The Labyrinths (Fan Expansion)

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The Labyrinths mini-expansion adds 3 Labyrinth tiles, to be used alone or in conjunction with the original Labyrinth tile from Spiel Doch! magazine Labyrinth tile from Spiel Doch! magazine. Connect several Labyrinths to create a sprawling road network that is worth fighting hard to own!

The Labyrinths C.png You are reading the rules for this tile design.
If your tiles have a different design, then choose a game from Spin-offs.Rule selection by design Spin-offs.png

Symbol Labyrinths.png

The Labyrinths mini-expansion adds 3 Labyrinth tiles, to be used alone or in conjunction with the original Labyrinth tile from Spiel Doch! magazine Labyrinth tile from Spiel Doch! magazine. Connect several Labyrinths to create a sprawling road network that is worth fighting hard to own!

After being amazed by the appearance of a labyrinthine road in the French countryside, the residents of Carcassonne have found themselves lost in their love for these meandering meeting places. There was only one path forward, of course: build more!

General info

The Labyrinths fan-expansion for Carcassonne Base Game Carcassonne Base Game was released by Carcassonne Central member stalcupojoy (CarcC).


Download notice.png

Please be aware that WikiCarpedia does not assume responsibility for the content of the links provided. The expansions listed are governed by the regulations of their respective websites.
Commercial use of fan expansions is prohibited. These expansions are intended solely for personal use and may not be sold under any circumstances, including at cost price.


  • 3 new land tiles with a labyrinth.
Tile with a labyrinth and 4 road on edges and 4 fields on corners


All rules are same as official expansion The Labyrinth The Labyrinth.

Other Expansions

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Tile Distribution

Total tiles: 3
The Labyrinths A.png ×1
The Labyrinths B.png ×1
The Labyrinths C.png ×1