South Seas Fan Expansions
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There are several fan-maintained websites that contain fan expansions for Carcassonne and its variants and spin-offs games, including South Seas. The most active are CarcassonneCentral (English), CarcassonneForum (German) and CarcassonneCZ (Czech and Slovak). BoardGameGeek may also contain fan expansion ideas.
Carcassonne Central
Under Development
- Black Flag
- Castaway
- The Cliff
- Coconut
- Pirates Of The South Sea (may be the same as Pirate Ships)
- Pirate Ships
- Robinson
- Scoreboard
- Caribbean (Karibik)
- The Cliffs (Die Klippen)
- Coconut (Kokosnuss)
- The Discoverers (Die Entdecker)
- Martinique
- The Marketplace (Der Marktplatz)
- Message In Bottles (Flaschenpost)
- The Natural Disasters (Die Naturkatastrophen)
- The Pirate Ship (Das Piratenschiff)
- Rapa Nui
- The Scouts (Die Scouts)
- The Sheep (Die Lagerhutten)
- Shipboard (Schiffstafel)
- The Shipwrecked Man (Der Schiffbruchige)
- The Week of Friday (Die Woche des Freitag)
In Development
- "Abbey" ("Abtei")
- Coral Diver (Korallentaucher)
- The Squid Lagoon (Die Tintenfisch-Lagune)
- The Tax on Pearls (Die Perlensteuer)
- The Way to the Mainland (Der Weg zum Festland)
- Friday v2 (Pátek v2)
- Pacific (Pacifik)
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