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Revision as of 13:47, 27 August 2024 by Petul (talk | contribs)
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Create Bradcrumbs for page, which is floating over content of page when scroll page. Automatically first value is link to Main Page: Main Page and last one is Translated name of current page. By params it's possible to include another pages in "path" to current page.


  • link1 (optional) - 1st link after Main Page
  • link2 (optional) - 2nd link after Main Page
  • displaytitle (optional) - if page uses different name by {{DISPLAYTITLE}} - use it wisely!
  • mainpagelink (optional) - The link to the main page will change according to the language you set.


Code Description
{{Breadcrumbs}} Breadcrumb for 1st level page
{{Breadcrumbs|link1={{FanExpansionsLink}}}} Breadcrumb for 2nd level page, like current page is subpage of Fan expansions
{{Breadcrumbs|displaytitle=Rewritten name}} Changed name of current page, when used {{DISPLAYTITLE}}
{{Breadcrumbs|mainpagelink=cs}} Sample with modified link to the main page.