abtei und Bürgermeister)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||18 ||0 ||6x Abbey |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol AbbeyMayor C1C2.png ||CarcF ||City / Fields / Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/92) ||Abbey and Mayor
(Abtei und Bürgermeister)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Telecaster ||18 ||0 ||6x Abbey |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol AbbeyMayor WD Tel.png [1] ||CarcF ||City / Fields / Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/93) ||Alternative Monasteries
(Zusätzliche Klöster)


5 new monasteries to create your own tiles

||WD ||Seli ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/94) ||Base Game and Extra Tiles
(Telecasters Grundspiel und Ergänzungskarten)


WD version of tiles from HiG's Base Game, plus 12 extra tiles

||WD ||Telecaster ||84 ||1 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/95) ||Castles in Germany
(Burgen in Deutschland)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli ||6 ||0 ||Double sized |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol CastlesGermany C1.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/96) ||Cathedrals in Germany
(Kathedralen in Deutschland)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol GermanCathedrals C1.png ||CarcF ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/97) ||Cathedrals in Germany
(Kathedralen in Deutschland)


WE version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WE ||Seli ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol GermanCathedrals C1.png ||CarcF ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/98) ||Corn Circles
(Die Kornkreise)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto & Safari ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol CropCircles C1C2.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/99) ||Corn Circles I
(Die Kornkreise I)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; images in forum thread only

||WD ||Telecaster ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/100) ||Corn Circles II
(Die Kornkreise II)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto & Safari ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol CropCircles C1C2.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/101) ||Cult, Siege and Creativity


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/102) ||Darmstadt
(Darmstadt spielt)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli & Spielekreis Darmstadt ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Darmstadt C1.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/103) ||Essen Spiel 2014
(Messe Spiel! in Essen 2014)


WD version of tile from HiG's published expansion; image in forum thread only

||WD ||Zotto ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/104) ||Essen Spiel 2015
(Messe Spiel! in Essen 2015)


WE version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WE ||Wolf120 ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/105) ||Extra Tunnel
(Die Tunnel Extra)


WD version of tiles from "Extra Tunnel" by Quevy

||WD ||Zotto & Quevy ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Spielbox.png ||CarcF ||Tunnel ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/106) ||Forests
(Die Wälder)


WD version of tiles from "Forests" by Scott and Novelty; two instances on CarcF, but appear to be the same (see thread ID 2420, which doesn't include the rules)

||WD ||Seli & Scott & Novelty ||150 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/107) ||Fountain of Youth
(Die Jungbrunnen)


WD version of tiles from "Fountain of Youth" by Meepleater

||WD ||Seli & Meepleater ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Wells ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/108) ||Games Quarterly 11 : Winter 2006


WD version of tiles from the published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol GQ11 WD Zotto.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/109) ||Green Dragon
(Grüne Drache)


WD version of tiles from "Green Dragon" by Scott and Novelty

||WD ||Seli & Scott & Novelty ||60 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol GreenDragon WD.png ||CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/110) ||Half and Half HiG
(Halb so wild HiG)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||12 ||0 ||Half sized |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Halflings2 C1.png ||CarcF ||Halflings ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/111) ||Half and Half SpielBox
(Halb so wild Spielbox)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||12 ||0 ||Half sized |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Spielbox.png ||CarcF ||Halflings ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/112) ||Inns and Cathedrals
(Wirtshäuser und Kathedralen)


WE version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WE ||Plattenleger ||18 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol InnsCathedrals C1C2.png ||CarcF ||City / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/113) ||Inns and Cathedrals
(Wirtshäuser und Kathedralen)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||18 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol InnsCathedrals C1C2.png ||CarcF ||City / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/114) ||Inns and Cathedrals
(Wirtshäuser und Kathedralen)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Telecaster ||18 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol TradersBuilders C1.png [2] ||CarcF ||City / Road ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/115) ||Log Cabins
(Die Blockhäuser)


