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Create a box with special rules for combination with other expansion. It also allows to use expansion selector ID to show/hide this rules box when selected or not selected specific expansion.


  • expansionlink (mandatory): Expansion Link like {{InnsCathedralsLink}}, formated as strong text
  • titleafter (optional): Text showed after content of expansionlink without formating
  • rules (mandatory): Text rules usually in format icon text of rule
  • selectorid (optional): Expansion selector ID like showInns used by Expansion Selector to show/hide by selected expansion by visitor.
  • dynamicselector (optional): Future dynamic selector of combination of expansions need to show this rule, like [ 'OR' , 'showDragon' ,'showFairy'], where first directove is OR, AND, NOT or XOR and other elements can be classes or another array of expression like [ 'AND' , 'showFairy', [ 'OR', 'showDragon', 'showBlackDragon']]


Code Description
{{OtherExpansionRule|expansionlink={{InnsCathedralsLink|edition=C3|variant=long}}|rules={{IconBook|text=Text of rules.}} }} Create Other Expansion Rule box allways visible
{{OtherExpansionRule|expansionlink={{InnsCathedralsLink|edition=C3|variant=long}}|titleafter=or similar expansions|rules={{IconBook|text=Text of rules.}} }} Always visible box with title after content of expansionlink

Exp. 1 - Inns & CathedralsExp. 1 - Inns & Cathedrals - or similar expansions

Official clarification from the publisher Text of rules.