The Royal Gates (Fan Expansion)

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The Royal Gates joins different cities to one single city.

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The Royal Gateways C2 02.png You are reading the rules for this tile design. The Royal Gateways C1 02.png
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Symbol The Royal Gateways.png

The Royal Gates joins different cities to one single city.

General info

The Royal Gates fan-expansion for Carcassonne Base Game Carcassonne Base Game was released as The Royal Gateways by Carcassonne Central member Snearone (CarcC, CarcCZ) as a rework of The Royal Gates fan-expansion release by Carcassonne Central member stalcupojoy (CarcC), who added a new type of gate to the original fan-expansion The King's Gate by Chris Korfmann & JPutt927. The King's Gate was also released in a WD edition made by seli82.


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Please be aware that WikiCarpedia does not assume responsibility for the content of the links provided. The expansions listed are governed by the regulations of their respective websites.
Commercial use of fan expansions is prohibited. These expansions are intended solely for personal use and may not be sold under any circumstances, including at cost price.




Mix the four tiles with the other tiles being used for the game.


Feature King's Gateway C2.png
1. Placing a tile

Tiles with royal gates are played as usual. When two Feature King's Gateway C2.png King's gates or two Feature Queen's Gateway C2.png Queen's gates are placed in different cities, these cities are considered to be the same city. If both gates of the same type are played in the same city, there is no effect.

It is also possible to connect three cities by placing one King's gate and one Queen's gate in the same city, and the other King's gate and Queen's gate in separate cities.

2. Placing a meeple

You may place a meeple according to the usual rules.

A meeple may not be deployed to the gate itself. All meeples placed in each part of cities connected by the King’s Gate or Queen's Gate are counted together when determining which player has the majority in the city. Each part of connected cities shares meeples and other figures placed there.

Example 1: Red cannot deploy a meeple on the placed tile, because both cities are connected by King's gates and occupied by Blue.
Example 2: Red can place a meeple on the placed tile, as there is no city with a second Queen's Gate on the board. These two cities are not connected by gates.
3. Scoring a feature

The city with parts connected by any of the royal gates is finished only if it contains:

  1. Two King's gates and none of the Queen's gates
  2. Two Queen's gates and none of the King's gates
  3. Two King's gates and two Queen's gates

It is also possible to connect three cities by placing one King's gate and one Queen's gate in the same city, and the other King's gate and Queen's gate in separate cities. All three parts must be finished for the connected city to be considered complete.

For scoring purposes, each tile of the scored city is counted only once.

All meeples placed in each part of cities connected by the King’s Gate or Queen's Gate are counted together when determining which player has the majority in the city.

Example 3: Red finished cities connected by both King's Gate and Queen's Gate. Red and Blue score 16 points (each tile is counted only once, these three connected cities are considered a single city of 8 tiles). For Red and Yellow, this city is counted as only one city for farmers scoring.
Final Scoring

Connected cities by the same type of royal gate, where at least one city is unfinished, are considered unfinished cities, even if part of one city is finished.

For farmers, connected cities with the same type of royal gate are counted as a single city. Each part of the connected cities must be finished for it to count for farmers. If any part of the connected cities is unfinished, none of them are counted for farmers.

Example 4: Blue's knight scores 5 points for unfinished cities. As these cities have the same type of royal gate, they create one connected city. Each tile is counted as usual, only once.
Blue farmer scores 0 points, because one of the connected cities is still unfinished, so both cities are considered as unfinished.
Example 5: Blue, Red and Yellow scores 3 points, because these three cities are connected by the King's Gate and Queen's Gate and counted as single city.
Example 6: Blue scores 3 points, Red scores 2 points and Yellow scores 0 points. Neither of the cities is finished because another pair of relevant gates is not in any completed city.

Other Expansions

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General rules

Official clarification from the publisher All tile features that affect scoring for either city affect the total score for connected cities.

Official clarification from the publisher All of the separate parts of the city connected by royal gates are considered as an unfinished city for other expansions.

Official clarification from the publisher Separated city parts connected by royal gates are still counted as 1 city.

{{OtherExpansionRule|expansionlink=La PorxadaLa Porxada|selectorid=showPorxada|rules=

Official clarification from the publisher When a player placing the La Porxada tile chooses Scoring bonus connected cities by the royal gates still counts single city for farmers.

Fan Expansions

Tile Distribution

The Royal Gateways C2

Total tiles: 4
Several tiles have a small illustration on them. The letters in brackets show which illustration is on each tile:
Note: The small illustrations of a cowshed, a pigsty and a donkey stable are collectively referred to as sheds or stables.

The Royal Gateways C1

Total tiles: 4

The Royal Gates C1

Total tiles: 4

The King's Gate C1

Total tiles: 2
The King's Gate C1 01.png ×1
edition=C1size=20pxKing's Gate


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