WD version of tiles from "Log Cabins" by Novelty

||WD ||Seli & Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/116) ||Mage and Witch
(Magier und Hexe)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol MageWitch C1C2.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/117) ||Monasteries in Germany
(Klöster in Deutschland)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png ||CarcF ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/118) ||Monasteries in Germany
(Klöster in Deutschland)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; images in forum thread only

||WD ||Telecaster ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png ||CarcF ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/119) ||Monasteries in Holland and Belgium
(Klöster in den Niederlande)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png ||CarcF ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/120) ||Monasteries in Holland and Belgium
(Klöster in Holland)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; images in forum thread only

||WD ||Telecaster ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Monasteries C1C2.png ||CarcF ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/121) ||Monasteries on the River
(Klöster am Fluss)


Tiles with new monasteries on the banks of a river

||WD ||Seli & Zotto ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol KlosterAmFluss WD Zotto.png ||CarcF ||Monastic / River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/122) ||Outposts
(Die Aussenposten)


WD version of tiles from "Outposts" by Novelty

||WD ||Seli & Novelty ||16 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/123) ||River I
(Der Eisfluss (River I))


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||12 ||12 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Eisfluss WD Zotto.png ||CarcF ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/124) ||River II
(Der Fluss II)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||12 ||12 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol CountKingRobber C1C2.png ||CarcF ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/125) ||Santa Claus
(Der Nikolaus)


WD version of tiles from "Santa Claus" by Fritz_Spinne

||WD ||Zotto & Fritz_Spinne ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol StNikolaus WD Zotto.png ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/126) ||Scoring Tiles (50-1000)
(Die Zählkarten (50-1000))


Winter Download version Score Tiles in a range of values between 50 and 1000

||WD ||Seli ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Score ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/127) ||Scoring Tiles (50/100)
(Die Zählkarten (50/100))


50/100 Score Tiles for WE (and WD) version

||WE ||Carcatronn ||12 ||0 ||6x50, 6x100 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Score ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/128) ||The Abbot
(Der Abt)


Tiles from C2 with gardens created in WD style, includes 3 extra tiles

||WD ||Telecaster ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Abbot C2.png ||CarcF ||Garden ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/129) ||The Abbot
(Der Abt)


Tiles from C2 with gardens created in WD style, including the 3x extra tiles included by Telecaster

||WD ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Abbot C2.png ||CarcF ||Garden ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/130) ||The Beseigers
(Die Belagerer)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Besiegers C1.png ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/131) ||The Beseigers III
(Die Belagerer III)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Besiegers C1.png ||CarcF ||City / Forest / Mountain ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/132) ||The Catapult
(Das Katapult)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Catapult C1.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/133) ||The Cathars
(Die Katharer)


WD version of tiles from the published SpielBox expansion

||WD ||Seli ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Cathars C1.png ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/134) ||The Count of Carcassonne
(Der Graf von Carcassonne)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli ||12 ||0 ||4x3 Start Block |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/135) ||The Ferries
(Die Fähren)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Ferries C1C2.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/136) ||The Festival
(Das Fest)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Logo Festival10.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/137) ||The Flier
(Die Fluggeräte)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Flier C1C2.png ||CarcF ||Flier ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/138) ||The Forest v2.0
(Die Wälder v2.0 [Andreas J. Haselbeck (Cosalo), Tanja Pöschl])


WD version of tiles from "The Forest v2.0"

||WD ||Seli & Andreas J. Haselbeck & Cosalo &Tanja Pöschl ||65 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol WalderV2 WD.png ||CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/139) ||The Gingerbread Man
(Der Lebkuchenmann)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/140) ||The Gingerbread Man
(Der Lebkuchenmann)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Telecaster ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol GingerbreadMan WE.png ||CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/141) ||The Gold Mines
(Die Goldminen)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol GoldMines C1C2.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/142) ||The Place of Worship and the Heretic
(Die Kultstätte und der Ketzer)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||5 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol CountKingRobber C1C2.png ||CarcF ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/143) ||The Plague
(Die Pest)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Spielbox.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/144) ||The Princess and The Dragon
(Burgfräulein und Drache)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||30 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol PrincessDragon C1C2.png ||CarcF ||City / Dragon ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/145) ||The River BB5
(Der Fluss BB5)


