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– Fully official clarifications from Hans im Glück the original publisher of Carcassonne or author of expansion. Additionally, these official clarifications may be written in a question and answer format, although an effort has been made to keep clarifications concise. Occasionally, official clarifications from other publishers (e.g. Rio Grande Games in the case of the
Games Quarterly #11 expansion) are also written in this format.
– Derivation of official rules explaining other expansion interaction or clarification of rule.
– CarcassonneCentral, WiCa or CAR authors rule interpretation and clarification with title
– Community Rules agreed to address certain open questions not officially clarified by Hans im Glück
– Questions that we still don’t have an official answer for (or even a good suspicion of).
– Commonly-used house rules or house variants.
– Differences between different rule sets (such as noting older rules) or major disparity in the rules among the different publishers (often due to incorrect translation).
– Old rule which is not valid yet, because was changed or removed from newer editions or releases.
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