WD version of new tiles from HiG's published expansion; tile images in forum thread

||WD ||Zotto ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol RiverIII C1C2.png ||CarcF ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/146) ||The Robbers
(Die Räuber)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Robbers C1C2.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/147) ||The School
(Die Schule)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/148) ||The Tower
(Der Turm)


WE version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WE ||Plattenleger ||18 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Tower ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/149) ||The Tower
(Der Turm)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||18 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Tower C1C2.png ||CarcF ||Tower ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/150) ||The Tunnel Expansion
(Die Tunnel Erweiterung)


Additional tiles for use with "Tunnels"

||WD ||Zotto ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Spielbox.png ||CarcF ||Road / Tunnel ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/151) ||The Wells of Carcassonne
(Die Brunnen von Carcassonne)


WD version of tiles from "The Wells of Carcassonne" by Ricy

||WD ||Seli & Ricy ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Wells ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/152) ||The Wheel of Fortune
(Das Schicksalsrad)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; includes base game and special tiles

||WD ||Zotto ||73 ||1 ||3x Wheel (2x2, 3x3, 4x4) |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||WOF C1 Expansion Watermark.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/153) ||The Wheel of Fortune
(Das Schicksalsrad)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; numbered tiles only

||WD ||Telecaster ||24 ||0 ||1x Wheel (3x3) |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/154) ||The Wheel of Fortune Expansion
(Das Schicksalsrad als Erweiterung)


Additional tiles for use with "Wheel of Fortune"

||WD ||Zotto ||27 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||WOF C1 Expansion Watermark.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/155) ||The Wheel of Fortune Extra
(Schicksalsrad Extra)


Additional tiles for use with "Wheel of Fortune", with features from published expansions

||WD ||Zotto ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||WOF C1 Expansion Watermark.png ||CarcF ||Windrose ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/156) ||The Wind Rose I HiG
(Die Windrosen I HiG)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Windrose ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/157) ||The Wind Rose II SpielBox
(Die Windrosen II SpielBox)


WD version of tiles from SpielBox's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Windrose ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/158) ||Timber!
(Baum fällt)


WD version of tiles from "Timber" by Scott and Novelty

||WD ||Seli & Scott & Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Forest / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/159) ||Traders and Builders
(Händler und Baumeister)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol TradersBuilders C1.png ||CarcF ||City / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/160) ||Traders and Builders
(Händler und Baumeister)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion; uses Builder expansion symbol rather than the original pig

||WD ||Telecaster ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol TradersBuilders WD Tel.png [3] ||CarcF ||City / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/161) ||Wells
(Die Brunnen)


WD version of tiles from "Wells" by Meepleater

||WD ||Seli & Meepleater ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Wells ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/162) ||Winter Animals
(Winter Tierkarten)


WD version of animal tiles from Winter Edition

||WD ||Telecaster ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/163) ||Winter Expansion
(Eigene Erweiterung)


New landscape tiles to expand the base game

||WD ||Telecaster ||48 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol WinterExp WD Tel.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/164) ||Wishing Wells
(Die Wunschbrunnen)


WD version of tiles from "Wishing Wells" by Meepleater

||WD ||Seli & Novelty ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol WishingWells WD.png ||CarcF ||Wells ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/165) ||Zotto's Animal Tiles
(Zottos Tiere)


WD version of animal tiles from HiG's "Winter Edition"

||WD ||Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/166) ||Zotto's Extra Tiles
(Ergänzung Grundspiel)


New landscape tiles to expand the base game

||WD ||Zotto ||48 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol ErgGrund WD Zotto.png ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/167) ||Fishermen


WD version of tiles from "Fishermen" by Novelty

||WD ||Seli & Novelty ||60 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/168) ||Storehouses and Paths
(Lagerhäuser und Pfade)


WD version of tiles from "Storehouses and Paths" by EXIT191

||WD ||Seli & EXIT191 ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/169) ||The Development of the River Landscape
(Der Ausbau der Flusslandschaft)


WD version of tiles from the same expansion by Zotto

||WD ||Seli & Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/170) ||The Leprechaun
(Irischer Kobold)


WD version of tiles from "The Leprechaun" by Carcatronn

||WD ||Seli & Carcatronn ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Leprechaun.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/171) ||The Training Ground
(Der Übungsplatz)


WD version of tiles from "The Training Ground" by Lars120

||WD ||Seli & Lars120 ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/172) ||Woodlands
(Die Waldländer)


WD version of tiles from "Woodlands" by Novelty

||WD ||Seli & Novelty ||30 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/173) ||An Apple a Day
(Ein Apfel am Tag)


WD version of tiles from "An Apple A Day" by Cappy

||WD ||Seli & Cappy ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Forest / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/174) ||Castle, Forge and Marketplace
(Schloss, Schmiede und Marktplatz)


WD version of tiles from the expansion by Lomion.de

||WD ||Seli & Lomion ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol CastleForgeMarket WD.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/175) ||Circles in the Forest
(Kornkreise im Wald)


WD version of tiles from "Circles in the Forest" by Leven; includes 2x additional English direction tiles

||WD ||Seli & Leven ||26 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/176) ||City and Lake Connections
(Stadt See Verbindung)


WD version of tiles from the same expansion by Zotto

||WD ||Seli & Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||City / Lake ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/177) ||Divided Cities
(Geteilte Stadt)


WD version of tiles from C2 "Divided Cities" by Wolnic, converted to C1 by KlausiMausi and Fährmann

||WD ||Seli & Wolnic & KlausiMausi & Fährmann ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/178) ||Dragon Riders and Slayers
(Drachenreiter und Drachentöter)


WD version of tiles from "Dragon Riders and Slayers" by jeRm!

||WD ||Seli & jeRm! ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Dragon ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/179) ||Fairy Queen and Prince
(Feenkönigin und Prinz)


WD version of tiles from "Fairy Queen and Prince" by jeRm!

||WD ||Seli & jeRm! ||5 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||City / Dragon ||

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/180) ||Family Feud


WD version combining tiles from various expansions such as "Family Feud" by Frédérick Renaud and JPutt927

||WD ||Seli & Frédérick Renaud & JPutt927 ||84 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/181) ||Family Feud 2
(Familienfehde 2)


WD version of tiles from "Family Feud" by Frédérick Renaud; original expansion of 30 tiles included some duplicates, and this set appears to be incomplete

||WD ||Seli & Frédérick Renaud ||23 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/182) ||Farmer's Happiness 1+2
(Bauernglück 1+2)


WD version of tiles from "Farmer's Happiness" by Unknown Author

||WD ||Seli ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol FarmersHeaven WD.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/183) ||Farmer's Heaven
(Bauern Himmel)


WD version of tiles from "Farmers Heaven" by Murphy013

||WD ||Seli & Murphy013 ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol FarmersHeaven WD.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/184) ||Fisherman and Coast
(Fischer und Küste)


WD version of tiles from "Fisherman and Coast" by Freetower; original expansion of 24 tiles which may have included duplicates

||WD ||Seli & Freetower ||19 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Fishermen / Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/185) ||Lakelands


WD version of tiles from "Lakelands" by Guido Kämmer

||WD ||Seli & Guido Kämmer ||48 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Lake ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/186) ||Lakes and Fishmongers
(Seen und Fischhändler)


WD version of tiles from "Lakes and Fishmongers" by Quevy; original contained 45 tiles

||WD ||Seli & Quevy ||40 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol LakesFishmongers WD.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Lake / Fishermen ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/187) ||Lighthouses and Water
(Leuchtturm und Wasser)


WD version of tiles from "Lighthouses and Water" by Marcus Müller

||WD ||Seli & Marcus Müller ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/188) ||Lord of the Manor
(Die Gutsherren)


WD version of tiles from "Lord of the Manor" by Scott; original expansion comprised 4 tiles, 2x of each design

||WD ||Seli & Scott ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/189) ||Manufactory
(Die Manufakturen)


WD version adapted from tiles in "Manufactory" by Lemmy77

||WD ||Seli & Lemmy77 ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/190) ||Meadow Fight


Incomplete WD version of tiles from "Wiesenkampf" by unknown author; original expansion had 12 tiles

||WD ||Seli & Unknown ||11 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol Wiesenkampf WD.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/191) ||Mills and Bakeries
(Mühlen und Bäckereien)


WD version of tiles from "Mills and Bakeries" by JPutt927

||WD ||Seli & JPutt927 ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/192) ||Mills and Fortified Towers
(Mühlen und Wehrtürme)


WD version of tiles from "Mills and Fortified Towers" by Karsten Both

||WD ||Seli & Cartsten Both & Zedo66 ||13 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/193) ||River By The Lake (aka River System)
(Der Fluss am See)


WD version of tiles from "River System" by Guido Kämmer

||WD ||Seli & Guido Kämmer ||11 ||0 ||1x tile to connect with lake |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Lake / River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/194) ||Rivers and Harbours
(Flüsse und Häfen)


WD version of "Rivers and Harbours" by Manfred Stenzel; original used two sets of river tiles and additional road tiles, converted to rivers, but this includes tile designs

||WD ||Seli & Manfred Stenzel ||27 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/195) ||Sea, Fisherman and Lighthouse
(See, Fischer und Leuchtturm)


WD version of tiles from the expansion by Karsten Engels

||WD ||Seli & Carsten Engels ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Fishermen / Lake ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/196) ||Stone Circles and Ley Lines
(Steinkreise und Brachlandlinien)


WD version of tiles from "Stone Cirtcles and Ley Lines" by Wolnic

||WD ||Seli & Wolnic ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol StoneCirclesLeyLines.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/197) ||The Landowners
(Die Großgrundbesitzer)


WD version of tiles from "The Landowners" by Marcus Gwiasda

||WD ||Seli & Marcus Gwiasda ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/198) ||The Little Forest
(Kleiner Wald)


WD version of tiles from "The Little Forest" by Quevy

||WD ||Seli & Quevy ||11 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol LittleForest WD.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/199) ||The Medieval Expansion : The Orders of Chivalry
(Die Ritterorden)


WD version of tiles from "Orders of Chivalry" by Joff

||WD ||Seli & Joff ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol OrdersChivalry WD.png ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/200) ||The Ocean
(Das Meer)


WD version of tiles from "The Ocean" series of expansions by skipboris, which also includes "Buried Treasure", "Deltas", Men of the Sea" and "Turbulent Waters"

||WD ||Seli & Skipboris ||325 ||0 ||4x 5-tile blocks |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/201) ||The Pig Herders
(Die Schweinehirten)


WD version of tiles from "The Pig Herders" by Big_Guy

||WD ||Seli & Big Guy ||1 ||0 ||2x2 Pig Farm |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/202) ||The Second River
(Der zweite Fluss)


WD version of tiles from Zotto's expansion, adapted from an original River expansion

||WD ||Seli & Zotto ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/203) ||Troubadours
(Die Minnesänger)


WD version of tiles from "Troubadours" by JPutt927

||WD ||Seli & JPutt927 ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/204) ||Wood and Water
(Wald und Wasser)


WD version of tiles from "Wood and Water" by Marcus Müller

||WD ||Seli & Marcus Müller ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Lake / Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/205) ||Wood and Water (Alternative)
(Wald und Wasser Alternativen)


Some alternative tile designs for use with "Wood and Water"

||WD ||Seli ||5 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Lake / Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showMusing" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(T/206) ||City Gates
(Die Stadttore)


Sample WD version of tile from "City Gates" by Fritz_Spinne

||WD ||Seli ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||City ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/207) ||Cult, Siege and Creativity


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||see CarcF Fan Expansion Catalogue 5.4.77 ||City / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/208) ||Essen Spiel 2014/2015
(Messe Spiel! in Essen 2014/2015)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF
Download disabled || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/209) ||Essen Spiel 2014/2015
(Messe Spiel! in Essen 2014/2015)


WE version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WE ||Seli ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF
Download disabled || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/210) ||Japanese Buildings
(Japanische Bauwerke)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Seli ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF
Download disabled ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/211) ||Japanese Buildings
(Japanische Bauwerke)


WE version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WE ||Seli ||6 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF
Download disabled ||Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/212) ||Prayer Labyrinth
(Das Gebetslabyrinth)


WD version of tiles from "The Prayer Labyrinth" by Josh Gadreau, Caleb Wong and Quevy

||WD ||Seli & Josh Gadreau & Caleb Wong & Quevy ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||see CarcF Fan Expansion Catalogue 5.4.54 || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/213) ||The Labyrinth
(Die Irrgärten)


WD version of tiles from "The Labyrinth" by CARC_Zoner

||WD ||Seli & CARC_Zoner ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/214) ||The Labyrinth of Carcassonne
(Die Labyrinthe von Carcassonne)


WD version of tile from SpielDoch expansion

||WD ||Seli ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol SpielDoch.png ||CarcF
Download disabled || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/215) ||The Labyrinth of Carcassonne
(Die Labyrinthe von Carcassonne)


WD version of tile from SpielDoch expansion

||WE ||Seli ||1 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol SpielDoch.png ||CarcF
Download disabled || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/216) ||The Shrines
(Die Kultstätten)


WD version of tiles from HiG's published expansion

||WD ||Zotto ||5 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol CountKingRobber C1C2.png ||see CarcF Fan Expansion Catalogue 5.4.18 ||Monastic / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted showOther" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/217) ||The Stable of Bethlehem
(Der Stall von Bethlehem)


Based on "The School" this uses an Angel instead of the Teacher to score extra points when roads are completed

||WD ||Seli ||1 ||1 ||1x Double sized |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/218) ||Winter Scoring Tiles (50-500)
(Die Wertungskarten (50-500))


Monochrome Winter-style Scoring Tiles with Cloisters for values 50 to 500 in steps of 50; second document link in thread as first link has no "250" value

||WD ||Strix ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Score ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/219) ||The Mount of the Duke


WD version of tiles from "The Mount of the Duke" by Jose Barros; no public download available

||WD ||Seli & José Barros Alonso ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum
CarcF ||Forest / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/220) ||Fluvium Source


Alternative river sources

||C2 ||Wolnic ||8 ||8 ||8x river source |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/221) ||River Source Double Tiles


Some new river source tiles - double sized - including one with a volcano, so the Dragon can join in the fun from the start

||C2 ||Oldbonz ||4 ||0 ||4x Double Tiles |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/222) ||Flying Machines 2


New tiles featuring Flying Machines, but this time with cities, rather than roads

||C1/C2 ||Snearone ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol FlyingMachines2.png ||CarcC
CarcC Forum ||City / Flier ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/223) ||Coniferous Forest
(Die Nadelwälder)


Includes all known expansions with forests (45+) converted to coniferous forest; tile count not easily available, 1000 estimated based on known Forest expansions; tiles only, no rules or tokens included

||C1 ||KlausiMausi ||1000 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Forest ||Tile Nadelwalder.png

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/224) ||Westward Expansion Ocean Base


Strip of ten tiles to replicate the starting coastal strip from "New World" / "Mayflower"

||C1 ||Scott Myers ||1 ||1 ||1x strip of ten tiles |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/225) ||Westward Expansion Ocean Addition


Modification of "Westward Expansion Ocean Base" to split it into 2x 5-tile sections, with the addition of a 3 tile section including river mouth, and a single river mouth tile

||C1 ||Eric Miller ||4 ||4 ||2x 1x5 coastal strip
1x 1x3 river mouth |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||Ocean / River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/226) ||Underpasses


Tiles with tunnel entrances similar to "The Tunnel", but for C2; new designs to avoid possible conflict with original publishers

||C2 ||Oldbonz ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Tunnel ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/227) ||The Festival 15
(Das Fest 15)


Conversion of the C2 "15th Festival" tiles to C1; tiles are based on C1 version, but with fairground added; download currently disabled

||C1 ||KlausiMausi ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF
Download disabled ||C2=>C1 ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/228) ||Map Germany Cities


Individual tiles based on the named city spaces pre-printed on the German Map, released by HiG; tile designs in thread

||C2 ||PresetM ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City / Map ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/229) ||Map Iberian Peninsula Cities


Individual tiles based on the named city spaces pre-printed on the Iberian Map, released by HiG; no tile images available

||C2 ||PresetM ||9 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||City / Map ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showMusing showOther" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(T/230) ||The Lakes


Adds a small lake, covering the corner of four tiles that can be used at the start of the game

||WE ||Oldbonz ||4 ||4 ||2x2 block |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/231) ||Fortress Road


C2 update of "Castle Lords"; 3 tile designs in thread

||C2 ||Oldbonz ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Road ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/232) ||Fish Huts


Contains river segments and fish-smoking huts; followers can be deployed to the huts and score points when the hut is completed; later updated and expanded

||WD ||Seli & Jörg Krühne ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/233) ||Kettle of Fish
(Schöne Bescherung)


Adds tiles with icons that increase the value of a river, and fish trade goods

||WD ||Seli & Novelty ||30 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Fishermen / River / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/234) ||Swan Lake


Adds swans that increase the value of a river; should be played with "Fishermen", and includes 3 tiles for use with "Forests"

||WD ||Seli & Novelty ||15 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcF ||Fishermen / River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/235) ||The Horse
(Das Pferd)


The horse is moved around the board as roads are completed; if a feature completes with the horse present on any of its tiles, there is a bonus to the scoring player

||WD ||Seli & jeRm! ||7 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol TheHorse WD.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||Road ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/236) ||The Well & The Donkey
(Der Brunnen und der Esel)


When The Donkey tile is placed, each player in that city loses one of their followers from the city; if a Wheat Field tile is placed, any Wheat tokens in a connected city are given to the farmer, not the player that closed the city; similarly for the vineyard tile and any Barrel tokens; WD conversion

||WD ||Seli & jeRm! ||10 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Symbol WellDonkey WD.png ||CarcC
CarcF ||City / Fields / Tokens ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/237) ||City Borders


7 tile designs with city walls extending into the corners of the tiles; several occur as duplicates in the mix

||C1 ||Unknown ||12 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||City / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/238) ||New Cloisters


Tiles with new configurations, each containing a cloisters, some of which have subsequently appeared in other expansions

||C1 ||Unknown ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Monastic / Missing ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/239) ||Mayflower/New World in C1 style
(Mayflower in Grafik von Doris M.)


Tile designs from Mayflower/New World created in the C1 artwork style of Doris Matthäus; some duplication of designs - some with symbol, and some without

||C1 ||Seli ||35 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showMusing" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(T/240) ||Empty Meadows
(Leere Wiesen)


Examples of field only tiles, without any major features; no special rules; see "The Missing Monastery"

||C1 ||Tateurdina & Seli & PresetM ||2 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showMusing" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(T/241) ||The Missing Monastery
(Das verschwundene Kloster)


Examples of field only tiles, without any major features; no special rules; see "Empty Meadows"

||C1 ||Kai ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Fields ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/242) ||Carcassonne: Colony


Sci-fi based spin-off of Carcassonne; includes 5 sets of player tokens rather than meeples

||n/a ||Armored Bore ||92 ||0 ||1x score board |data-sort-value="1"| ||8x tokens per player |data-sort-value="1"| ||Instructables.com ||Rebrand ||Tile Colony.png

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/243) ||Pokemon Carcassonne Masters with River


Re-branding based on Pokemon; includes 12x river tiles

||n/a ||Directordan86 ||86 ||13 ||1x score board |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||Rebrand ||Tile PokemonMasters.png

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/244) ||Minimalist Carcassonne


Minimalist rebranding, with flat areas of colour representing cities and fields, and thick line for roads; PDF includes 3x copies of river

||n/a ||Thrap ||84 ||13 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||BGG ||Rebrand ||Tile Minimalist.png

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/245) ||Forests
(Die Wälder)


WD version of "Forests" by Scott and Novelty; uses different tree design to other WD Forest expansions; so may pre-date others

||WD ||Zotto ||150 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| || ||Forest ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/246) ||Coastal Bridges


For use with "The Coast" (and similar expansions), this includes tiles with coastline and bridges that continue from one tile to the next, linking the mainland with small islands and islets

||C1 ||Wolnic ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/247) ||Coastal Bridges


For use with "The Coast" (and similar expansions), this includes tiles with coastline and bridges that continue from one tile to the next, linking the mainland with small islands and islets

||C2 ||Wolnic ||28 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC ||Ocean ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/248) ||Pinkassonne


Inspired by a HiG April Fool in 2023, where a request for a new theme to fit with HiG's 40th Anniversary resulted, they claimed, in a win for their "Pretty In Pink" design; this is that idea made real, based on 20th Anniversary edition of Carcassonne!

||n/a ||Ker42 ||84 ||1 ||12x River |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Rebrand ||Tile Pinkassonne.png

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/249) ||Gazprom Carcassonne


Designed for Gazprom's museum; 2 types of tiles - Exploration and Production; 12 tile designs for each stage; tiles only; CarcCz version includes other tile layouts expanding the Exploration phase to set of 60 tiles; DeviantArt login required to get original file rather than low-res "public" version

||n/a ||ShilloInAss ||24 ||1 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||DeviantArt CarcCz ||Rebrand ||Tile Gazprom.png

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/250) ||Disney World Carcassonne


Completed as a personal project for a friend of the designer; CarcCz version has been expanded to create a complete set of 72 tiles

||n/a ||Mira Fitzsimons ||41 ||1 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||Behance CarcCz ||Rebrand ||Tile Disneyworld.png

|- class="showNewTiles showMusing" |style="background-color:Lavender"|(T/251) ||The Hills Around Carcassonne
(Die Hügel um Carcassonne (Arbeitstitel))


Several tile designs with areas of hills which could be used instead of Mountains; not developed further

||C1 ||PresetM ||3 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF ||Mountain ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/252) ||Another German Castle
(Noch eine deutsche Burg)


A new German Castle design (Burg Linn), for the Winter Download version

||WD ||Seli ||2 ||0 ||1x double tile |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/253) ||Saphirstein's World
(Saphirsteins Welt)


Simple tile designs of castle-like structures set on a single field tile; 4 designs; no usage idea

||C1 ||Saphirstein ||4 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment showOther" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/254) ||The Rivers and the Count of Carcassonne
(Die Flüsse und der Graf von Carcassonne)


8x tiles with river source that can be used to substitute some of the individual tiles for "The City of Carcassonne" (not the large tile blocks); based on an earlier, now unavailable, expansion

||C1 ||Seli ||8 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcF || ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showLost" |style="background-color:MistyRose"|(T/255) ||Forest River


Tiles combine river and forests, a few also with city sections; original author and download/info unknown

||C1 ||Unknown ||24 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Forest / River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/256) ||Halfling Abbey


Halfling Abbey tile, placement rules being discussed

||C2 ||Matisek & Snearone ||1 ||0 ||1x Triangular tile |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcC Forum ||Halflings / Monastic ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/257) ||River Start 2x2


2x2 tile blocks with 2 or 4 river connections, for use as start tiles

||C1 ||Matisek ||2 ||2 ||2x2 tile blocks |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcC Forum ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showCompleted" |style="background-color:Honeydew"|(T/258) ||River Start 2x2


2x2 tile blocks with 2 or 4 river connections, for use as start tiles

||C2 ||Matisek ||2 ||2 ||2x2 tile blocks |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC
CarcC Forum ||River ||-

|- class="showNewTiles showUnderDevelopment" |style="background-color:AntiqueWhite"|(T/259) ||Pyrenees for C2


An updated version of "Pyrénées" tiles for C2 including tile features from a wide selection of recent published and fan expansions

||C2 ||bohun ||30 ||0 |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| |data-sort-value="1"| ||CarcC Forum ||Mountain ||-

  1. Uses the Mayor symbol in place of the standard "Barn" symbol
  2. Uses the Pig symbol from "Traders and Builders" in place of the standard "Meeple" symbol
  3. Uses the Builder symbol in place of the standard "Pig" symbol